• 艺术形式上,则呈现出“心灵故事复调小说特征

    Their artistic forms are characterized by features of "soul stories" and "polyphony" novels.


  • 装满别人心灵故事,却小心把自己的心流露出来了

    My heart is filled with stories of other peoples hearts, do not accidentally reveal his heart to the.


  • 只是一份记忆、一则心灵故事虽然过去无法改变,但是对于它们故事能改变。

    The past doesn't exist except as a memory, a mental story, and though past events aren't changeable, your stories about them are.


  • 永远记住三个——故事心灵价值

    Always remember the three words - Story, Heart, and Value.


  • 上次那个故事,我认为描述个,心灵存在身体存在的世界,而不是真的想象出那样一个世界。

    That little story I told last time, I thought I was describing a world in which my mind exists and my body doesn't, but it wasn't really imagining a world like that.


  • 胸着任意敲打任性玩耍的孩童,这一下又一下的敲打便是撞击着相约心灵一下真诚故事

    I am a mischievous kid knocking at your heart. Every knock is to pat on your soul to remind you of our appointment, and every knock is a genuine, honest story.


  • 我们希望能为理解解决这类问题提供些帮助,因此封面故事美丽心灵”。

    To help us cope and, we hope, understand, we've made "Beautiful Brains," which is this month's cover story.


  • 故事思考着,心灵显然存在着的,但是,我的躯体存在了。

    We've got a story in which I'm thinking all sorts of thoughts; my mind clearly exists, and yet, for all that, my body does not exist.


  • 有力图片故事必须建立特有核心价值(言核心感情因素)的基础之上,并且这样的价值或者感情必须触动观众心灵

    Every dynamic story is built on a set of core values and emotions that touch the heart of its audience. Anger.


  • 如此震动心灵故事解释为什么这本薄薄的小书对某些著作一剂对症解药,因为多数学者研究档案往往拿出令人望而却步的成果。

    Such moving stories explain why this slim book is just the right antidote to the often daunting studies most scholars produce after working in the archives.


  • 艾修伯这则故事我们见到了心灵相互交流的神奇时刻

    Saint-Exupery’s story speaks of that magic moment when two souls recognize each other.


  • 《群讲述就是一个心灵受伤女主角如何别人帮助下走出痛苦悲伤并且找到光明故事

    "Cobalt Blue" is the story of a hurt heroine aided by various people who surround her with affection as she seeks the light that will enable her to overcome her sorrow and pain.


  • 的确乐师要遵循一系列乐谱这些谱子又叙述某个语焉不详的故事或者至少是某次心灵情感旅行

    Sure, the musicians follow a set score, which in turn follows a vague narrative, or at least an emotional journey.


  • 本书所精选一个个温暖心灵亲情故事每个人父爱母爱的深情回忆

    Featured in this book a warm heart, a story of affection, is everyone's affectionate memories of the fatherly motherly love.


  • 发现,自己作为作家经历少有电影制作之旅故事被扩大一个巨大的印象库,敲击人的大脑心灵

    I realised that I, as a writer, was having the rarest film trip: my story was not mangled but enlarged into huge and gripping imagery that rattled minds and squeezed hearts.


  • 热腾腾茶水可以身体温暖切切的故事可以让心灵感动一声声的祝福可以传送情怀

    Hot tea can let the body warmth, love long stories can let the heart touched, every blessing can transfer my feelings.


  • 作家Sebold小说关于女孩子心灵蜕变故事,关于一个家庭如何面对突如其来悲剧故事,关于一个在压抑的痛苦环境裂痕只会扎挣着越越变大的故事

    Sebold's book is about the mind of a young girl, the reactions of a family to tragedy, the flaws that become enormous rifts under the pressures of grief.


  • 即使人类电视电影里可能制造爱的故事潜藏底下的思想形态没有充盈人们心灵

    Even though there may be loving stories produced upon television or in human movies, the underlying thought-form does not fill the human heart.


  • 这个故事告诉我们好的外表并不总是代表美丽心灵

    The story tells us: A fine coat is not always an indication of an attractive mind.


  • 每个故事里,父爱母爱一样的伟大一个个温暖心灵亲情故事,是每个人对父母关爱深情回忆感受到浓浓的亲情。

    Each person's story, a father and a mother's love is great, and a warm heart of love story, is the deep memories of the parents care for everyone, you will feel great affection.


  • 张洁就是仰视角度纯洁美好心灵来看待婚姻爱情,创作了一个个美好圣洁的爱情故事

    Zhang Jie treats the marriage love from the perspective of looking up with pure and bright soul, and creats holy and pure love story.


  • 坐在母亲身边好几个小时,聆听编织自己童年的故事,詹姆士幼小心灵于是充满了奇幻世界

    He would sit with her for hours as she wove tales from her childhood, filling his young mind with a world of fantasy.


  • 如果故事传给别人,你会无法知道可能会给失去信心的人带来希望,重新点燃曾受创伤心灵甚至改变他人的生命进程。

    If you do not pass this on, you may never know the lives it touches, the hurting hearts it speaks to, or the hope that it can bring.


  • 如果故事传给别人,你会无法知道可能会给失去信心的人带来希望,重新点燃曾受创伤心灵甚至改变他人的生命进程。

    If you do not pass this on, you may never know the lives it touches, the hurting hearts it speaks to, or the hope that it can bring.


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