• 怀会·艾森豪·威尔:生命悲惨,莫见于孩子的掌握。一切面目全非,再无法拳拳之忱掌握旧貌。

    There's no tragedy in life like the death of a child. Things never get back to the way they were. — Dwight Eisenhower.


  • 怀尔德曼奈尔斯特别兴趣的研究在何种条件思考可能活跃——一个文献几乎没有任何指导主题

    Wildman and Niles were particularly interested in investigating the conditions under which reflection might flourisha subject on which there is little guidance in the literature.


  • 那里度过了一个不眠之夜后,我们被告知怀亚特没事的。

    After we spent a sleepless night there, we were told Wyatt was going to be OK.


  • 也许怀孩子,也许太太离婚,也许他们同居而且画像

    Perhaps she has his baby, perhaps he leaves his wife, perhaps they live together and he paints her.


  • 现在,请你告诉我,如果现在,你告诉:如果穆礼怀关闭在美国天然气美国有没有明显的可能支持对纳利建设

    Now, you tell me: If Mulva is shutting in U. S. Wells, are there any appreciable odds favoring the construction of Denali to the United States?


  • 现在,请你告诉我,如果现在,你告诉:如果穆礼怀关闭在美国天然气美国有没有明显的可能支持对纳利建设

    Now, you tell me: If Mulva is shutting in U.S. wells, are there any appreciable odds favoring the construction of Denali to the United States?


  • 凡是成功女性,都为错失的良机过去失败耿耿于怀她们犯错后,继续前行,所学运用于新的情况中

    Highly successful women don't obsess or feel guilty about past choices or failures. They make mistakes, move on, and apply what they've learned to new situations.


  • 这种喝酒程度女性成功怀试管婴儿可能性减少18%,男性成为爸爸的可能性减少14%。

    At these levels of consumption, women were 18% less likely to have a successful IVF baby, while men reduced their chances of fatherhood by 14%.


  • 他们很早以前了解到他们的国家相对幅员广大的国度,如果他们能够别的国家招募更多怀技艺那么国家的状况更好

    They realized long ago that they are relatively empty countries, and if they can recruit more skilled people from the outside, they will be better off.


  • 问题如果孕妇坚持怀到底,她们身体受到多大程度伤害,这么是否她们无法怀孩子

    The question was how badly damaged the mothers bodies would be if they carried their doomed babies to term, and whether doing so could render them unable to bear other children.


  • 研究人员警告称孕妇服用扑热息痛阿司匹林以及布洛芬止痛药可能怀男婴出现生殖障碍。

    Pregnant women who take painkillers such as paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen could put their unborn sons at risk of fertility problems, researchers warn.


  • 怀斯曼医生,“厄运来时,倒霉崩溃

    "Unlucky people collapse under bad luck, " says Dr. Wiseman.


  • 这样就能解释为何双胞胎怀而且为什么生的这么(虽然现在更多运用试管受精已经很平常)。

    That would explain why many more twins are conceived than born, and why those born are so rare (though more common these days, with the rise of IVF).


  • 孩子的家长需要支付代理孕妇医疗费用代理孕妇本人支付的款项一般在2万美金左右;要是怀双胞胎贵上3000至5000美金。

    The parents pay the gestational carrier's medical bills. The fee paid to the carrier is often around $20, 000; for carrying twins it can be $3, 000 to $5, 000 higher.


  • 现在,请你告诉如果现在,告诉我:如果穆礼怀关闭美国天然气美国有没有明显可能支持对纳利建设

    Now, you tell me: If Mulva is shutting in U.S. wells, are there any appreciable odds favoring the construction of Denali to the United States? Let's deconstruct the industry jargon


  • 顺年中,银行家之贪者怀动机作假譬如借债离岸公司,离岸公司遂佛罗里达之分摊买家(condo-buyers)。

    In good times, greedy bankers would have the incentive to cheat; for example, by making loans to offshore holding companies that would then pass on the money to Florida condo-buyers.


  • 英国广播公司的凯若琳怀亚特布鲁塞尔清楚没有国家很快成为一个成员而且协助所有北大西洋公约组织现在提供

    The BBC's Caroline Wyatt in Brussels says it is clear that neither country will become a member any time soon, and that assistance is all Nato can offer for now.


  • 第四:“怀才就怀时间久了出来”。

    The fourth sentence: "bosom just like pregnant, time is long can let a person see out".


  • 一发现可能帮助O妇女接受建议,尝试更多办法,更早怀上小孩但是专家采取这样的方式之前,还需进行更多研究

    The findings could lead to women with type O blood being advised to try for a baby earlier, but experts said more research was needed before such a step was taken.


  • 一发现可能帮助O妇女接受建议,尝试更多办法,更早怀上小孩但是专家采取这样的方式之前,还需进行更多研究

    Thee findings could lead to women with type O blood being advised to try for a baby earlier, but experts said more research was needed before such a step was taken.


  • 怀这种抱负不停地小说以及文学传记

    Armed with this ambition, she would read novels and life stories of writers without end.


  • 繁殖期雌性(绿)的行为变化-许多雌性在怀期间食欲减退

    Females During Breeding Season: Behavioral Changes - Many females will exhibit a much decreased appetite as their abdomens fill with eggs.


  • 我们很多因为争论误解其他一些让人痛苦的事情一直耿耿于怀

    So many of us hold on to little resentments that may have stemmed from an argument, a misunderstanding, or some other painful events.


  • 我们很多因为争论误解其他一些让人痛苦的事情一直耿耿于怀

    So many of us hold on to little resentments that may have stemmed from an argument, a misunderstanding, or some other painful events.


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