• 所有这些工具快速走向成熟目前实现工作正在解决这里讨论许多问题。

    All of the tools are maturing at a fast pace, and many of the trade-offs discussed here are being addressed by current implementation efforts.


  • 测试加德的仿生机器人能够仿生机器人更好感应光源快速走向特定目标而不摔倒

    In tests, Bongard's evolving robots were able to reach the final goal of moving to the light source without falling over faster than non-evolving robots.


  • 斯内普克斯快速走向前门碎石他们脚下噼啪作响。门打开了,尽管他们看到任何人开门。

    Gravel crackled beneath their feet as Snape and Yaxley sped toward the front door, which swung inward at their approach, though nobody had visibly opened it.


  • 储蓄快速增加但是如果美国走向更好财政责任道路,那也是值得表扬的。

    Savings shouldn't ramp up too quickly, but I'd find it hard to complain if Americans started down the road to better fiscal responsibility.


  • 由于当今新闻传播快速传播,我们开始远离静态页面可搜索网络逐渐走向那些快速发布传播的网络。

    The speed with which news spreads today is moving us further away from a searchable web of ranked static pages and closer towards a web where news is posted and spread as fast as it can be typed.


  • Sucre越狱小组监狱地底的通道里快速移动着,Bellick地面上,也气冲冲走向警卫

    Sucre and the escape team race through the tunnels under the prison, as Bellick storms towards the guards’ room above ground.


  • 一个大的挑战确保使Android快速增长同一开源模式不会成为走向毁灭的诱因。

    A bigger challenge is making sure that the same open-source model that has led to Android's rapid growth does not also become its undoing.


  • 如果发现条队伍移动缓慢而且此时看到收银员走向4付款打开机器准备工作,那您一定会推着购物车快速4号付款台(请参见1)。

    If you find that the line moves slowly and see that another cashier is coming to checkout counter 4 to open it for business, you would quickly take your cart to that counter (see Figure 1).


  • Michael毛巾扔架子上以后快速转身走向,门上标示着“犯人不可越过门”。

    The men toss the towels on a shelf and Michael quickly turns to a door marked, “NO INMATES BEYOND THIS POINT.”


  • 在干什么?”画家喊道,并快速走向

    "What are you doing?" cried the painter, running quickly forward to his pictures.


  • 这里有一个项目可以让快速脱离贫困,走向富裕。

    I have a program that lets you quickly out of poverty to prosperity.


  • 随着科学家快速发现常见疾病基因变异基因检测逐渐走向繁荣

    With scientists rapidly discovering gene variants for these more common conditions, genetic testing in turn is poised to boom.


  • 因为改变整个仓位成本,每个单位成本都会走向最后价格快速的价格转会带来巨大亏损

    Because adding to positions changes the total cost of the entire position on a per-unit basis toward the last price, a quick reversal to the original entry price can result in a significant loss.


  • 拯救公司的唯一途径就是让公司快速前进革新,否则公司走向完全相反的方向。

    Being able to move quickly and innovate is what will save the company, and that goes completely opposite all our process.


  • 为了快速走向前方走向更远的地方,,有了马车,有了我们眼前这辆破旧简陋汽车。 [1]不知何时开始我们越来越”。

    In order to place ahead quickly and can go farther, there is a boat, a carriage, a US this shabby and pallet car. [1] I do not know when to start, we become more and more "fast".


  • 巴马说:“关键我们必须快速启动经济,不只是应付短期问题,不只是立即产生就业,而是让我们走向长期可持续性经济增长的道路。”

    "This is a big problem, and it is going to get worse, " said Barack Obama. "My number-one priority coming in is making sure that we have got an economic recovery plan that is equal to the task.


  • 巴马说:“关键我们必须快速启动经济,不只是应付短期问题,不只是立即产生就业,而是让我们走向长期可持续性经济增长的道路。”

    "This is a big problem, and it is going to get worse, " said Barack Obama. "My number-one priority coming in is making sure that we have got an economic recovery plan that is equal to the task.


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