• 由于急切需要进行连接能够快速发布集群更新

    Starved for connections, it will be unable to publish cluster updates in a timely fashion.


  • 快速发布新版安卓增添功能堪比甚至超过苹果性能

    Google has released new versions of Android at a rapid pace, adding new features that either match or surpass Apple's functionality.


  • 容易方式设立快速发布系统安装快速简便常用

    Easy way to set up, Quick Release and Lock system fitted for the fast and easy used.


  • 不要指望快速发布以来虽然大学工作优先于现在

    Don't expect quick releases though since University work will take precedence now. Enjoy!


  • 这种解决方法允许客户快速发布业务规则更改帮助组织提高敏捷性。

    This approach enables the rapid release of business rule changes to customers, helping organizations increase their business agility.


  • Firefox快速发布与Mozilla数月公开开发流程有关。

    Firefox's quick release is in line with Mozilla's new development process which it made public few months back.


  • 一方面,试想有许多快速发布下平行来检查这些追踪路径

    On the other hand, suppose many people are trying trace paths in parallel while doing rapid releases.


  • 服务提供商快速发布请求结构标准格式更新版本帮助通过开发人员自动采用这种格式。

    Service providers could quickly publish updates and versions of their request structures in a standard format to help automate adoption by developers.


  • 例如职业生涯早期由于需要快速发布软件省略了单元测试因为认为值得做这些工作

    For example, early in my career, in an effort to quickly release software, I skipped unit testing as I believed the effort wasn't worth the cost.


  • 核心的Facebook相信最有效的方式是快速发布产品,然后看看用户如何使用的。

    At the core, Facebook believes it is important to get products out early to see how they are used.


  • 火爆作家) : 一个功能强大博客编辑扩展,可以通过博客快速发布任何东西。

    ScribeFire: Full-featured blog editor that lets you easily post to any of your blogs.


  • 由于当今新闻传播快速传播,我们开始远离静态页面可搜索网络逐渐走向那些快速发布传播的网络。

    The speed with which news spreads today is moving us further away from a searchable web of ranked static pages and closer towards a web where news is posted and spread as fast as it can be typed.


  • 可以更新后的规则进行离线测试然后按照部署策略定期发布周期快速发布更新等等逐步将其引入运行应用程序

    The updated rules can be tested off-line and then phased into the running application according to your deployment strategy (regular release cycles, quick release updates, etc.).


  • 虽然已经预计到5.0会快速发布但是企业社区惊讶Mozilla个月Firefox 4.0停止支持

    While quick release of version 5.0 was expected, what has really taken enterprise community by surprise is Mozilla's end of support to Firefox 4.0 which is just three months old.


  • 个人web发布趋势最新插曲之一web日志(weblog),它是一种快速发布格式具有个人的、非正式的特性。

    One of the latest episodes in the personal web publishing trend is weblogs, a form of rapid fire publishing, which often has a very personal and informal tone.


  • 因此一位开发部经理很自然地这些工具之一替代一些很多麻烦测试人员,这样既省心又省钱,还快速发布软件

    Therefore, the story goes, a development manager can save lots of money and aggravation, and can ship software sooner, by using one of these tools to replace some (or most) of those pesky testers.


  • 支持这种快速发布形式技术之一RichSiteSummaryRSS参阅参考资料),它是一种包含有关站点内容元数据XML文档

    One of the technologies that underpins this rapid form of publishing is Rich Site Summary, or RSS (see Resources), an XML document that contains metadata about content items on a site.


  • 美国肺脏协会ALA已经发布对抗感冒流感指南,其重要意义之一能够快速两者区分开来

    The American Lung Association (ALA) has issued new guidelines on combating colds and the flu, and one of the keys is being able to quickly tell the two apart.


  • 它们全都集中面对面交流快速发布周期并且它们的目标都是时间交付软件工作部分

    They all focus on face-to-face communication and fast release cycles, and they aim to deliver a working piece of software in short time periods.


  • 忘记风险投资,发布周期快速招聘,就现有的条件下工作好了。

    Forget about venture capital, long release cycles, and quick hires. Instead, work with what you have.


  • 组织于2007年发布关于液体培养快速物种鉴定政策建议

    WHO issued new policy recommendations on the use of liquid culture and rapid species identification in 2007.


  • 这个免费程序允许用户这个应用上就实现拍照然后应用11个过滤器(修图工具)中的一个然后简单快速发布一些社交网络上可以粉下别人,评论,或者评价喜好

    The free app allows users to snap photos, apply one of 11 filters, and then quickly and easily publish them to a variety of social networks, as well as follow, comment, and like within the app itself.


  • 我们将会继续快速发布周期确保开发这些特性及时收到反馈

    We'll continue with rapid release cycles to ensure we get early feedback on features as they are developed.


  • 具有针对所有组件发布策略可让快速环境可能出现异常情况中恢复

    Having a release strategy for all components enables you to quickly recover from any mishaps that might occur within your environment.


  • 使用迭代方法SOA可以通过快速软件发布提供有价值业务灵活性

    With this iterative approach, a SOA can provide valuable business agility through quick software releases.


  • CXF只有相对较少已知问题问题快速反应以及发布周期意味着,问题一旦发现则会得到及时更正。

    CXF has only relatively minor known issues, and the fast responses to problems and quick release cycle mean problems generally are corrected soon after they're found.


  • 首先敏捷精益软件开发者意识到,很好的密集迭代快速生成可发布的产品,但部署比较花费时间。

    First, agile and lean software developers realized that their nice, tight iterations produced releases faster than they could be deployed.


  • 开发者来说最大奖励莫过于快速地将软件发布

    The biggest reward as a developer is getting your software out there, and quick.


  • 也许那些快速构建发布站点的人们并不在意单元测试SOC视图编写SQL语句实在是太差了。

    Probably people that want to build their quick site to publish all their runs don't care about unit testing, SOC and so on, but still seeing a SQL statement in the the "view" feels bad.


  • 同样能够帮助团队快速认识他们发布版本是否存在重大问题

    It also enables the team to instantly recognize when they have released a version of the app with serious problems.


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