• 因为不是虚空你们无关的事,乃是你们的生命,你们约旦河要得为地上, 因这事日子得以长久。

    They are not just idle words for you--they are your life. By them you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.


  • 耶和华再得着犹大作圣地,他拣选耶路撒冷

    And the LORD shall inherit Judah his portion in the holy land, and shall choose Jerusalem again.


  • 由于比和托的并购通过反垄断审批为基础,中国同时具有多个选择

    But since BHP's takeover would be conditional on antitrust approval, which could take months, Chinalco has a number of options in the meantime.


  • 耶和华你们缘故向发怒,起誓不容约旦河,不容我进入耶和华你的那美地。

    The LORD was angry with me because of you, and he solemnly swore that I would not cross the Jordan and enter the good land the LORD your God is giving you as your inheritance.


  • 说:我使生养众多,成为多,又地赐给你的后裔永远

    I will make you a community of peoples, and I will give this land as an everlasting possession to your descendants after you. '.


  • 2010年6月首先主站中推出了精简竞争情况报告报告可使用户“深入了解其他求职者资质”。

    CareerBuilder first launched a slimmer version of the competition report in June 2010 on its main site, saying it provided "an inside peek into the qualifications of other candidates."


  • Headhunter网站上线时共有2,800个职位空缺其中许多来自旗下的其他七个小众网站

    Headhunter launched with about 2, 800 job listings, many of them from CareerBuilder or its seven other niche sites.


  • 最近求职网站达(CareerBuilder)对2,696名人力资源经理4,384名全球员工进行了调查,征询他们听说的、见过或者自己用过的“不同凡响”的缺勤理由

    Job site CareerBuilder recently asked 2, 696 human resources managers and 4, 384 full-time employees for the "most unusual" reasons for absence that they had heard, seen, or perpetrated.


  • 达网(CareerBuilder)加入了节日的庆祝超过4300名美国劳动人民,对“什么他们认为担惊受怕的工作”进行了调查

    CareerBuilder has joined in the festivities, surveying more than 4, 300 U.S. workers about what they consider the scariest jobs.


  • 报告接近一半(49%)受访者所在的公司允许员工带薪休假而且从不询问理由,但其中有23%感觉自己有义务解释一番。

    CareerBuilder reports that almost half (49%) of those surveyed work for companies that allow paid personal days with no questions asked, yet 23% of them still feel obligated to explain why.


  • 发表达网站一项新的调查发现用户的工作经验越多,他们工作录用机会有可能进行谈判

    A new survey published at CareerBuilder found that the more work experience candidates gain, the more likely they are to negotiate that first offer.


  • 达网显示,58%满意自己工作计划今年找到工作。

    According to CareerBuilder, 58 percent of people who are dissatisfied with their job plan to find a new one this year.


  • 地被耶和华制伏了,然后你们可以回来,向耶和华以色列无罪,这在耶和华面前你们

    And the land be subdued before the LORD: then afterward ye shall return, and be guiltless before the LORD, and before Israel; and this land shall be your possession before the LORD.


  • 竞标美国铝公司年夜略成为年夜范围归并收购交易也是都不曾涉及的范围。

    A bid for Alcoa would be the biggest deal yet in a series of mergers and acquisitions in the mining industry, which BHP and Rio Tinto have so far chosen not to participate in.


  • 目的观察加强净、奋斗呐餐饮效果,以控制室内、外密度

    Objective: To observe the efficacy of enhanced Yingbijing alpha-cypermethrin against flies in catering trade and control the density of flies indoors and outdoors.


  • 这些词句就是达公司最新调查:最好最差简历用语中节选的。

    These phrases come from the new CareerBuilder survey on the best and worst résumé terms.


  • 他们向耶和华行事诡诈了私子。到了朔,他们他们的地吞灭

    They have dealt treacherously against the LORD: for they have begotten strange children: now shall a month devour them with their portions.


  • 普通遇下门课该当英语教熟的课程

    Under normal circumstances, this course should be a compulsory English courses students.


  • 本案焦点在产集中上:根据2008年的数据拓-合资企一跃超过巴西淡水河谷(Vale),位居全球海运铁矿石之首,占据全球35%以上的份额。

    But here the issue is concentration: on 2008 figures, the Rio-BHP venture would leapfrog over Vale of Brazil to take the top spot and amount to more than 35 per cent of global seaborne iron ore trade.


  • 这些词句就是达公司最新调查:最好最差简历用语中节选的。

    These phrases come from the new CareerBuilder survey on the best and worst résumé terms. '


  • 雅各后裔,从犹大承受我拣选的人承受地为,我的众仆人在那里居住

    And I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah an inheritor of my mountains: and mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there.


  • 集团Mozal铝厂主要股东拥有Mozal铝厂75%的产品出售权利

    BHP Billiton Aluminium is Mozal's main shareholder and owns the sale rights on 75% of its production.


  • 集团Mozal铝厂主要股东拥有Mozal铝厂75%的产品出售权利

    BHP Billiton Aluminium is Mozal's main shareholder and owns the sale rights on 75% of its production.


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