• 快乐房子:“探索世界阶段课程特色寓教于乐采用新颖的“玩具”,在无拘束的玩乐中发现生活中的

    Happy House: Stage of "world exploration" Curricula Features: Teach children to discover beauty in life through lively activities and novel toys.


  • 坐在房子再次变得快乐起来

    In the new house, he becomes happy again.


  • 生活中,每个人都至少又目标变得富有,变得快乐建立家庭成为一名CEO,拥有自己的房子

    Everyone has at least one goal in life; to be rich, to be happy, to have a family, to be a CEO, to have that car or that house.


  • 鬼魅一般夫妇穿过房子打开窗子寻找着他们快乐一边絮语着不要吵醒我们

    Wandering through the house, opening the Windows, whispering not to wake us, the ghostly couple seek their joy.


  • 一旦购买到了自己梦寐以求房子,你将会居住很久很久远远地超过快乐适应期那段时间

    Once you buy that dream house, you are going to be in it far past the period of hedonic adaptation.


  • 明年春天渴望这个房子来,你就要回忆过去而且想到今天快乐的。

    Next spring you'll long again to have me under this roof, and you'll look back and think you were happy today.


  • 意思不是房子在天上飞来飞去而是什么快乐

    I'm not talking about living in a McMansion or flying around in jet planes, but what would make you happy.


  • 也许“80后(MeGeneration)”的人来说不可思议的,但是快乐并非来自于住房子购买最新的科技产品以及护照上上充满异国情调的章。

    This may come as a surprise to the "Me Generation," but happiness doesn't come from living in a big house, buying the latest techno-gadget, and getting stamps from exotic locales in your passport.


  • 我们这样认为,“登上座山峰,当我外出度假,当我在海滩享受悠闲时光,当我住心仪房子,当我终于能够游览那个国家,那么我就会感到快乐。”

    We think, “I'll be happy when I climb that hill. When I go on vacation. When I am at the beach. When I live in that kind of house. When I finally visit that country or state.


  • 知道座小小的房子里,房子里养一,置一台手提电脑、一步手机一些,那样我会相当快乐——但是我还并不打算做的那么彻底。

    I know I would be perfectly happy in a tiny house living a simple life with just the cat, a laptop, my iPhone and a few books - but I don't plan on going that extreme yet.


  • 让自己进入节日气氛唱歌装饰房子,用某种方式庆祝,当生活了充足快乐的活动,发现你的内心快乐了。

    Get into the holiday mood, sing songs, decorate, celebrate in some way. With enough merriment in your life, you'll find it making its way into your heart as well.


  • 看到爱人愉快走出房子生气勃勃的消失在我的视线里,我的心充满快乐满足

    While I see my beloved walking out of the house beamingly and briskly out of my sight, my heart blooms with joy and satisfaction.


  • 现在所有感到感恩—房子家庭健康我每天所追求的快乐感觉

    I'm grateful for being born me - for my house, car, family, health and the feeling of joy with which I pursue each and every day.


  • 快乐过著而立之年的日子——胜任份工作,有自己的房子,膝下养两个孩子——天,我就开始向妈妈寻求如何有效地用牙线建议了。

    One day I was happily in my mid-thirties, holding down3 a job while taking care of a house and two children, and the next, I was getting advice from my mother on how to effectively floss4 my teeth.


  • 是的房子归宿人们快乐源泉伤心终点

    Yes, the house, family, home to return to, people is happy wellhead, grieved destination.


  • 如果没有房子甚至没有晚餐,你是不会快乐的。

    If you have no money to buy a house or even can't buy your dinner, you can't be happy.


  • 正像很久以前比尔博报告那样无论是否喜欢这儿的食物睡觉故事或歌唱,或坐在那里沉思或是所有快乐混合体,这房子一座非常漂亮的房子

    That house was, as Bible had long ago reported, a perfect house, whether you like food or sleep or story-telling or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all.


  • 房子快乐房子

    One house. A happy house.


  • 研究人员追踪一组德国房主搬进新居他们说因为他们的房子更加快乐

    When researchers followed groups of German homeowners five years after they moved into new homes, they all wound up saying they were happier with their newer house.


  • 不要房子,卖给我安全舒适整洁和快乐

    Do not offer me a house. Offer me security, comfort, and a place that is clean and happy.


  • 充满快乐房子离开了,我不知道那是为什么我没有

    I left you by the house of fun, I don't know why I didn't come.


  • 房子还有谷仓这里,孩子们渡过了不少快乐时光

    There was also a barn near the house, and in this the children had many good times.


  • 可以追求物质财富漂亮房子昂贵轿车,一个新的手机如果你的心快乐那么这些东西不会改变感觉

    You can seek out material wealth - a nice house, an expensive car, a new phone - but if your mind is not happy then these things will not change your feelings.


  • 需要多么富有只要有栋自己房子,自己爱人几个可爱的孩子每天一家人在一起快乐乐地就好。

    I don't have to be very rich, as long as the one I love and my lovely kids in my own house, and the whole family enjoy everything together everyday.


  • 不过可以树枝房子这样就会快乐了。

    But, you can chop off my branches to build a house, so you will happy.


  • 感到空虚不快乐时候可以劳动一下比如打扫房子,抹抹桌子窗子啥的;

    When you feel vacuous and unhappy, you can do some labour, such as cleaning the house, tables and windows .


  • 感到空虚不快乐时候可以劳动一下比如打扫房子,抹抹桌子窗子啥的;

    When you feel vacuous and unhappy, you can do some labour, such as cleaning the house, tables and windows .


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