• 加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯的米尔·高中最近有一17岁的男生抓到在课堂上短信,随后他被送到校长办公室

    A 17-year-old boy, caught sending text messages in class, was recently sent to the vice principal's office at Millwood High School in Halifax, Nova Scotia.


  • 加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯的米尔·高中最近一位17岁的男生被抓到课堂短信,随后他被送到校长办公室

    A 17-year-old boy, caught sending text messages in class, was recently sent to the vice principal's office at Millwood High School in Halifax, Nova Scotia.


  • 克即将同时从康科学院高中和罗文卡巴拉社区大学毕业。

    Mike is graduating from Concord Academy High School and Rowan Kabbalah Community College at the same time.


  • 包括学生通过抽签选择的其他学校比如弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿市的 H-B 伍罗恩高中

    It includes alternative schools with students selected by lottery, such as H-B Woodlawn in Arlington, Va.


  • 还包括学生通过抽签选择其他学校比如弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿市的 H-B 伍罗恩高中

    And it includes alternative schools with students selected by lottery, such as H-B Woodlawn in Arlington, Va.


  • 当时家乡俄勒冈州舍伍观看高中篮球赛,注意许多同龄孩子穿着同样白色耐克运动

    He was attending a high school basketball game in his hometown of Sherwood, Oregon, and noticed that many kids at his age were wearing the same white Nike sport socks.


  • 当时家乡俄勒冈州舍伍参加高中篮球赛,注意很多同龄孩子穿着同样白色耐克运动

    He was attending a high school basketball game in his hometown of Sherwood, Oregon, and noticed that many kids his age were wearing the same white Nike sport socks.


  • 雅虎网络知道很多关于高中毕业生凯特·事情。其中个对减肥兴趣的1318 岁女性

    Yahoo's network knows many things about recent high-school graduate Cate Reid. One is that she is a 13- to 18-year-old female interested in weight loss.


  • 就像那个高中开着科迈罗,留着胡子周末用弓箭打猎的家伙。”

    "Like that guy in high school with the Camaro and the mustache who bow-hunts on weekends," Rudder said.


  • 在,泰正在罗彻斯特大学学习地理,并利用互联网完成高中学业。

    Now Ted is studying geography at Rochester University and using the Internet to complete his high school studies.


  • 铃声响起时,只听见保罗校长咆哮:“ 现在是6点15分,高中叫你起床啦!” “闹铃电话”还主要用于将诸如由于天气原因推迟取消课程的变动告知学生家长

    Robo-calls are typically used to notify parents of weather-related school delays and cancellations.


  • 由于城市高中理查了解不多知道积极每个人都喜欢他其中包括老板,这高中的校长。

    Relatively new to this large urban high school, I knew little of Richard, except that he was active and well liked by everyone including my boss, the directing principal.


  • 佛罗里达州迈阿密北部布劳·沃校区,考虑著在高中学校实行每周四天教育制。

    In South Florida, the Broward County school district, just north of Miami, is considering the four-day week for its high schools.


  • 凯斯-西部保留地大学医学院的苏珊·及其同事进行的研究显示高中睡眠时间肥胖程度反比

    A study by Susan Redline and colleagues at Case Western Reserve University school of Medicine showed an inverse correlation between sleep duration and obesity in high-school-age students.


  • 作为有着27工龄的西雅图地铁司机,安确信看过儿子所有比赛,当儿子还克马的林肯高中读书的时候,安为儿子可谓殚精竭虑

    A Metro bus driver in Seattle for 27 years, Cheatham made sure she was at all of her son's games. She played at Lincoln High School in Tacoma and stayed active in the game through her son.


  • 1999年对高中所做的研究中,费尔发现非语言信号在决定说谎而蒙混过关时至关重要

    In his 1999 study of high school students, Feldman found that nonverbal signals were crucial in determining who got away with telling lies.


  • 不容易离开房间之后,起来整理好了自己衣服姆也外套,回他的高中去了

    When she finally did leave, Madeleine sat up, readjusted her clothes, and Tim picked up his blazer and went back to high school.


  • 布里吉小学初中高中工作人员一起努力,组成家庭作业委员会

    Working with the staff at st Brigid Elementary Junior High School, she formed a homework committee.


  • 而在此前毕马威竞争对手勤已上月宣称每年都会招收100名高中毕业生。

    Before that, KPMG's rival Deloitte last month announced it will hire 100 recruits straight from school each year.


  • 美国斯·普兰斯马可·庞斯说高中20岁儿子16岁女儿平均每天都要花费2.5小时来做家庭作业

    Mark Pundurs of Des Plaines said his son and daughter, now 20 and 16, averaged 2.5 hours of daily work through high school.


  • 因为跳级高中去上数学课每天早上上数学课后高中派车把我们送回初中,这样回校后都要到这里签到,所以彼此很熟。

    She is the one who makes Matt and I sign in every morning after we get back from Math class at the high school.


  • 毕讷先生也是默乐高中有名的“怪人”,就是西班牙语课的老师。在进入高一之前,从来就没有正式学过西班牙语。

    Another teacher that I have had who was definitely famous for his wackiness was my recent Spanish teacher, Mr. Benedetti.


  • 他们2个儿子中的个跟着搬走了一个布里·完成高中学业。

    One of their two sons moved with her; the other is finishing high school in Brevard.


  • 妻子多尼塔很讨厌胡须,但他已就读高中3个女儿介意他留着大胡子,“她们男友基本上都认为我的胡子酷”。

    His wife Donita hates the beard, while their three daughters, who attend Eastmont High School in East Wenatchee, don't mind and "mostly their boyfriends think it's cool, " Weddle said.


  • 妻子多尼塔很讨厌胡须,但他已就读高中3个女儿介意他留着大胡子,“她们男友基本上都认为我的胡子酷”。

    His wife Donita hates the beard, while their three daughters, who attend Eastmont High School in East Wenatchee, don't mind and "mostly their boyfriends think it's cool, " Weddle said.


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