• 我们有时会在下午5停下工作之后我们会花晚的时间思考工作问题解决方案

    We "stop" work sometimes at 5 p.m., but then we spend the night wrestling with solutions to work problems.


  • 我们不要想着平衡工作生活”,要从大的角度更好地思考工作与生活的满足感一点平衡一点生活。

    Let's bury "work-life balance" and think bigger and better about work-life fulfillment to do a little less balancing and a lot more living.


  • 小时具体工作,专心思考工作

    This is time to think about work.


  • 清晨进行思考工作

    Do thinking work in the morning.


  • 许多往往不能停止思考工作中的琐事甚至他们远离传统办公室背景时。

    Many people often can't stop thinking about work minutiae, even when they're far away from the traditional office setting.


  • 尽管观点简单,但多数思考工作未来没有领悟到含义

    Although his idea is simple, its significance has been lost on most people thinking about the future of work.


  • 不会工作做了一半就不管了,我会开车上班路上淋浴时候都在思考工作

    I cannot leave a job half-done and usually find myself thinking of possible solutions to problems while I am driving to work or in the shower.


  • 不仅仅是那样还要多花费时间通勤思考工作加班并且个人时间拓展事业

    Not only that, but you spend some more time commuting to work, thinking about work, working overtime, and furthering your career on your personal time.


  • 利用工期这种方式思考工作不是思考什么而是如何思考),新的建设性的方式去充分利用沉思的力量。

    Spend your down time thinking about work in this way (not the what, but the how) and you'll capitalize on your reflective powers in a new and constructive way.


  • 让先分析一下你缺点:不会工作做了一半就不管了,你会开车上班的路上淋浴的时候都在思考工作

    I cannot leave a job half-done and usually find myself thinking of possible solutions to problems while I am driving to work or in the shower.


  • 让我们先来分析一下你缺点:先你不会工作了一半就不管了,你会开车上班的路上淋浴的时候都在思考工作

    I cannot leave a job half-done and usually find myself thinking of possible solutions to problems while I am driving to work or in the shower.


  • 用了好些苦苦思考是否接受这个工作

    I spent days agonizing over whether to take the job or not.


  • 更具建设性做法思考生活工作转变不断变化发展解决方案

    It's more constructive to think of solutions that continue to evolve over shifts in life and work.


  • 面对困难工作时,比如思考篇文章构思或者第一百编辑同样草稿时罪恶屏幕吸引

    When I faced difficult work, like thinking through an article idea or editing the same draft for the hundredth time, for example, a more sinister screen would draw me in.


  • 所有这些活动都会阻碍重要沟通思考技能发展使孩子们很难培养出大多数工作需要那种持续专注力

    All these activities can prevent the growth of important communication and thinking skills and make it difficult for kids to develop the kind of sustained concentration they will need for most jobs.


  • 某种程度上,是因为第二语言工作放慢思考速度。

    In part this is because working in a second language slows down the thinking.


  • 麦吉没有找到合适工作就离开时间思考自己经营什么样公司

    McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run.


  • 开始可能也有好的感觉,因为新的更好工作眼前,而早上或者更多时间孩子在一起感觉好,也更多的时间思考

    At first there may be good feelings too—a new and better job is just around the corner—it's nice to be able to lie in bed in the morning or spend more time with the children; have more time to think.


  • 很多学校大学毕业却不知道该做什么工作谋生然后没有真正思考了个工作

    Many people graduate from school or college not knowing what to do with their lives, and get a job without really thinking about it.


  • 许多中学大学毕业时知道他们人生些什么没有真正思考就找了一工作

    Many people graduate from school or college not knowing what to do with their lives and get a job without really thinking about it.


  • 克对自己的工作感到自豪。他希望 ChopValue 背后的理念能帮助人们重新思考看待废物的方式。

    Bock takes pride in his work. And he hopes the idea behind ChopValue will help people rethink what they see as waste.


  • Yulelogs 真的很喜欢他的生日蛋糕。”一名工作人员说,“这对他来说也是一个挑战,因为他需要思考一下如何把鱼从蛋糕中取出来!”

    "Yulelogs really loved his birthday cake," a worker said, "It's also a challenge for him as it requires a bit of thinking on how to get the fish out of the cake!"


  • 通过指引通过强迫特定方式思考工作,通过限制选择约束夺走你的控制权

    Constraints take control away from you: by dictating, by forcing you to think and work a certain way, by limiting your options.


  • 方面努力背后XML技术发挥领导作用,围绕着专利编档的xml格式进行很多思考工作

    XML is the leading technology behind these efforts and a great deal of thought and work has gone into XML formats for patent filing.


  • 通过指引,通过强迫特定方式思考工作,通过限制选择约束又可以帮助进行控制权。

    Constraints help you to take control: by dictating, by forcing you to think and work a certain way, by limiting your options.


  • 思考方式工作的方式、合作的方式、交互的方式都会因为采用敏捷方法而改变

    The way you think, the way you work, the way you collaborate, the way you interact, will all change as you go Agile.


  • 我们确实需要重新思考我们应当如何工作

    And we really need to start rethinking how we work.


  • 与之相反追溯容易进行的,团队改进目的时间思考他们工作如何以及他们取得了什么成果

    By contrast, a retrospective is more easy-going, giving the team time to reflect on how they are working and what results they've achieved, with the goal of improving.


  • 它们没有打动改变思考工作方式

    They don't move me or change the way that I think or work.


  • 它们没有打动改变思考工作方式

    They don't move me or change the way that I think or work.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定