• 如果排他俱乐部会员数必然限制。

    If it is an exclusive club, the membership has to be limited.


  • 必须选择希望明智选择,因此可以现金产生具有很强的排他俱乐部

    You have to choose and I hope you choose wisely so you can be part of a very exclusive cash generating club.


  • 东亚冷战一个大潜在前线过去欧洲相比十分不同长久以来,欧洲地域俱乐部机构的数量多于这个规模应该有的。

    East Asia, the other big potential battlefront in the cold war, used to look very different from Europe, which has long had more than its share of shock-absorbing regional clubs and institutions.


  • 普克托尼克土拨鼠俱乐部成员怀疑这个数据真实

    The members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club doubt the authenticity of this data.


  • 4-H俱乐部成员同意跟进这个项目直到完成他们建设工作成果得到满足

    Members of the 4-H club agreed to follow the project through to completion, because they receive satisfaction from the results of constructive work.


  • 正如人们预料一样,普克托尼克土拨鼠俱乐部成员怀疑这个数据真实并且宣布菲尔正好是100%。

    As might be expected, the members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club dispute this number and claim that Phil has been right 100 percent of the time.


  • 虽然没有特色模特,但团体的共同创建者,·帕诺西安环境本身就是他们最大的灵感,“它更是一个社交俱乐部。”

    Though it doesn't feature models, co-creator Dan Panosian says the environment itself serves as inspiration. "it's more a social club."


  • 由于的著名关于宇宙计算大胆预言,SethLloyd博士认为我们生活在一个巨大量子计算机俱乐部的成员。

    Famous for his bold predictions about the computational capacity of the universe, Dr. Lloyd belongs to the club that thinks that we live inside of a gigantic quantum computer.


  • 最近的名字常常ac米兰联系在一起。这个星期俱乐部总裁Adriano Galliani发表的讲话中也没有排除这种可能

    He has been persistently linked with AC Milan and this week the club's vice-president, Adriano Galliani, refused to rule out a move for the forward.


  • 梅德韦杰夫国内外学者记者组成的Valdai俱乐部说,排除任何可能

    'I don't exclude anything,' Mr. Medvedev told the so-called Valdai club, a group of international and domestic academics and journalists.


  • 服务行业满足了男人恋情结(因此叫做国王俱乐部VIP”)他们的幻想,让他们感觉只有购买那些钻石等级高的女人才能配上自己尊贵非凡的身份。

    The industry feeds their narcissism (hence the name "Emperors club VIP"), and part of the fantasy is feeling special enough to purchase that multi-diamond woman.


  • 不要忘了盈利组织扶轮社(Rotary,著名国际公益组织)基瓦尼俱乐部(美国工商业人士的一个俱乐部)。

    And don't forget non-commercial organizations like Rotary or Kiwanis.


  • 我们俱乐部一个全国协会合并

    Our club has affiliated with a national society.


  • 如果俱乐部能耐历史成就球迷来衡量的话,在长一时间内它都是欧洲最大城市里最大俱乐部

    If the size of a club is measured by its historic achievements and fanbase, it is by some distance the biggest club in the biggest city in Europe.


  • 普京瓦尔代俱乐部——外国俄罗斯专家组织——会上发表的番评论会增加这种可能开始2000年的普京时代至少扩展到下一十年

    Putin's comments to the annual session of the Valdai Club, a group of foreign and Russian experts, raise the prospect that his era, which began in 2000, could extend for at least another decade.


  • 是个历史成就,俱乐部传统也是很好的。

    It's history and it's great for the tradition of this club.


  • 说过要要参加读书俱乐部、要找个更加具有挑战项目干干、要更多时间阅读甚或开个博客

    You’ve talked about taking a class, joining a book club, working on more challenging projects, and taking time to read more or even start a blog.


  • 遏制全球温室气体污染我们每个人的责任所以一些全国团体比如塞拉俱乐部,也当地群体一起,加入反对该项目的队伍中来。

    It is about our obligation to curb global warming pollution. This is why national groups such as the Sierra Club are joining forces with local groups to oppose the line.


  • 也许切尔西尝试一种更具攻击的打法,他们赛季12场比赛已经对手进了17个球,里尼奥俱乐部第一个赛季所有失球数还两个

    Chelsea may be experimenting with a more attacking approach but they have conceded 17 times in 12 games this season, two more than they did in the entirety of jose Mourinho's first season at the club.


  • 他们应该饭店酒店俱乐部更高权重,还有获得高档奢侈品和服务的方便与否,以及享受重要文化活动便利

    They should give extra weightings to exclusive restaurants, hotels and clubs, as well as access to top of the range luxury products and services and proximity of important cultural events.


  • 根据现有规定,“外来投资者只能拥有德国俱乐部49%以下股权51%,亦即具有控制投票权必须掌握俱乐部成员手中。

    Under existing rules, no "outside" investor can own more than 49% of a German club's shares and at least 51%, ie a controlling vote, must remain with club members.


  • 足球劳动力市场就像这个游戏本身一样全球的,而且欧洲俱乐部愿意雇佣外籍人才

    FOOTBALL's Labour market, like the game itself, is global, and European clubs are keen hirers of foreign talent.


  • 即使是惯于怀疑捷克人似乎也减少这一货币俱乐部成员身份优越怀疑。

    Even the sceptical Czechs seem less doubtful about the merits of membership of the currency club.


  • 忘掉关于俱乐部酒吧甚至阁楼派对的陈旧印象——如今具创造最多彩的社交场面不再跳舞而是绘画

    Forget about clubs, bars, even loft partiesthe most creative and colorful social scene these days isn't about dancing, it's about drawing.


  • 西汉姆俱乐部相对更具地方并且开出条件保留跑道

    But West Ham is the more local club and is offering to keep the athletics promise.


  • 曾经接触一个内部通婚富人俱乐部,他们与世隔绝并且对现代不屑一顾。

    I, too, belonged to an inbred and wealthy men's club cloistered behind walls and disdaining modernity.


  • 不仅世界杯相应资格赛而且区域锦标赛友谊赛(与竞争对手无关的),俱乐部必须准许球员参加。

    Players must be released not only for the World Cup and its qualifying matches, but also for regional tournaments and friendlies (matches unrelated to a competition).


  • 不仅世界杯相应资格赛而且区域锦标赛友谊赛(与竞争对手无关的),俱乐部必须准许球员参加。

    Players must be released not only for the World Cup and its qualifying matches, but also for regional tournaments and friendlies (matches unrelated to a competition).


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