• 教学对象问题迫使辅导别人学习的学生不同方式思考解释材料观察他们解决问题的过程能让这些学生看到知识付诸到了实践中。

    The agents' questions compel student tutors to think and explain the materials in different ways, and watching the agent solve problems allows them to see their knowledge put into action.


  • 写下思考单元所学到的知识它们串联起来。

    Write down and think about what you have learned in the unit and make some connections.


  • 语言齿轮运作得如此顺畅以至于人们几乎从未想过停下来思考那些能使语言变得更加优美的智慧专业知识

    The wheels of language run so smoothly that one rarely bothers to stop and think about all the resourcefulness and expertise that must have gone into making it tick.


  • 一开始思考出行、阅读电子邮件和与同学交谈时,就会把书本知识置之脑后。我在学校里时常感到紧张,担心老师会不会在课上点我,担心自己能否理解老师的问题。

    My book knowledge fell by the wayside as I thought about the basics of getting around, reading emails and talking with my classmates, I was often nervous at school, worried about whether the teachers would call on me in class and whether I'd understand their questions.


  • 量的研究表明,按时完成家庭作业,孩子们可以更好地记住课堂上所学的知识,而家庭作业本身在培养孩子的学习能力,如独立思考和创造力方面发挥着重要作用。

    A great number of researches do show that kids can remember what they have learned in class better by finishing their homework on time and homework itself plays an important role in developing their learning shills, such as independent thinking and creativity.


  • 只要我们粉碎了思考力量我们来说毫无用处但是如果我们已经做好了不嫌麻烦驾驭它的准备,那么,所有知识就都我们的。

    So long as we scatter it, thought force is of little use to us, but as soon as we are prepared to take the trouble necessary to harness it, all knowledge is ours.


  • 迄今为止,我们思考知识宝库里发现所有种类逻辑,是还是

    How many, or how few, of all types of logic have we found so far in the Library of thinking and knowledge?


  • 可以网络设计提供一些知识思考

    This practice can be applied to web design with some knowledge and thought.


  • 他认为,人力资源管理部门一心考虑工资福利各种争端,无暇进行知识经济所需要高层次战略思考

    HR personnel were so involved in the detail of pay, pensions and disputes that they had no time for the higher strategic thinking required for the knowledge economy.


  • 除了增强词汇知识字谜可以提高你的批判性思考技能

    As well as strengthening your word knowledge, puzzles are also good for improving your critical thinking skills.


  • 仔细分析导致错误原因审慎思考现状然后记住此刻内心感受、记住你有限知识、精力以及罪过成立的信息

    Now, think about the causes that led to your error. Contemplate your situation then, remember your feelings, your limited knowledge, experience, and available information.


  • 学到很多来自移情思维,这种能力让我一开始琢磨产品,能忘掉已知的知识而代之客户那样去思考

    A lot of what I've learned has come from empathy, an ability to forget what I know and think instead like a customer, seeing a product for the first time.


  • 会被第一次荒芜的沙漠思考一问题,达到知识确定的认知后,你将会回来

    You were first sent out into the desert to think on this, and when you had arrived at what you knew for certain, you returned.


  • 设计思考需要广博跨学科知识就意味着我们需要新的学科机构教授我们新的方法

    Design thinkers need to be broad, inter-disciplinary, which means we need new academic institutions willing to educate in new ways.


  • 此刻参与者拥有慎重思考之后提供意见建议的知识储备信心他们的意见和建议随时会被纳入最终方案之中。

    At that point, participants had the knowledge base and the confidence to offer thoughtful criticisms and recommendations, which were readily incorporated into the final product.


  • 正如莫勒所指出以下三种缺陷源自战略思考研究通常进行方式导致领域内科学知识积累缓慢

    As Camerer argues, the following three deficiencies originating the way that strategic thinking and research is typically done also cause the slow accumulation of scientific knowledge in the field.


  • 升入高中后,老师鼓励我们提出超越我们他们知识经验以外的问题思考那些我们不到答案问题

    As we progressed to high school, the teachers encouraged us to ask questions that went beyond our and their knowledge and experience, and to speculate on8 matters we could not find answers to.


  • 知识吗? 还是可供进一步思考题材?

    Matter for further speculation?


  • 这些创新者的开拓不是因为他们孤立思考重要问题而是因为他们广征博引、兼收并蓄,知识运用领域中

    These innovators didn't break ground because they pondered important questions in isolation, but because they learned about topics far and wide, and fit old knowledge for application in new fields.


  • 莱特兄弟伟大的思考他们乐于学习知识

    The Wright brothers were great thinkers. They enjoyed learning new things.


  • 还要思考知识轨迹在哪里终结合适,连起这学期知识讲述,怎么才能恰到好处结尾

    It's about thinking what would make the right ending to this intellectual trajectory, this intellectual narrative that we're going to move through this term: what would make the right ending.


  • 有些知识完全理解之前需要努力思考它。

    There will be some topics that you will have to work at before you completely understand.


  • 把握每个知识唯一方法就是回家思考然后

    The only way to really grasp some topics is to go home and think about it and work some problems.


  • 把握每个知识唯一方法就是回家思考然后

    The only way to really grasp some topics is to go home and think about it and work some problems.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定