• 思想重复一百还有独到之处。

    The thought is repeated one hundred times and originality.


  • 例如一个个人性格情况挂钩的特定音乐主题可能电影几个转折点重复播放,提醒观众电影所突出主题思想

    For example, a particular musical theme associated with an individual character or situation may be repeated at various points in a film in order to remind the audience of salient motifs or ideas.


  • 最后公报草案还是同样空白;“战略的”术语重复能够掩盖缺乏战略思想这一事实。

    A draft of the final communique was equally empty; repetition of terms such as "strategic" could not hide a gaping absence of strategic thought.


  • 就是征服就像弗洛伊德那样,而且布鲁克斯把这一思想延续下去,我们通过重复受到创伤事件可以理解了。

    This is the achievement of mastery, as Freud puts it and as Brooks follows him, that we can acquire through the repetition of a traumatic event.


  • MDAAPI本质设计目标支持重复转换调用思想的API开发固有行为

    A principle design goal of the MDA API was to develop an inherent behavior in the API that supports the idea of iterative and repeated transformation invocation.


  • 战略术语重复能够掩盖缺乏战略思想这一事实。

    Repetition of terms such as "strategic" could not hide a gaping absence of strategic thought.


  • 我们剩下文章中介绍重要思想重复复用。”

    We will devote the rest of the paper to the important idea of "reuse of repeated flows."


  • 想象一下如果一切都保持不变,如果物体人类思想保持相互之间固定关系处于永久无休止重复状态

    Imagine if everything stayed the same, if objects, people and ideas remained fixed in relation to each other in an unending state of permanence;


  • 那种情况下思想行业内部获得改良,然后重复利用又一遍地重演

    When that happens, the ideas in that industry get revamped, recycled, and re-run over and over again.


  • 我们则跳过比猜想数小那个区间,然后我们重复过程,之前我们讲过的,递归思想非常类似,我们解决问题的时候,先把问题一步步变小,然后解决小问题。

    So this is very similar, this is a kind of recursive thinking we talked about earlier, where we take our problem and we make it smaller we solve a smaller problem, et cetera.


  • 思想之潮中因刹那之光辉然而蓦然灵动,正如涓涓清溪因自身突然迸发的永不重复的音韵然而流转

    My mind starts up at some flash on the flow of its thoughts, like a brook at a sudden liquid note of its own that is never repeated.


  • 对于包的批评并非没有,对于美国宇航局来说或许旨在通过重复任务分配的罗尔斯主义的“重复—众包—一致思想可以使的犯错风险降到最低。

    Crowdsourcing critics exist, but as for NASA, perhaps Rawlsian "overlapping -crowd - consensus" through iterative tasking can minimize its downside risk.


  • 艰难部分就是不断超越你自己而且不能重复”,不能遵循同样思想轨迹

    The hardest part is the constant need to go beyond yourself and not to "repeat", or to follow the same train of thought.


  • 因此,重复说"我要节食......戒于......或禁欲"适得其反策略这样作法会不断使集中思想于你不想的事。

    or stop lusting" is a self-defeating strategy. It keeps you focused on what you don't want.


  • 那么让我们不要采取这个太远但是我们作为商界人士必须思想在这里重复投保客户大量转介业务

    Well, let's not take this too far, however we as business people must be thinking here to insure repeat customers and lots of referral business.


  • 重复每个短语直到可以时间思想音高上升匹配关键词

    Listen and repeat each phrase until you can match the timing, thought groups, and pitch rises on the focus words.


  • 最后幅画画了一个摆着罗丹的“思想”的姿势自言自语重复:“这些是为了什么?

    The last panel depicted a man in Rodin's "thinker" posture and chanting to himself, "What's it all about?


  • 重复控制基本思想是控制理论中的原理,根据上一周期控制误差消除后面各周期性的信号误差。

    The repetitive controller based on the theory of internal model produces correction signal based on the control error of the last cycle to eliminate the error in the latter cycle.


  • 为了避免人们衣服重复试衣麻烦,我们建立电脑试衣系统介绍了系统设计思想关键技术实现

    In order to avoid the tru-ble of repeatedly try on when people buy dress, we set up the computer -assisted try on system, and introduces the design idea, key technology and implementation.


  • 冥想重复觉知而非定义,才会揭示思想运动方式

    Meditation and not repetition, awareness and not definition, reveal the ways of thought.


  • 强制灌输思想集中劝说行为,广告战重复建议,目的在于使人建立信任或形成一种动机

    The application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a specific belief or motivation.


  • 按照其他人引导一类重复思考方式观察同一思想

    Observing the same ideas as everyone else leads to generic and repetitive thinking.


  • 只读不要重复你的思想任意的流淌。

    Read only first time, do not repeat Just close your eyelids and let your mind drift where it will.


  • 这个假设基本思想通过重复使用应用过去类似问题方案解决当前问题

    The basic idea of this assumption is to solve a current problem by reusing solutions that have been applied to similar problems in the past.


  • 一旦明确消极思想重复上述练习

    Once your negative ways of thinking become clear, then repeat this exercise.


  • 因为知道自己清醒所以答案往往肯定的(开始很有可能有种愚钝的感觉),但是重复疑问中将思想转化成相同动作

    The answer will usually be yes since you know you're awake (and it'll probably feel silly at first), but the repeated questioning will set your mind up to take the same actions in dreams.


  • 因为知道自己清醒所以答案往往肯定的(开始很有可能有种愚钝的感觉),但是重复疑问中将思想转化成相同动作

    The answer will usually be yes since you know you're awake (and it'll probably feel silly at first), but the repeated questioning will set your mind up to take the same actions in dreams.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定