• 每个缔约方框架协议所从事活动专用资金人员其他资源可获得支配

    The activities of each Party under this Framework Agreement are subject to the availability of appropriated funds, personnel, and other resources.


  • 如果我们双脚平放于埃菲尔铁塔地面,我们摆脱一种支配存在的观点。

    If we put both feet squarely on the ground of the Eiffel Tower, we're liberated from the idea that it's a governing presence.


  • 可是,在生物化学界占支配地位,恰恰这样一种往往只能接受某一手精密工具

    But the enzymes that govern biochemistry are such precise tools that, often, only one-handedness is acceptable.


  • 年前中国制造商外国知名品牌完美联姻让TCL变成法国汤姆逊电子有限公司合资支配合作伙伴

    Two years ago, in an iconic deal between a Chinese manufacturer and an overseas company with a well-known brand, TCL became the dominant partner in a joint venture with Thomson Electronics of France.


  • 还在强调个人完整地支配自己时间重要时候,同时也提醒拥有自己的时间并不等于拥有了一切

    While I still stress the importance of you being in complete control of your time, it's also worth mentioning that owning your own time isn't everything.


  • 只有重力可以支配某些放射衰变核力能够使聚集凝固,“弱反应”一术语由此得名。

    Only gravity and a phenomenon called the weak nuclear force, which governs some types of radioactive decay, can bind them—hence the termweakly interacting”.


  • 创新供资机制数量它们支配资源规模一样继续增长

    The number of innovative funding mechanisms continues to grow, as does the size of resources they command.


  • 正是由于人类大脑体积广泛适应我们才得以居住在树上灵长动物演化这个行星支配物种

    It is the size and immense adaptability of the human brain that is responsible for the transformation of our species from tree-dwelling primates into the dominant species on the planet.


  • 收入改变工作的改变家庭费用的改变反映了这种周期变化,其它指标作为支配收入部分个人存款,数十年来已经逐渐减少了。

    Changes in incomes, jobs and home prices reflect this cyclical behavior, while other indicators, like personal savings as a percentage of disposable income, have shown a gradual decline over decades.


  • 贝尔泪水信号可能无关而是支配地位有关:处于劣势的人们可以通过泪水较强个体发送减少攻击的信号。

    Sobel noted that the tear signaling is likely not tied to gender, but rather to dominance: Less dominant people may be sending aggression-reducing messages to stronger individuals via their tears.


  • 至少三种决定因素支配管理结构复杂门户管理所采取方向

    There are at least three determining factors that will dictate the complexity of your governance structure and the direction you take with portal governance.


  • 中产阶级一个基本特点拥有相当数量的可支配收入

    An essential characteristic is the possession of a reasonable amount of discretionary income.


  • 实际支配收入增加只是刺激减税救济金发放增加所致。

    Real disposable incomes have risen only because of stimulus tax breaks and higher benefit payments.


  • 别人所说内容只是一种方法而已,为了争夺支配地位历经斗争,胜利那些才能称为文学

    What other people call content is a device like any other, and it engages in the struggle for dominance with all the other devices that one can identify as aspects of literature.


  • 一部分英语北美支配语言福,根据不同的统计方法,美国劳动力流动欧洲330不等。

    Thanks partly to the overwhelming dominance of English across North America, Labour mobility in the US is between three and 30 times greater than in Europe, depending on how it is measured.


  • 唯有我们谨记人生试验信托,是暂时任务时这些东西吸引力才不再支配我们生命

    Only as we remember that life is a test, a trust, and a temporary assignment will the appeal of these things lose their grip on our lives. We are preparing for something even better.


  • 如果持有支配Sky股份新闻集团兼并购买剩余卫星广播公司掌握巨大的权势

    If News Corporation, which has a controlling stake in Sky, buys the rest of the satellite broadcaster it will acquire enormous sway.


  • 尽管个人支配收入五月份季节调整增加了1781亿美元,但是商务部报告个人工资薪水降低了124亿美元。

    Although disposable personal income rose at a seasonally adjusted rate of $178.1 billion in May, the Commerce Department also reported that private wages and salaries had decreased $12.4 billion.


  • 不过纽约联邦储备银行(the Federal Reserve Bank of New York)近日指出,美国家庭减少教育娱乐外出就餐个人可支配服务支出,这是个不同寻常的现象。

    But as the Federal Reserve Bank of New York recently noted, what has been unusual is the decline in spending on discretionary services like education, entertainment and meals at restaurants.


  • 庄严上界的彼岸幻觉支配铭刻没有实体虚无上的幻境

    The deiform Paramitality is the fairyland governed by the hallucination and inscribed in the nihility.


  • 世界纯粹因果律支配还是存在没有原因的行为可能

    Is the world a realm of pure causality, or is there the possibility of uncaused acts?


  • 别忘了虽然日本成为世界第二经济体已经数十年,没有看到任何宏大的支配设计

    Remember, Japan was the second largest economy in the world for decades and I didn't see any kind of grand, hegemonic design.


  • 非暴力人类支配最伟大力量人类智慧发明的最强大毁灭武器还要强大

    Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.


  • 无论生命多么偶然,也无论支配的那种随意如何,知道真实最实在的事物毕竟还是我自己

    As accidental as my life may be, or as that random humot is , which governs it , I know nothing , after all , so real or substantial as myself.


  • 但是杨瑞龙、周业安(杨瑞龙,周业安,1998)[4]却认为企业控制权状态依存并不等于支配自动让渡。

    But Yang Ruilong and Zhou Yean (Yang Ruilong, Zhou Yean, 1998) [4] believe that the dependency state of the corporate control does not mean the automatic transfer of control.


  • 物权社会经济生活基本财产权利获得法律强力保护后即具有支配优先、排他、追效力

    The property is the basic right of lives of economy. After forcefully protected by law, it has the efficacy of domination, priority, uniqueness and recourse.


  • 实际上,可支配现金其实就是经营现金流减去现金的利息支出以及现金维护开支

    In practice, available cash is essentially operating cash flow less cash interest expense and less maintenance capital expenditures.


  • 实际上,可支配现金其实就是经营现金流减去现金的利息支出以及现金维护开支

    In practice, available cash is essentially operating cash flow less cash interest expense and less maintenance capital expenditures.


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