• 当今先进的生物血小板生长因子PDGF)。

    The most recent biologic modifier is platelet derived growth factor (PDGF).


  • 观察血小板源生长因子PDGF纤维细胞增殖胶原合成影响。

    PURPOSE The study was carried to observe the effect of platelet-drived growth factor(PDGF) on the cellular proliferation and synthesis of procollagen of rat pulmonary fibroblasts (PFbs).


  • 一个理想移植替代材料必须提供骨传导支架、骨诱导生长因子具有成骨细胞

    An ideal bone-graft substitute must provide scaffolding for osteoconduction, growth factors for osteoinduction, and progenitor cells for osteogenesis.


  • 研究人员PDGF(血管源生长因子)放入乳酸中,再把它们放在点阵样、生物可降解支架中。

    Researchers put platelet-derived growth factor into nanoparticles and then attached them to a lattice-like, biodegradable scaffold.


  • 本文综述了目前主要内源生长因子骨折修复过程产生表达研究进展,以期进一步研究提供参考依据

    This article reviews the appearance and expression of the main six kinds of endogenous growth factors up to now during fracture healing, and expects provide clues for future research.


  • 目的观察血小板生长因子b (PDGF - B)损伤大鼠坐骨神经中的表达,旨在阐明末梢神经再生中的作用

    Objective to observe the role of platelet-derived growth factor-B (PDGF-B) in the regeneration of peripheral nerve by studying its expression on injured rat sciatic nerves.


  • 从不吸烟患者一类表皮生长因子受体抑制剂药物反应更好因为类患者有表皮生长因子受体基因突变可能大一些。”鲁丁

    "Patients who never smoked respond better to a certain class of drugs called EGFR inhibitors, because lung cancer in these patients more often contain mutations in the EGFR gene," Rudin says.


  • 以前研究业已表明,绝经后乳腺癌前列腺某些类型结肠癌均与水平IGF-1具有相关,而IGF-1是一种具有较强的促进细胞增殖作用生长因子

    Past research has linked pre-menopausal breast cancer, prostate cancer and certain types of colon cancer to high levels of IGF-1, a powerful growth factor that promotes cell proliferation.


  • 种在研治疗湿amd新药一种重组融合蛋白能结合血管形成关键生长因子蛋白。

    A new medicine in development for the wet form of AMD is a recombinant fusion protein that binds to the growth factor protein that plays a critical role in blood-vessel formation in the eye.


  • 目的:众多血管再生因子中,血管内皮生长因子及其受体2公认促使血管生成关键因素

    OBJECTIVE Vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF and its receptor 2 are the generally accepted key factor on the formation of blood vessel in numerous blood vessel regeneration factors.


  • 目的探讨过敏紫癜(hsp)患儿尿表皮生长因子(EGF)质量浓度检测及其对早期肾损害诊断价值

    Objective to investigate the value of early diagnosis about urine epidermal growth factor (EGF) concentration change in children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura nephritis (HSPN).


  • 目的研究环氧化酶2 (COX 2)表皮生长因子2 (HER 2)乳腺癌中的表达及其相关

    Objective To study the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and HER-2 in human breast cancer and their relationship.


  • 目的观察外伤皮肤溃疡表皮血管内皮生长因子VEGF表达

    Objective To investigate the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) in human skin ulcer margin.


  • 目的探讨结缔组织生长因子口腔黏膜下纤维发病机理中的作用

    To investigate the significance of connective tissue growth factor in the pathogenesis of oral submucous fibrosis.


  • 目的探讨改善微循环周围神经损害血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)表达病理改变影响

    Aim: to study the influences on expression of vascular endothelium growth factor (VEGF) and pathologic changes by improving microcirculation following crushing lesion of sciatic nerve in rats.


  • 目的建立系统表达肝素结合表皮生长因子转基因动物模型,利用转基因动物模型研究HB - EGF与组织纤维化关系。

    Objective to construct heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor transgenic mice in order to investigate the role of HB-EGF in the fibrosis of tissues.


  • 目的研究神经生长因子NGF正常小鼠肥胖糖尿病NOD)小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞过氧化物歧化酶(SOD、丙二醛(MDA含量影响

    Objective To investigate the effect of nerve growth factor(NGF) on the activity of SOD and MDA content of peritoneal macrophages in the normal mice and the nonobase diabetes(NOD) mice.


  • 结论成纤维细胞生长因子有利于电光眼炎角膜上皮愈合甲基纤维素钠有利于患者泪膜稳定

    Conclusion Basic fibroblast growth factor is helpful for the healing of corneal epithelium in electric ophthalmitis, and sodium carboxymethylcellulose helps keep tear film stable.


  • 方法:我们随机分组表皮生长因子受体阳转移、不可切除直肠癌患者接受FOLFIRI单独化疗联合西妥昔单抗化疗。

    Methods We randomly assigned patients with epidermal growth factor receptor-positive colorectal cancer with unresectable metastases to receive FOLFIRI either alone or in combination with cetuximab.


  • 例如委员会使用关于单克隆抗体西妥单抗帕尼单抗(它们抑制转移直肠癌表皮生长因子受体egfr)的数据

    For example, the Panel used data for the monoclonal antibodies cetuximab and panitumumab, which inhibit the EGF receptor (EGFR) in metastatic colorectal cancer.


  • 理想细胞支架应具有一定生物降解速度良好的细胞亲和、呈特定多孔结构,且含有可控制释放生长因子

    For an ideal cells scaffold, it has to possess certain biodegradation rate, good cells affinity, three dimension of multi- porous structure, as well as included controllable released growth factor.


  • 结论胶原凝胶复合bcm支架具有良好的细胞相容作为负载生长因子载体

    Conclusion Combination collagen gel with BCM exhibits excellent cell biocompatibility and can be used as a vehicle for growth factors.


  • 目的观察重组表皮生长因子治疗烧伤创面疗效安全

    Objectives: to observe the efficacy and safety of recombinant human epidermal growth factor in treatment of burn wounds.


  • 目的研究增殖疤痕血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)表达及其疤痕表皮细胞增殖血管新生的关系

    Objective to study the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in proliferative scars, and relationship between the keratinocytes in epidermis and revascularization in scar der-mis.


  • 目的探讨一氧化碳缺氧血管结构重建大鼠肺动脉转移生长因子(TGF)表达影响

    Objective to investigate the impact of transforming growth factor (TGF) in the mechanisms by which carbon monoxide (CO) regulates hypoxic pulmonary vascular remodeling.


  • 目的观察结缔组织生长因子(CTGF)反义rna实验纤维化影响

    Objective to observe the effects of antisense RNA of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) on rat liver fibrosis.


  • 主要成分表皮生长因子egf皮肤亲和素材pmb、通明质酸、丝蛋白

    Main ingredients: Epidermal growth factor-EGF, skin affinity source material-PMB, hyaluronic acid-HA, fibroin, etc.


  • 目的探讨成纤维细胞生长因子银杏叶提取物实验梗死作用

    Objective To study the effects of basic fibroblast growth factor and Gingkgo biloba extra on experimental cerebral infarction.


  • 目的探讨成纤维细胞生长因子银杏叶提取物实验梗死作用

    Objective To study the effects of basic fibroblast growth factor and Gingkgo biloba extra on experimental cerebral infarction.


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