• 大卫·莫是个色彩好者,过去年中担任色彩网”主编

    David Sommers has been loving color as COLOURlovers' blog editor-in-chief for the past two years.


  • 感谢工的关怀,诺哈雅现在载著满满的

    Thanks to volunteers' concerted effort, Norhayati's house is now brimming with love.


  • 越南慈济帮助超过上百件医疗个案之中还有起是跨国接力

    The help brought by Tzu Chi volunteers has surpassed one hundred cases. Among them several even relied on the relay of love across national borders.


  • 除了完成两次发放外慈济工还有许多忙碌行程,像是带动当地举办活动申请到许可证进入重灾区的救援行动。

    Besides carrying out two distributions, volunteers ran on a hectic schedule including recruiting local volunteers, holding blessing events and obtaining permit to enter worst-hit areas.


  • 特伟答应延续这份大,他也向群像是家人道别

    Promising volunteers that he will continue this cycle of love, Htet Wai Lin bids farewell to the aunties who have already become like family.


  • 2008年第一工们把握机会汉班托塔办事处庆祝台10周年庆

    On the first day of 2008, they also took the chance to celebrate da Ai Television's 10th anniversary at Tzu Chi's Hambantota office.


  • 著悦耳旋律至诚的歌词动人歌声演译,带您踏上一个里的旅程。您定必得到鼓励安慰

    With catchy melodies, heartfelt lyrics and his engaging voice and expressions, Anthony leads you to an intimate journey of love to God. You will be challenged and comforted.


  • 来自南京外国语学校(音译):“分发作业时,我希望大家都专心致做作业。”

    Li Aiyun, from Nanjing Foreign Language School, said: 'When I handed out the homework sheets, I expected everybody to be concentrated on the homework.


  • 忠要家签署离婚协议书坚决拒绝。另一方面,聪敏眉趁机谎称怀有身孕

    Zhizhong asks Jialing to sign the divorce agreement, but Jianling turns him down. In the meantime, Congmin urges Amy to marry him. Amy lies that she has been pregnant.


  • 镜头台湾美国,美国慈济人持续街头心募驰援日本次,收到大众温暖回应

    We go from Taiwan to the United States for our next story, where volunteers took to the streets again, to collect for Japan. Once more, they received a warm response from the public.


  • 学校操场成了等候间教室了义诊区小小的场地,交织父母工的情。

    The playground has turned into a waiting area, while five classrooms now serve as examination rooms. The love of the parents and the warmth of volunteers fills the small venue.


  • 慈济持续约旦透过慈济定期发放,让都因人的生活容易。

    Tzu Chi volunteers are continuing to spread love around in the desert of Jordan. Through volunteers' regular aid distributions, the Bedouins' lives are made easier.


  • 向左剧情:一封封匿名信勾起昔日位好友的思念

    Love love left to the right story: a anonymous letter brought back to former Ji-hwan two love.


  • 听到到来马六甲怀持续不断,献上关怀,一路陪伴勇敢小女孩康复

    Upon her arrival, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malacca were with Mithusi every step, showering the brave girl with love and care through her recovery.


  • 年来,张老师忙于上网招募环保奔走彰化地区六十多校园号召大家用具体行动地球

    For a year now she has been busy recruiting recycling volunteers through the Internet, and visited over 60 schools in the Changhua area to call on everyone to become wardens of the planet.


  • 2008年野火季节南加州美国总会慈济感谢打火弟兄努力、举办活动

    At the end of wildfire season in 2008, Tzu Chi volunteers from the United States Headquarters hold an event to thank the people who battled the blazes in Southern California.


  • 慈济持续学校推动环保慈济人文希望校园

    Tzu Chi volunteers continue to promote environmental protection and Tzu Chi humanities to schools, hoping to spread the seeds of love in every campus.


  • 慈济工张黄月云:无私的精神,带到社会上需要的地方,发挥所学的良,让被协助或帮助的感受到人间温暖

    We bring love with selfless hearts to where the society needs it and use what we have learned to make the ones we help feel the warmth in the world.


  • 王强婴儿丽的门口生气找王强理论,王强为求脱身,竟把打伤。

    Wang Qiang abandons the baby at Ai Li's doorstep. Zhi Wei confronts him and gets beaten up by him.


  • 王强婴儿丽的门口生气找王强理论,王强为求脱身,竟把打伤。

    Wang Qiang abandons the baby at Ai Li's doorstep. Zhi Wei confronts him and gets beaten up by him.


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