• 萨拉关系很好

    Madeleine is on good terms with Sarah.


  • 一周萨拉参加了学校的开放日。

    A week later, Sara and I attended an open day at Ted's school.


  • 就是世界同一地区也有强的竞争者萨拉热窝莫斯塔尔的路线,贝尔格莱到黑山的路线等

    Even in this part of the world there are stronger contenders (Sarajevo to Mostar; Belgrade to Montenegro).


  • 典型年份降雨东部地区开始,旁遮普省汇集,大约就在拉合尔萨拉附近

    In typical years, the rains open up in the east, centered on Punjab province, roughly near the cities of Lahore and Faisalabad.


  • 阿里。阿布·萨拉,当时他们居住地区攻击强度非常之大,以致得把家人带到米苏拉塔北部他们在那里亲戚同

    Ali Abdsalaam says the intensity of the attacks on their residential neighborhood was such that he moved his family to the north of the city, where they stayed with relatives.


  • 温成年时,并没有延长条约期限,相反,却发动了一系列的反萨拉丁的战争尽管患有麻风病,但是还是策马战斗。

    When Baldwin came of age he did not renew the treaty, and, instead, began a series of wars against him -fighting on horseback despite suffering from leprosy.


  • 东部拉合尔萨拉开始今年巴基斯坦雨季中心起始成为了瑙仕拉恰尔萨达

    From Lahore and Faisalabad in the east, this year the center and start of Pakistan's monsoon season became instead Nowshera and Charsadda.


  • 然而即使萨拉先生同意了风电反对者可能还会继续法庭上提出挑战而且公司需要公用事业公司达成协议

    But even if Mr. Salazar gave the approval, opponents of Cape Wind wouldprobably continue to challenge it in court and the company would stillneed to strike a deal with a utility to buy the power.


  • 最有名战士之一,萨拉·埃斯,化名弗兰克·汤姆森

    One of the best-documented female soldiers is Sarah edmonds-her alias was Frank Thompson.


  • 最初的日子里叫安霍尔夫人萨拉小姐,小两

    In those days I knew Frau Arnhold as Sarah; she was only two years my junior.


  • 瑞典阿普萨拉大学遗传学詹尼佛刘纳没有参与这项研究她认为这些发现确实可信的

    Jennifer Leonard, a geneticist at the University of Uppsala in Sweden who was not involved in the project, thinks the findings are solid.


  • 贝尔格莱萨拉热窝之间距离200公里,坐飞机只需45分钟,如果不是那种螺旋浆推进的飞机,速度更快。

    The daily flight between Belgrade and Sarajevo takes 45 minutes to cover the 200-odd kilometres; it would be quicker in a plane that was not propellor-powered.


  • 地方治安官甚至质询萨拉·古4岁的女儿多萝西驯服回答认为承认

    Magistrates even questioned Sarah Good's 4-year-old daughter, Dorothy, and her timid answers were construed as a confession.


  • 灵魂缓慢而庄严萨拉·班舞曲中交托给魔鬼

    Souls are given over to the demons and their saraband.


  • 周日穆夫提之杀害发生北部利卜动荡地区萨拉,当时离开所就读大学

    Sunday's killing of the mufti's son took place in the Saraqeb region of the restive northern Idlib province as he left the university where he studied.


  • 萨拉热窝贝尔格莱火车旅程巨大象征意义但是沿途风景并不能与最好的铁路旅游线路相提并论

    The train journey from Sarajevo to Belgrade may have huge symbolic significance but, scenically, it cannot rank among the all-time greats.


  • 位于圣迭戈加利福尼亚大学萨拉·尼克说,没有午睡习惯的人和有规律午睡的人起来容易发生这种情形。

    Sara Mednick, from the University of California, San Diego, suggests that non-habitual nappers suffer from this more often than those who siesta regularly.


  • 事实上,温先生耶鲁大学同事——理查·普罗维诺库马尔·萨拉内森——正在研究这种五彩斑斓的“结构进化

    Indeed, two of Mr Vinther's colleagues at Yale, Richard Prum and Vinodkumar Saranathan, are studying the evolution of such iridescent "structural" colours.


  • 美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿险胜阿拉斯加州州长萨拉·佩林电视节目主持人普拉·温弗瑞,连续第九被评为“最受尊敬的女性”。去年也是击败这两位竞争对手而荣登榜首的。

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most-admired woman for the ninth year in a row, edging out former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and TV host Oprah Winfrey, as she did last year.


  • 对于阿布·萨拉姆一家来说,那些担心害怕现在已经不复存在。

    For the Abdsalaam family, those fears are gone for now.


  • 与此同时ISAF周四通报称,周三阿富汗联军部队在赫尔省纳赫尔埃勒- E萨拉地区击毙了名武装分子逮捕许多叛军成员。

    Meanwhile, Afghan and ISAF forces killed several insurgents and detained many others Wednesday in the Nahr-E Saraj district of Helmand province, ISAF reported Thursday.


  • 四月埃费尔斯·贝格射电望远镜光纤与处于英国焦雷尔·班克、意大利梅迪奇纳、瑞典萨拉以及波兰托伦等观测站的射电望远镜连接起来。

    In April, the 100-meter radio telescope Effelsberg in Germany was tied in via fiber optics to radio telescopes at Jodrell Bank in the U.K., Medicina in Italy, Onsala in Sweden and Torun in Poland.


  • 同一天,印度石油天然气公司下属希有限公司(ONGCVidesh Ltd.)常务董事D.K. 萨拉夫(D.K.Sarraf公司有可能投标越南提供的九个近海标段,这次投标于1月26结束

    On the same day, D.K. Sarraf, managing director of unit ONGC Videsh Ltd., said the company may bid in an auction of nine offshore blocks being offered by Vietnam that will close Jan. 26.


  • 萨拉·布赖特曼1960年8月14日出英格兰伯克·汉普斯特。她在13岁时步入了演艺界。

    Born August 14, 1960 in Berkhampstead, England, Sarah Brightman stepped into the world of performing arts at the early age of thirteen.


  • 一厢情愿地以为,乘坐从布尔格萨拉热窝火车不仅可以欣赏一路风光,还能旅友谈谈天、说说地,肯定是一件十分惬意的事情。

    I HAD sentimentally imagined that the Belgrade-Sarajevo train would prove a rich source of colour and interviews.


  • 萨拉·哈里

    Sara Goldfarb: I love you, Harry.


  • 一周萨拉参加了学校开放日活动。

    A week later, Sara and I attended open house at Ted 's school.


  • 此外UNIVPMUB科学家其他西班牙萨拉曼卡大学格拉纳达,萨尔维亚贝尔格莱大学的研究人员参与本项研究。

    Furthermore, as well as scientists at the UNIVPM and the UB, others from the universities of Salamanca and Granada in Spain and of Belgrade in Serbia have participated in this research study.


  • 此外UNIVPMUB科学家其他西班牙萨拉曼卡大学格拉纳达,萨尔维亚贝尔格莱大学的研究人员参与本项研究。

    Furthermore, as well as scientists at the UNIVPM and the UB, others from the universities of Salamanca and Granada in Spain and of Belgrade in Serbia have participated in this research study.


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