• 本次调查总体目标收集详细资料使分析师制定安全计划目标船只安全具体举措

    The overall goal of this survey is to collect detailed information which will allow analysts to target safety programs and initiatives to specific segments of the boating community.


  • 本周发表于《英国精神病学杂志》这项研究,首次总体饮食抑郁症之间关联性进行了调查

    The study, published this week in the British Journal of Psychiatry, is the first to examine the association between overall diet and depression.


  • 一些非洲国家第一参加此项调查提升了美国总体正面形象。

    African countries were surveyed for the first time, and boosted the overall US positive rating.


  • 虽然所调查区域国家社区消费水平饮酒模式社会环境存有显著不同总体健康负面影响很明确的。

    Levels, patterns and the social context of drinking differ among regions, nations and communities in studies, but the overall negative health results are clear.


  • 机构调查几家金融公司中,全职员工年总收入员工55%,而全国的总体平均差距28%。

    It said women working full-time in the finance firms surveyed earned 55 percent less annual gross salary than men, compared to a pay gap of 28 percent for the economy generally.


  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学他们开展新的调查是因为窃取的电子邮件可能影响公众博士总体科研成果特别是气候科学方面的科研成果的信心

    Penn State said it is undertaking the new inquiry because the purloined emails may be undermining public confidence in Dr. Mann's findings, 'in science in general and climate science specifically.'


  • 该项哈里斯互动开展调查所收集数据代表美国人口总体状况,考虑到了区域、年龄性别受教育程度家庭状况、收入种族等各方面的因素。

    The survey was carried out by Harris Interactive. Datawas weighted to be representative of the total US population based onregion, age, gender, education, household, income, and race


  • 在西北偏南这个调查有趣的,但是没有全面的阐述普遍趋势不管怎样收集了艾瑞总体上的一些观点。

    The SXSW survey was fun, but didn't appear all that illuminating as to more general trends. I did however glean some of Ariely's bigger picture ideas.


  • 这些措施有输家赢家根据财经调查机构报告,大约有5分之1的家庭会因此变得更坏,总体收益就是征税更加简单了。

    The measures will create personal tax losers as well as winners: according to the IFS, around one-fifth of families will be worse off as a result. One overall benefit will be tax simplification.


  • 今年早些时候尼尔森唱片市场调查公司(NielsenSoundScan),2010年,美国音乐销量总体下滑了2.4%。

    Earlier this year, Nielsen (NLSN) SoundScan reported that overall U.S. music sales were down 2.4% in 2010.


  • 调查少数种族青少年精神紊乱症状总体没有白种人只有一个例外

    Racial and ethnic minority youth in the survey generally had no more mental disorders than did white respondents, with one exception.


  • 盖洛普世界民意调查总体持续调查构成它通过一个科学窗口了解世界上98%人口的想法行为

    The overall Gallup world Poll constitutes a continuous survey that provides a scientific window into the thoughts and behaviors of 98 percent of the world's population.


  • 尽管欧洲国家这次调查总体表现良好,但法国德国英国欧洲大陆主要工业国分别仅排到第252629位

    Although European nations generally do well in the survey, the continent's major industrial powers of France, Germany and Britain finish 25th, 26th and 29th respectively.


  • 美国总体社会调查欧洲民意调查盖洛普已经收集了许多这个主题相关数据

    There are already a lot of data on the subject collected by, for instance, America’s General Social Survey, Euro barometer and Gallup.


  • 乌特·迪尔调查只有9%反映总体贫穷生活他们开心

    Only 9% of people in their Udaipur survey say their life makes them generally unhappy.


  • 这项调查受访者总体快乐感生活满意度进行打分,分值范围为110分。

    The study rated respondents on their overall sense of happiness and life satisfaction on a scale of one to 10.


  • 总体来说因为许多物种没有追踪调查,所以我们不同物种本性了解有限。”

    "Generally we know rather little about the performances of different species, as many have not yet been tracked," he said.


  • 皮尤调查中心最近调查发现仅仅四分之一美国人相信篇报道里新闻机构总体把握正确事实

    A recent Pew Center survey found that barely a quarter of Americans believed news organizations generally got the facts right in a story.


  • 总体而言调查显示与女孩相比男孩这个年龄段可能身体质量指数较高

    Overall, boys were more likely than girls to have a high BMI for their age, according to the study.


  • 调查证据显示总体规律下,还有一定程度的变动

    The evidence also shows that within this overall picture, there is a fair degree of movement.


  • 卡内基·梅隆大学调查发现总体来说提醒医生们牺牲会改变他们对收取好处这一行为的看法

    Overall, the researchers from Carnegie Mellon found that reminding doctors of the sacrifices they've made improves their view of gifts.


  • 总体来说研究中14%参与调查患上了代谢综合症

    Overall, 14 percent of the study participants developed metabolic syndrome.


  • 这项民意调查格比国际调查机构美国在线联合开展,共有7113名年龄20岁至69岁之间美国参加,总体来看,44%的受访者他们需要用婚姻证明爱情

    Overall, 44 per cent of the 7, 113 Americans aged 20 to 69 who took part in the poll by Zogby International and AOL Personals said they didn't need marriage to validate their relationships.


  • 这项民意调查格比国际调查机构美国在线联合开展,共有7113名年龄20岁至69岁之间美国参加,总体来看,44%的受访者他们需要用婚姻证明爱情

    Overall, 44 per cent of the 7, 113 Americans aged 20 to 69 who took part in the poll by Zogby International and AOL Personals said they didn't need marriage to validate their relationships.


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