• 不久东家老爷思安出来了,一切齐备了没有。

    Soon the master appeared to see that all was in order.


  • 智力理论创造者思安个性许多不同项目中采取了许多不同的形状

    Creator of a theory of intelligence, the personality of Djang San takes many different shapes in his many different projects.


  • 思安迄今发行了38专辑,专辑音乐风格爵士摇滚古典音乐,实验音乐等等

    Djang San has so far released 38 albums, the music styles of the albums range from Jazz to electro, rock, classical music, experimental music and more.


  • 继2015年韩国巡演之后思安这个夏天登陆日本。在此之前,请抓住乐队,就愚公移山

    After touring Korea in 2015, Djang San will play Japan in the summer of 2016, catch him and his band at YGYS!


  • 思安乐队思安延伸,DjangSan是一个基于中国乐器琵琶电子版本创作的三重奏。

    Djang San + Band is an extension of Djang San, a trio based on an electric version of Chinese instruments zhongruan and pipa he has created himself.


  • 作为一个艺术家思安发表包括爵士音、摇滚世界音乐、中国民谣、实验……在内诸多风格的音乐。

    An artist with many different faces, Djang San has released all kinds of music from any style including jazz, electronic music, rock, world music, Chinese folk, rock, experimental and more...


  • 将845功能性消化不良的患者分为3,分别连防汤、普瑞博、 胃复治疗

    845 patients were divided into 3 groups. Then treated them with ZLD, prepulsid and primperan.


  • 防卫大臣鲍勃·几天说过:“视察了桑金,那里我们收复了更多土地市场繁忙人民全感。”

    Bob Ainsworth, the defence secretary, said only a few days ago: "I visited Sangin where we are holding more ground, the market is bustling, people are feeling safer."


  • 百事大型啤酒制造商-布希公司签订供应广告购买协议

    Pepsi has already signed a supplies and ad-purchasing deal with Anheuser-Busch, a big brewer.


  • 再次斯沃太太有联系必是将近3个月以后实际上,她电话,我已经感到奇怪,这么长时间3只短腿猎犬竟然一点病症也没有。

    It must have been nearly three months before I heard from Ainsworth, and in fact I had begun to wonder at the Bassets' long symptomless run when she came on the phone.


  • 斯沃太太的说话声像是远处传来。 “赫里奥特先生,病了吗?”

    Mrs.Ainsworth’s voice seemed to come from afar.“Is she ill,Mr.Herriot?”


  • 德里帕斯卡用以控制俄能源及其俄铝Rusal公司48%的股份EN+集团发言人德瑞•潘特林,拒不评论此事

    Andrei Petrushinin, a spokesman at EN+ Group, Deripaska’s holding company for EuroSibEnergo and his 48 percent stake in Rusal, declined to comment.


  • 斯沃太太面颊上泪珠已经了,,目光明亮说道:“以前从没。”

    The tears had dried on Mrs.Ainsworth’s cheeks and she was bright-eyed as she looked at me.“I’ve never had a cat before,”she said.


  • 太太转向虽然微笑着,可眼中流露出念之情。,“戴比感到高兴的。”

    But it seemed I wasn't the only one with such fancies.mrs.ainsworth turned to me and though she was smiling her eyes were wistful9. "Debbie would be pleased," she said.


  • 所以,虽然经常斯沃太太出诊不是非急不可的,足够机会留心观察那只激起好奇心小猫

    So my visits to the Ainsworth home were frequent but undemanding, and I had ample opportunity to look out for the little cat that had intrigued me.


  • 该研究领头人卡洛斯•依皮舒•贝尔蒙特教授认为,这项技术未来几十年带来无可比拟改变

    Lead researcher Professor Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte insists that is nothing compared to the changes the technique could have in the decades to come.


  • 如果是个假小子是个大小姐,那什么呢?”,也加入进来了。

    'If Jo is a tomboy and Amy a goose, what am I, please?' asked Beth, ready to share the lecture.


  • 普尔·福个子坐在板凳上不舒服,老是左右挪动,双手先是握在膝盖上,过了一会又握在另外一个膝盖上。

    Ampleforth, too large to sit in comfort on the narrow bench, fidgeted from side to side, clasping his lank hands first round one knee, then round the other.


  • 加纳家族斯家族之间矛盾白热化后,斯克拉姆巴斯舰长拒绝加入任何一而是帮助绝地守护者乔鲁斯·瑟化解危机

    When the tensions between the House of Organa and the House of Antilles had boiled over, Captain Scambras refused to take sides, assisting the Jedi Watchman Jorus C'Baoth in resolving the crisis.


  • 好吧暂时不用上学了,不过在家里一起学习”,那天晚上马崎夫人,“赞成体罚,尤其是女孩子

    "Yes, you can have a vacation from school, but I want you to study a little every day with Beth, " said Mrs. March that evening. "I don't approve of corporal punishment, especially for girls.


  • 但是潜心研究的时候,发现抵消不足以作物高温下所承受的生长压力产生足够大的反作用。

    But when Ainsworth pooled the studies, she found that effect is not strong enough to counteract the stress plants suffer at high temperatures.


  • 甚至很可能普尔·福就是刀片人。

    It was even conceivable that Ampleforth was the bearer of the razor blade.


  • 恭喜本校王立端老师, 许竹, 许礼, 许隽立同学于四月二十二日参加中国文化常识问答纽约州区域赛荣获高年级组第四名。

    Congratulations to Mr. Lioyd Wang and students Er-Si An, Andrew Shu, Anthony Shu, and Jeffrey Hsu, who participated in the New York Region Chinese Cultural Jeopardy Contest.


  • 恭喜本校王立端老师, 许竹, 许礼, 许隽立同学于四月二十二日参加中国文化常识问答纽约州区域赛荣获高年级组第四名。

    Congratulations to Mr. Lioyd Wang and students Er-Si An, Andrew Shu, Anthony Shu, and Jeffrey Hsu, who participated in the New York Region Chinese Cultural Jeopardy Contest.


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