• 这时所有快乐朋友围坐桌旁奶奶听着大家讲述奇迹怎么发生的。

    Now all the happy friends sat down round the table, and grandmama was told how the miracle had happened.


  • 我们往往认为朋友家人我们人际关系快乐温暖最大源泉

    We tend to think that friends and family members are our biggest sources of connection, laughter, and warmth.


  • 某些情况下学校应该帮助孩子们找到成熟方式来同样事情,如创造艺术朋友决定,这些事情永恒快乐源泉

    In some cases, schools should help children find new, more grown-up ways of doing the same things that are constant sources of joy: making art, making friends, making decisions.


  • 朋友一个你可以分享你的快乐和痛苦的人。

    A good friend is someone you can share your pleasure and pain with.


  • 一个朋友可以聊天儿很重要的,不管你谈论的难过的还快乐的话题。

    It is important to have a friend to talk to, whether it is about a sad or happy subject.


  • 人们现在实在依赖短信在线聊天交流方式,我们好像已经忘记别人写信收到朋友信件的时候的快乐.

    Nowadays, people are so used to instant messaging and on-line chatting that we forget the happiness of writing someone a letter or receiving a letter from your friends.


  • 一个特殊朋友我们在一起共快乐

    A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun.


  • 朋友家庭分享快乐生活珍贵一些时刻笑声度过的。

    Sharing a good laugh with friends and family. Some of the most memorable moments in my life have been moments spent in laughter.


  • 狮子老鼠快乐的。 它们朋友

    The lion and the mouse are happy.They are friends.


  • 令人担忧的,十分之一的女性自己朋友在一起轻松自然,半数女性说她们朋友“无不谈”,她们感到快乐

    Worryingly, one in ten said they were more able 'to be themselves' around their friends, while almost half said they enjoyed the fact they could talk to their pals about 'anything'.


  • 真正朋友知道,真正友情一个某个时候对你友好别的,只为交谈,与你交流思想,带来的快乐没有别的目的?

    The true friend, I don't know, the true friendship, you mean somebody who is friendly at some point for no other reason except for the pleasure of conversing with that or sharing ideas, not making up.


  • 另外,女性——典型社交关系设计者——会保证男性家庭朋友之间密切相联,而这两者快乐源泉

    In addition, women-typically the social planners in a relationshipensure that the men stay connected to family and friends, another source of happiness.


  • 朋友生活中一大快乐之源

    Friends are one of those simple joys in life.


  • 同理曾告诉朋友,在快乐计划”中,有记住生日”,因此我会发送生日祝福电子邮件

    Along the same lines, I told a friend that one of my happiness-project resolutions was to "Remember birthdays," and so I was sending out happy-birthday emails.


  • 一旦认识到快乐一种责任使快乐成为习惯通向不可思议的乐园的大门就会向你敞开,那里感激你朋友

    Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens thronged with grateful friends.


  • 美国看起来一个快乐地方朋友打电话来告诉他已经订婚时,峰就放纵自己,在外到处找伴了

    America, at first glance, seemed a happy enough place, and when his friend called with the news of his engagement Hanfeng sought out companions.


  • 有趣意味着你自己快乐要享受快乐无论一个女孩或者普通朋友

    Being fun means having fun yourself and enjoying your time whether it's with a specific girl or just friends in general.


  • 如果理解成快乐缺失尤其朋友们在以快乐主导年纪,你答对了,这就那个关键的东西。

    But when you developmentally translate it to an absence of joyfulness, especially when joyfulness is the dominant mood state of young children, you have a pretty robust clinical marker.


  • 一半年轻人表示晚上他们主要陪伴电视朋友外出分享快乐

    Even half of young people say their main source of company in the evenings is their TV rather than going out and having fun with friends.


  • 朋友说肖恩个随遇而安快乐的人。刚刚通过了驾照考试,另外恩·斯的小卖部里上班。

    Sean was described by friends as happy-go-lucky and cheerful; he had just passed his driving test and had a job at a Sainsbury's grocery store.


  • 爸爸,“女儿,”朋友得到一点帮助就会很快乐,他变得快乐

    "Dad," my daughter said. "When he goes: I get high with a little help from my friends, is he talking about getting high high?"


  • 别人成为朋友快乐自己朋友方法

    To befriend others is a way of befriending one's cheerier self too.


  • 最好比赛之一纳达尔比赛快乐荣幸朋友,也伟大的冠军

    It was one of the best finals I ever played in my life, and it's always a great pleasure and honor playing against Rafa, who is a good friend and a great champion.


  • 工作的时候快乐忙到没空交朋友,我当然时间,但我想这其中的原因和其他单身的人一样的。

    I'm happy working but it's not a case of 'I don't have time for a girlfriend'. I do.


  • 或许真的成为朋友,但我来自一个可以通过纠缠烦扰建立友谊的国度。 对于很多西方人来说,友谊某人共度时光,他(她)的陪伴让由衷地感到快乐

    He may well have thought he was trying to be my friend, butswheresI come from you don't build friendships by pestering and badgering another person.


  • 当然啤酒不会帮助减轻体重如果朋友出去分享快乐啤酒个不错选择。

    OK, beer is not really going to help you lose weight. But if you’re out with friends and want to share a pitcher, light beer is the way to go.


  • 当然啤酒不会帮助减轻体重如果朋友出去分享快乐啤酒个不错选择。

    OK, beer is not really going to help you lose weight. But if you’re out with friends and want to share a pitcher, light beer is the way to go.


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