• 心脏血管疾病美国人死亡首要原因

    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among Americans.


  • 红酒心脏血管好处人人皆知的常识

    The red liquor already has been to heart blood vessel benefit it is known to all common sense.


  • 欧米珈- 3脂肪酸帮助保持心脏血管清洁从而促进血液循环

    Omega-3 fatty acids can also help keep the heart's arteries clear and so improve circulation.


  • 有压力老鼠不单变得肥,而且它们开始展示肥胖后果新陈代谢心脏血管问题。

    Not only were the stressed mice much fatter, they began to exhibit the metabolic and cardiovascular consequences of obesity, Kuo said.


  • 由于安全数据报告不全,以及部分研究摒除之前曾发生过心脏血管参与者,因此我们断定不良事件证据品质属中等

    We judged the quality of the evidence on adverse effects as moderate due to partial reporting of safety data and the exclusion of participants with previous cardiovascular events in some studies.


  • 选择了那个手指是因为人们认为那个手指血管直接通向心脏

    He chose that finger because it was thought that the blood vessel in that finger went directly to the heart.


  • 一项新的研究报告说阿斯匹林这种普通药物就可以大大减少心脏血管阻塞手术出现的危及生命的情况。

    A new study reports the common drug aspirin greatly reduces life-threatening problems after an operation to replace blocked blood vessels to the heart.


  • 这种传感器可以穿过人体血管提供心脏瓣膜处血压读数

    Threaded through a person's blood vessels, the sensor can provide blood pressure readings at the valve of the heart itself.


  • 的确这个国家体重超标以往任何时候都多,而且在很多情况下体重超标心脏血管疾病风险增加有关。

    It is true that in this country we have more overweight people than ever before, and that, in many cases, being over-weight correlates with an increased risk of heart and blood vessel disease.


  • 准确巧克力剂量达到心脏血管有益知道

    The correct "dose" of chocolate to achieve a cardiovascular benefit has not been determined.


  • 许多没有营养不良饥饿战争,而是传染性疾病艾滋心脏血管疾病癌症肥胖引起并发症。

    Most people who do not die of malnutrition, starvation, or war are killed by communicable diseases such as AIDS, heart and vascular disease, cancer and the effect of obesity.


  • 随机临床试验已经显示摄入欧米茄3不饱和脂肪酸减少患致命的心脏和心血管病的几率。

    And random clinical trials have shown that consuming omega-3 fatty acids can reduce heart attacks and cardiovascular death.


  • 冠状动脉造影时(导管)通过血管进入心脏注入一种特殊染料

    During coronary angiography, a thin tube (catheter) is threaded through a blood vessel into the heart, where a special dye is injected.


  • 每天杯酒左右女性心脏搭桥手术后患有血管疾病的几率更低一些,效果没有男性那么明显。

    Women who had about two drinks daily also had fewer cardiovascular problems after bypass surgery but the benefit was smaller than seen in men.


  • 为了潜在心脏血管益处巧克力加入饮食几个潜在的缺点

    There are several potential disadvantages to adding chocolate to your diet for the potential cardiovascular benefits. These include.


  • 冠心病——心脏肌肉供血血管疾病

    Coronary heart disease - disease of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle.


  • 整个晚上唱歌,我必须穿你的赖以生存的鲜血必须要血管成为的血。

    All night long you must sing to me, and the thorn must Pierce your heart, and your life-blood must flow into my veins, and become mine.


  • 一个可能具有攻击性牙科处理引发炎症身体治愈反应部分有助改善炎症的化学物损伤你的血管

    One possibility is that invasive dental procedures trigger inflammation as part of the body's healing response, and that inflammation-promoting chemicals damage your heart or blood vessels.


  • 砰砰跳动的心脏连接着动脉毛细血管静脉提供氧气养分身体每一个细胞

    The heart pumps blood through the arteries, capillaries and veins to provide oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body.


  • 总体来看,引起犯人死亡原因主要有癌症心脏以及血管疾病,由此导致的死亡人数占据死亡人数的一半以上

    As in the general population, cancer and heart and blood vessel diseases were the most common cause of death among inmatesaccounting for more than half of deaths.


  • 这种药物干细胞增强重建受损心脏肌肉血管防止心脏再次发作。

    It USES the cells to fortify and rebuild damaged heart muscles and blood vessels in an attempt to prevent further attacks.


  • 法国研究小组发现同一样多酚化合物相对较剂量时心脏血管循环系统流通显著的作用

    At relatively low doses, the French researchers found that the same polyphenols play a beneficial role for those with diseased hearts and circulatory systems by facilitating blood vessel growth.


  • 心脏血管疾病世界老年人头号杀手”。格雷尽管研究人员已经找到治疗心脏血管疾病的办法,但要消除该疾病还要很长的段时间。

    Cardiovascular diseases are the world's biggest age-related killers and DE Grey says there is a long way to go on these though researchers have figured out the path to follow.


  • 进而,使得腿部血管肌肉能够有效血液输送回心脏

    This in turn facilitates veins and muscles of the legs to move blood to the heart more efficiently.


  • 那种压力适当强度导向心脏肌肉可以使身体形成新的血管

    Direct that pressure toward the heart muscle with just the right intensity, and it causes the body to produce new blood vessels.


  • 卫冕理论肿瘤部分中断的,要么她的血管破裂造成了她的心脏的巨大的堵塞

    The reigning theory was that part of her tumor had broken off and either ruptured her pulmonary artery or created a huge blockage in her heart.


  • 首先胎儿时期心脏,就是一个血管,和金鱼心脏差不多大。

    First, the heart of an embryo starts off as a little tube, similar to the heart of a goldfish.


  • 碎块的出血是心脏瓣膜感染排出来堆积血管里的血块

    Splinter hemorrhages are blood clots that have been thrown off by the infection and then have lodged in the small blood vessels.


  • 碎块的出血是心脏瓣膜感染排出来堆积血管里的血块

    Splinter hemorrhages are blood clots that have been thrown off by the infection and then have lodged in the small blood vessels.


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