• 购入股票时,按股票购入成本借记权益证券账户现金账户。

    When stocks are purchased, the entire cost of purchasing stocks should be debited to the Marketable Equity Securities account, credited to the cash account.


  • 这种凯恩斯所谓流动偏好控制金融证券价格进而控制利率

    This liquidity-preference, as Keynes called it, governed the price of financial securities and hence the rate of interest.


  • 但是信贷机构争辩他们评级只能衡量违约可能而并不个别证券提出买进建议不能预测市场价格

    But the agencies argue that their ratings are designed to measure the probability of default, not to recommend the purchase of individual securities or to predict market prices.


  • 德瓦尔注意到,在期货交易中不必结清所有款项,证券交易就必须这么做增加交易的可控制

    He notes that futures exchanges do not have to pool the clearing of their trades, as stock exchanges do, which gives them added control.


  • 对于流动证券行政管理人要获取验证这些证券价格成本可能非常高。

    And for illiquid securities, it can get very expensive for an administrator to go out and verify those prices.


  • 如果投资者基于这些事件发生在布里特尼爱丽斯两人身上机率进行证券交易就会各种各样价格,因为相关变动如此之多

    If investors were trading securities based on the chances of these things happening to both Alice and Britney, the prices would be all over the place, because the correlations vary so much.


  • 确切地说基金可以乐观模型来对流动资产定价包括按揭证券其它交换的票据。

    More specifically, the fund could use the most optimistic models to price its illiquid assets, which include mortgage-backed securities and other swaps.


  • 官员争论因为美国其他国家依靠证券市场更多,依靠银行更少危机更多的是因为流动不足而不是无偿还能力

    Officials argue that because America relies more on securities markets and less on Banks than other countries, its crisis was rooted more in illiquidity than in insolvency.


  • 监管者应该承担一个任务,即了解衍生品合成证券如果无法充分评估它们的系统风险,就拒绝它们被创造出来

    It will be the task of regulators to understand derivatives and synthetic securities and refuse to allow their creation if they cannot fully evaluate their systemic risks.


  • 现在问题考虑东欧证券交易进一步联合是板上钉钉的事,那么流动何去何从

    The question now, given that there is bound to be further consolidation of equity trading in eastern Europe, is where that liquidity will go.


  • 这些证券多种保护措施,比如清算优先权投票权-这风投提供下行保护和控制。

    These securities have a variety of protections-such as liquidation preferences and voting rights-that provide VCs with downside protection and control.


  • 近来美国已经废止这项规则,但空头认为这仅仅象征表示,这个世界最大证券交易商场仍有该规则的残余。

    It has recently scrapped this rule, which short-sellers argue was largely symbolic, and it remains in place at only a few of the world's big stock exchanges.


  • 其后证券筛选基于一些诸如到期日流动因素

    Then securities are selected based on factors such as maturity and liquidity.


  • 能够保证它们亏欠大量外债同时也能保证它们货币有价证券少量交易,从而不投机攻击创造任何空间。

    It is reassuring that none of them has much foreign debt, and that their currencies and securities are only lightly traded, creating little scope for a speculative attack.


  • 一系列引人注目收购最近一次大胆收购美林证券帮助美洲银行成为一家全国巨头银行。

    His daring takeover of Merrill Lynch was the latest in a series of high-profile acquisitions that helped transform Bank of America into a national powerhouse.


  • 在目前已经破灭房地产泡沫背后,有着追求回报海量全球流动私人资产证券兴起许多原因

    There were many reasons for the housing bubble that has now burst, from huge amounts of global liquidity seeking high returns to the rise of private-label securitisation.


  • 银行资本受到风险加权的冲击,因为评级为垃圾的债务需要采取惩罚加权,这意味着银行必须它们准备更多资本金,高达顶级评级证券所对应的

    They hit capital in another way, too, because junk-rated debt carries a punitive risk weighting; Banks must set aside five times as much capital as they have to for top-notch securities.


  • 两个途径造成这种结果通过增加复杂通过形成各种市场有价证券更紧密联系它们危险地相互依赖一起。

    It has done this in two ways: by increasing complexity, and by forging tighter links between various markets and securities, making them dangerously interdependent.


  • 中国三大官方证券昨日发表社论指出,市场趋势依然向好,提高印花税只是针对投机投资者

    The country's three official securities newspapers carried editorials yesterday arguing that the market trend was positive and the tax increase was only aimed at speculative investors.


  • 流动强的行业,关于证券交易成本详细的信息

    More liquid sectors will have more detailed information on security level transaction costs.


  • 12家按揭银行贷款行业联合经营的联邦家庭贷款银行也在向这些大型证券承销商索赔

    Five of the 12 Federal Home Loan Banks, industry-owned co-operatives that lend to mortgage banks, are also pressing claims against the big securitisers.


  • 完全替代生物燃料公司已经开始走出实验室,走进证券交易市场并石油公司合作建立第一工厂

    The drop-in firms are starting to come out of the laboratory, float themselves on the stockmarket, team up with oil companies and build their first factories.


  • 定期证券借贷安排规模引起人们开始关注美联储采取行动减少流动危机的时候,却冒着很大信贷风险

    The scale of the TSLF raises concerns that the Fed, in its attempt to reduce liquidity risk, is taking on too much credit risk.


  • 亚洲金融监管机构现在可能将更为谨慎批准任何形式证券结构金融产品

    It is very likely that Asian financial regulators will now be extremely cautious in approving any new forms of securitization and structured financial products.


  • 类似并购使野村证券更快地员工人数提高竞争者相当的水平,提高赢得业务的可能

    Such an acquisition would enable Nomura to bring staff Numbers more quickly into line with competitors, improving its chances of winning mandates.


  • 最近证券大宗商品其他风险资产价格上涨就是明显流动所驱动的。

    Some recent rises in the prices of equities, commodities, and other risky assets is clearly liquidity-driven.


  • 许多证券缺乏流动,且面值还是初始高价

    Many of these are illiquid and still booked at their original, inflated prices.


  • 但是如果很好的话就该知道:所谓市场底部判断已经出错过多次而且莱曼揭露非流动证券实际还有非常大的不确定

    Perhaps with good reason. Market bottoms have already been incorrectly called several times, and there is massive uncertainty over the real value of Lehman's exposure to illiquid securities.


  • 但是如果很好的话就该知道:所谓市场底部判断已经出错过多次而且莱曼揭露非流动证券实际还有非常大的不确定

    Perhaps with good reason. Market bottoms have already been incorrectly called several times, and there is massive uncertainty over the real value of Lehman's exposure to illiquid securities.


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