• 在这里要慎言否则指控思想犯罪然后被关101房间彻底抛弃。

    Careful what you say here or you'll get charged with crimethink and sent to Room 101 to be made an unperson.


  • 就连曾经相对包容科威特也正审理思想犯罪民众几个月40名民众通过Twitter发送侮辱性消息指控。

    Even Kuwait, once a haven of relative tolerance, now tries citizens for thought crimes: in recent months some 40 people have been charged for sending insulting messages via Twitter.


  • 思想对于——犯罪坏人一道德解释表示怀疑

    It calls into question the moral explanation that crime is done by "bad people".


  • 犯罪违背律法表现在,恼怒时说难听的话,不顺父母甚至思想

    Saying ugly things when you are angry, not obeying your parents, even thinking mean things are all ways you and I have sinned and broken God's laws.


  • 贪婪思想占据心灵时,很容易走上堕落犯罪道路的。

    It is easy for a man to embark on the road of degeneration and crime when greed inhabits his mind.


  • 关注未成年健康成长加强未成年人的思想道德教育有效预防未成年人违法犯罪尤其显得艰巨重要

    To pay attention to minor's health growth, strengthens minor's thought moral education, effectively prevents the minor illegal crime, especially appears arduous and is important.


  • 第一追溯古代惩治官吏职务经济犯罪思想渊源。

    Chapter one: Trace back to the ancient thoughts of punishing government official's post economic crime.


  • 本文正是这样思想指导完成一篇系统分析研究医疗犯罪论文

    This text is exactly under the leading that thus a kind of thought a system that complete analysis and the research medical crime of thesis.


  • 现代城市犯罪预防对策,“防卫空间思想实践其一项重要内容

    The idea and practice of "prevention room", also called "environment prevention", is one of the major contents of crime prevention in modern cities.


  • 一个恶徒犯罪思想天堂里奇迹伟大,更崇高

    A crime is also thought villain greater miracle than heaven, more sublime.


  • 人性论中国古代法制建设交融思想基础,清代存留养亲制度中的情法兼顾具有惩治犯罪、安抚民心的功能。

    The theory of human nature is the idea basis of the blending of kindred and law in the construction of ancient legal system.


  • 由于合法权益得不到有效保障或者受到不良社会风气腐朽思想影响一些进城农民走上了违法犯罪道路

    Due to the lack of effective protection of the legitimate rights and interests, or have an adverse social impact and decadent ideas, some migrant embarked on the path of crime.


  • 有组织犯罪有效控制必须思想观念走出误区,在立法司法实践树立复杂性动态开放性的思维方式。

    Organized crimes effective control must go out of the mistake and establish complex and dynamic opening thinking ways both in legislature and judicial practice.


  • 中国古代预防犯罪教育思想进行总结无疑对治理我国现阶段的社会犯罪具有重要的意义。

    As for present social crime in our country, undoubtedly, it is of the significance for anticrime to summarize Chinese antique educational thoughts of anticrime.


  • 转型时期,国家工作人员思想意识也有一个变化过程,大多国家工作人员的职务犯罪产生就他们思想意识的转变有关。

    During the transformation period, the ideology for the civil servants has been changed, which has much to do with their commissions of duty crimes.


  • 犯罪构成四大要件意志自由密切相关思想因素意志自由因素或主观恶性因素,是定罪所必须考虑的重要条件,量刑与行刑方面的重要作用亦不可小视

    Four important parts constituting the crime all have close correlation with the freedom of will, the mentality factor, also called the freedom of will factor or the subjective malignant facto.


  • 不是命运囚徒而是自己思想的囚徒。——《犯罪心理》。

    Men are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds.


  • 因此研究大学生违法犯罪现象如何加强大学生思想道德教育具有重要的现实意义

    Therefore, a study on criminal offenses committed by college students and on how to reinforce the ideological and ethical cultivation among college students is of vital realistic importance.


  • 麦克白这个悲剧人物,走向犯罪的历程中思想上矛盾重重,野心人性在不断斗争,不能不引起观众怜悯和同情,《麦克白》的悲剧性即在于此。

    The tragedy lies in that there are violent struggles between ambition and humanity, good and evil when Macbeth is plunged into sin and his inner remorse causes the reader's pity and sympathy.


  • 利用椭圆曲线线性对的签名技术提出一种新的基于标记思想阻止勒索犯罪公平电子货币方案

    A new fair electronic cash scheme based on the idea of marking is proposed to prevent blackmailing which is based on the group signature technology of bilinear pairings over elliptic curves.


  • 中国古代犯罪思想最早可追溯到夏商周三代时期

    The thoughts on criminology originated in Xia, Shang and Zhou Periods in ancient China.


  • 你们应当畏惧,不可犯罪床上的时候,心里思想,并要肃静。(拉)。

    Let there be fear in your hearts, and do no sin; have bitter feelings on your bed, but make no sound. (Selah.)


  • 犯罪案件报道中,媒体侦查部门明确指导思想,注意导向防止案件报道涉及泄密与教唆

    In the process of the report, guidelines and direction have to be made clear to prevent the reports from involving some confidential affairs or illicit advocacy.


  • 犯罪案件报道中,媒体侦查部门明确指导思想,注意导向防止案件报道涉及泄密与教唆

    In the process of the report, guidelines and direction have to be made clear to prevent the reports from involving some confidential affairs or illicit advocacy.


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