• 因此文学作品阅读教学目标知识目标鉴赏目标思维目标情感目标四个方面构成。

    Therefore, the target of the teaching of reading on the literature works is consisted of the knowledge objective, appreciate objective, thought objective, the emotion objective.


  • 如果目标改善思维建议选择合身可能助长焦躁情绪衣服因此要避免使用蝴蝶结领带不必要的配饰

    If your goal is to improve your thinking, she recommends picking clothes that fit well and are unlikely to encourage restlessness, so, avoid bows, ties and unnecessary accessories.


  • 正如预测的那样,成长型思维学生认为,比起取得成绩学习重要目标

    As predicted, the students with a growth mind-set felt that learning was a more important goal than getting good grades.


  • 小小的创造性思维可以同时业务目标客户提供强大支持

    A little creative thought can strongly support business goals and customers at the same time.


  • 当进行复杂思考时思维进入了“主管网络”模式,这样更好的达到即时目标

    During complex reasoning, the mind switches to an "executive network", which is better suited to pursuing immediate goals.


  • 一遍想着第二任务目标一边进入梦乡思维来日的事情有所预期

    "Sleeping" on your tasks and goals for the following day can really help your mind expect what's going to happen the next day.


  • 帮助看到拥有全球化思维制定策略实现目标价值所在。

    It helped me to see the value of thinking globally and then developing a strategy to get there.


  • 通过整个这些过程一个目标建立研究人员称之为“你个人事务的思维模式”——各种因素组合互相影响图画

    Through the whole process, one of your goals is to build what the researchers call "mental models of your business" - pictures of how the elements fit together and influence one another.


  • 相信自己,将消极思维转换成积极思维,相信自己可以成功地实现梦想目标

    Believe in yourself. Replace negative thoughts about yourself with thoughts of yourself successfully obtaining your dreams and goals.


  • 相信自己,将消极思维转换成积极思维,相信自己可以成功地实现梦想目标

    Believe in yourself.Replace negative thoughts about yourself with thoughts of yourself successfully obtaining your dreams and goals.


  • 这个方法开发人员用户思维过程中(比如他们目标),开发人员就能看到这种环境下需求

    This method pulls developers inside the user's thought process (e.g., their goals), and developers can see the requirements in context.


  • 韦格他的同事指出这种自相矛盾思维过程正是许多长期失眠幕后黑手,我们无法达成入睡心理目标而担忧,这正导致了长期失眠。

    Wegner and colleagues suggest that this paradoxical thought process can explain a large amount of chronic insomnia, which occurs after we get anxious about not achieving our goal.


  • 时间着力于明确的职业目标规划有效求职要给招聘经理展示管理项目清晰思维能力

    By taking the time to zero in on a specific career goal and to plan an effective job search, you demonstrate to hiring managers your clarity and ability to manage projects.


  • 日常整理时,不仅思维能力有所增加,还会学会如何容易地达到目标,同时,还会获得更紧密人际关系更为静谧心境

    You will be rewarded for your daily organizing efforts with the ability to think clearly and accomplish your goals more easily, improved relationships and greater peace of mind.


  • 通过设定10个目标开始新的一启动你创造性思维——使一整天都得到激发

    By starting your day setting your 10 top goals you jump-start your creativity - which will motivate you for the rest of the day.


  • 实现目标他们需要具有超前思维应用程序架构师。

    To get that, they need an application architect who can think ahead for them.


  • 调试目标之一发现代码思维模型偏离实际地方

    One of the purposes of this sort of debugging is to find out where your mental model of the code diverges from reality.


  • 陷入一种思维定式,把各种目标强加自己身上,而且总是不断调高预期自己永远都够不着,这是典型完美主义者的臭毛病

    I was trapped by self-imposed expectations and continually reset the bar so it was always out of reach, the fatal flaw of any classic over-achiever.


  • 贫穷构成一个碌碌无为、依赖他人、体弱多病缺乏目标、没有家教幼年贫困恶性循环并影响着英国很多地区。批判性的思维基本不起作用。

    It perpetuates the vicious cycle of under-achievement, benefit dependency, ill health, lack of aspiration, poor parenting and child poverty that blights so many areas of Britain.


  • 但是作为一项思维实验证明了即使是Saran先生定义公平”也离目标尚远。

    But as a thought experiment, it shows how even Mr Saran's definition of "fair" falls short of the mark.


  • 独特风格需要他们自己的思维,最出决定当前阿尔卑斯方式攀登同样目标是否是可行

    Individuals will need to make up their own minds about whether alpine-style ascents of the same objectives are feasible at the current time.


  • 生物课教学开放性体现教学目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学评价、教学时空思维方面。

    The open nature in biology teaching lies in the objective, content, methods, appraisal, time and space in the teaching, thinking and so on.


  • 西方人思维线性的,目标战略再到战术或者概观细节(刚好相反)。

    Western thinking is linear, moving form goals to strategy to tactics, or from overview to details (or the reverse).


  • 帮助他们建立思维模型理解X Forms如何符合企业目标

    Help them develop the mental models they need to understand how XForms can meet their organizational objectives.


  • 这么一来,明确目标便得以清晰地投影意识思维中,一直保持在那里直到成为你的潜意识,并付诸于行动。

    It projects a clear picture of your definite purpose upon your conscious mind and holds it there until it is taken over by your subconscious and acted upon.


  • 在对空袭目标信息进行综合利用的基础上,建立了基于黑板模型的多传感器空袭目标识别融合专家系统模型,模拟专家识别思维

    An expert system of air attack target recognition model based on blackboard model is built after the target information is synthesized, it can simulate the recognition thought of the domain experts.


  • 我们打开思维想象,放飞梦想,为了我们梦想目标努力拼搏成就了今天的自我。

    We opened up our minds and imagination and dreamed bigger and fought hard to reach our dream, our goals and made us who we are now so far.


  • 我们的目标通过置身于让你震惊行为从而使你走出思维定势,改变状态,帮你转入另一种生活模式

    The goal is to get you out of a preprogrammed way of being by engaging in a behavior that shocks you, so as to change your state and facilitate the transition into another pattern.


  • 真是一个有强烈目标意识空想家思维方式也很超前

    You truly are a visionary with a high sense of purpose and an advanced way of thinking.


  • 真是一个有强烈目标意识空想家思维方式也很超前

    You truly are a visionary with a high sense of purpose and an advanced way of thinking.


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