• 内存增强舒适发泡

    Memory foam midsole for enhanced comfort.


  • 要不然打至快湿发泡时开始加入砂糖,这时蛋白体积差不多原来4多了。

    Otherwise, start adding it gradually just before they form soft peaks, when egg whites have been whipped to at least four times their original volume.


  • 复制完美纸板一个微小颗粒构成发泡波纹的每一个细节,必须使用雕刻

    It's perfection in replication: every wave of corrugation in the cardboard and every tiny pellet that makes up the styrofoam, had to be carved.


  • 梅斯特莱尔兄弟海军图案创造新型保温潜水,相比于当时使用氯丁发泡橡胶,新型潜水服更轻,刺激也更小

    Using a declassified Navy pattern, the Meistrells created a new kind of wet suit that was lighter, more limber and less irritating than the foamed rubber-backed neoprene then in use.


  • 聚合物发泡成型加工气泡膨胀过程数学模型研究气泡膨胀行为具有相当重要的意义,然而工程实际问题中数学模型的复杂使其作用受到极大的限制。

    The mathematical model of the growth process of the bubble in the foaming mold of polymers is of great importance to studying the growth behave of the bubble.


  • 发泡聚合物材料优选聚苯乙烯

    The foamable polymer material is preferably polystyrene.


  • 机头发泡口模温度发泡结构关键影响

    Die temperature has great effects on the cell structure and foam properties.


  • 试验时,发泡能力稳定地层配伍进行了评价。

    Its foaming capacity, stability, compatibility with formation water and oil resistance are evaluated in oil displacement test.


  • 发泡聚乙烯板材一种优良的混凝土填缝板材料具有轻质高强耐久优异特点。

    The polyethylene foam is an excellent performance sealing material for concrete, it possesses the strong points of light mass, high strength and durability.


  • 发泡密度采用连续发泡发泡具有优良的耐酸,耐久

    Continuous foaming process with high foaming intensity; It has excellent chemical resistance and abrasion resistance.


  • 水泥发泡保温吸水保证产品潮湿环境下不会霉变不会影响保温,保证了产品安全耐久

    Concrete foam insulation board is bibulous rate is low, ensure products are not in the humid environment, mildew, will not affect the insulation performance, ensure the safety, product durability.


  • 此项成型技术发泡技术更宽适应,开拓一个新的PV C发泡异型材技术领域。

    The adaptability of the moulding technology is wider than the skinning-foaming technology, and the moulding technology developed a new technology field of PVC foam special shaped section.


  • 简要介绍硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料发泡选择改进阻燃方法

    The selection of blowing agent and the method of modifying fire retardance of rigid polyurethane foams were briefly introduced.


  • 由于PP结晶熔体强度发泡成型较为困难。

    Nevertheless foaming processing of PP is very difficult because of its high crystallinity and poor melt strength.


  • 指出发泡pp具有优良耐热力学可降解替代发泡聚苯乙烯新型泡沫材料。

    Expanded PP has good heat resistance, mechanical properties and degradability and so on, so it is a new kind of foam in the replacement of polystyrene foam.


  • 本文介绍PV C发泡板材产品材料生产工艺设备重要

    The article introduces the product performance, raw and auxiliary materials, production process and equipment of PVC low foamed board as well as the importance of substituting wood with plastics.


  • 首先PP发泡材料成本低,疲劳环境应力开裂能都很好

    Firstly, PP foam has low cost, high elasticity, rigidity. It is durable and performs well under environmental pressure.


  • 讨沦了发泡异氰酸酯指数阻燃剂等泡沫阻燃影响

    The effects of water blowing agent, cross-linking agent, Isocyanate index and flame retardants on flame-retardant of the HR foam were discussed.


  • 尾矿反应较好,抗阻较差,发泡比较严重,加入泡剂BMS-1发泡明显减弱。

    The gangue had high reaction activity and low resistance to retardency with highly foaming ability. When BMS-1 added as defoamer, the foaming ability weakened visibly.


  • 不锈钢外壳确保耐久简化自由20加仑发泡机械结构,使易于保养维修

    The all stainless steel cart and enclosure ensure high durability and the streamlined mechanical construction of the Liberty 20 Gallon Foamer ensure ease of maintenance and repair.


  • 优选选择用于发明组合发泡使得组合物具有臭氧消耗较低全球变暖化潜在可能

    The blowing agent utilized in the inventive composition is preferably selected such that the composition has a zero ozone depletion and low global warming potential.


  • 用于吸收腿部冲击垫件(1)放置车辆中时位于车体底部表面具有多个隆起(3,3…),并且发泡粒状料构成。

    A pad 1 for absorbing an impact on leg portions has a plurality of ridges 3, 3,... on a bottom surface to be on a vehicle body side when placed in a vehicle, and is constituted of expandable beads.


  • 此项成型技术发泡技术更宽适应,开拓一个新的PV C发泡异型材技术领域。

    The adaptability of the moulding technology is wider than the skinning-foaming technology, and the moulding technology developed a new techno...


  • 结果表明炭黑加入大幅度提高了体系粘度严重影响发泡过程和海绵的可加工

    The results indicate that CB greatly enhances the viscosity of the disperse system, and also seriously affects the foaming behavior and workability.


  • 结果发现发泡中加入GPOP - H 45,显著提高泡沫制品承载,同时改进了其机械

    The results showed that the load bearing and cell opening characteristics of foam products could be significantly improved by adding GPOP-H45 during the foam formation. Meanwhil...


  • 这个温和清洁剂制定发泡剂,彻底清洁皮肤清除化妆如果没有过度干燥皮肤的天然油脂

    This mild cleanser is specially formulated with a sugar-derived glycoside foaming agent to thoroughly cleanse skin and remove makeup, without over-drying or stripping skin of its natural oils.


  • AC复合发泡用量增加,物料粘度下降流动提高,用量超过0.8份,物料粘度提高

    The viscosity of PVC decreases and the liquidity increases with the addition of the AC blowing agent increasing. The viscosity will increase when the addition is more than 0.8 phr.


  • 使用啤酒花作为原料一部分制造香味优良的发泡饮料方法

    Disclosed is a method for producing a sparkling alcoholic beverage having excellent properties including flavor, without using a hop as a part of the raw materials.


  • 使用啤酒花作为原料一部分制造香味优良的发泡饮料方法

    Disclosed is a method for producing a sparkling alcoholic beverage having excellent properties including flavor, without using a hop as a part of the raw materials.


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