• 柏丽标志设计亚洲相映生辉。

    Logo design of Sparlee used the Asian color gray and red color from Shide.


  • 就起来杀了则巴黑匝耳慕纳,他们骆驼上的月牙环。

    Gideon arose and killed them, and took the ornaments off their camels' necks.


  • 而对于利物浦队球迷来说,阿根廷人将默西塞德红优势瞬间化解的慢动作回放,更是令人心碎。

    To Liverpool's watching fans, however, the action unfolded in shudderingly slow motion as the Argentinian took advantage of a sudden collapse of concentration in the English club's defence.


  • 黑军团冠军联赛资格赛第三对阵科克欧洲冠军贝尔格莱队,后者双方的回合交锋中以1:0获胜。

    The Rossoneri will play either Cork City or former European champions Red Star Belgrade in the third qualifying round, the latter leading 1-0 after the first leg.


  • 曾看到普津煤气厂上空飞翔,也曾听到尤斯顿画眉一流的歌喉。

    I have seen a kestrel flying over the Deptford gasworks, and I have heard a first-rate performance by a blackbird in Euston Road.


  • 埃弗拉应该可以热刺比赛伤愈归队,但是费迪南将要伤停一个半月左右因此更多年轻中卫机会提上了的议事安排。

    Evra should be back for the clash with Tottenham but Ferdinand will be out for around a month-and-a-half, thus presenting more opportunities for the younger defenders in the Reds' ranks.


  • 比如,“纽约理查进攻失败”,就是一种正确顺序回忆起可见光颜色(绿)的记忆方法。

    "Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain," for example, is a mnemonic for recalling the colors of the visible spectrum in the right order (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet).


  • 利物浦门神雷纳谈到魔的时显得很热心,雷纳表示愿意帮助赫亚西班牙同乡一些建设性的意见。

    Liverpool goalkeeper Pepe Reina has also been discussing the Reds' new number one and has offered his services as something of a mentor to De Gea, his Spanish counterpart.


  • 芬威公园露天看台·威廉姆斯波斯顿袜队打左路

    She took me to the bleachers in Fenway Park to watch Ted Williams play left field for the Boston Red Sox.


  • 斯科特惠特尼年前大学里邂逅纽约学院

    Scott and Whitney met on the campus of Bard College in Red Hook, NY two years ago this January.


  • 灵巧地跨黑色卡迪拉克凯雷出一丝傲慢笑容阔步踏上,穿过警卫,直向挤得头破血流狗仔队们走去。

    He ducked out of a rear door of a black Cadillac Escalade, curled his lips into a haughty smirk and strutted down the red carpet, past security and into the paparazzi scrum.


  • 听见斩钉截铁的话,婆娘抬起一张又白的一种神情注视天花板

    At this absolute assertion, the Jondrette woman raised her large, red, blonde face and stared at the ceiling with a horrible expression.


  • 今晚出现的最大问题就是比赛才开始时,门线助理裁判坚持门将毛巾挂到球门深处,不要挡住球门干扰球路

    Initially Lindegaard's biggest problem was the assistant referee behind his goal, who insisted the United goalkeeper move a towel further into the corner of his net.


  • 相信你们过去几年已经看到选民喜欢那些投票之前不看账单议员”,帕卡一封最初张贴保守博客州(RedState)的信里写道

    “As I'm sure you've seen over the past year, voters don't like Senators who don't read bills before they vote on them, ” Packard wrote in a letter first posted on the conservative blog RedState.


  • 《90210》主演安娜丽尼·麦考昨天参加了加利福尼亚州举办2011年人民选择奖(Peoples Choice Awards)记者招待会今天穿了白色衬衫搭配蓝色领带,一条深灰色长裤,脚上穿着珊瑚高跟鞋

    90210 star AnnaLynne McCord attended the 2011 People's Choice Awards press conference in California yesterday and wore a white shirt and charcoal trousers with a blue tie and coral pumps.


  • 约瑟夫西蒙尼是现在Google一个厨师最为敬仰是他调制菌茶的技术——他能够从无到有发酵这种茶能够使得员工才思泉涌(创造性思维流水而来)。

    One of Google's current chefs is Josef Desimone, who is admired chiefly for the kombucha tea that he ferments from scratch and that gets the employees' creative juices flowing.


  • 打开。盒子里,薄薄的棉垫上一个闪闪发光的口琴,琴身是明亮银色系着

    Red does. Inside the box, on a thin layer of cotton, is a shiny new harmonica, bright aluminum and circus-red.


  • 虽然婴儿是尼埋葬的,而且现代人已经发现埋葬日期追溯到很久以前,这些发现的婴儿却是不同寻常的,因为他们佩戴象牙珠链赭石猛犸骨头

    Although babies buried by Neandertals and modern humans have been found that date farther back, the new bodies are unusual in that they are adorned with ivory beads, red ochre, and mammoth bone.


  • 理查男的实际上当今好莱坞影星之一。

    Richard: a male. In fact he is now one of Hollywood's hottest stars!


  • 筛选委员会众多参赛作品选出了份作品,早期公投结果中,凯尔•洛克设计黑白色的银蕨星旗胜出,现有国旗进行对决。

    A selection committee chose four flags from a vast number of entries, and voting in an earlier referendum selected a black, white, blue and red fern and stars design by Kyle Lockwood.


  • 黑军团下定决心签下大牌球员来加强他们进攻但是巴塞罗那距离阿森纳的阿近的以后,他们目标又重新回到了罗纳尔迪尼奥身上。

    The Rossoneri are determined to draft in a big star name for their attack, but after Barcelona closed in further on Arsenal's Emmanuel Adebayor, the target is drifting back towards Ronaldinho.


  • 麦迪拿下30姚明得到2512个篮板火箭队为主教练阿尔曼拿下个开门

    Tracy McGrady scored 30 points, Yao Ming had 25 points and 12 rebounds, and the Rockets made Rick Adelman's debut as their coach a success.


  • 埃弗拉应该可以热刺比赛伤愈归队,但是费迪南将要伤停一个半月左右因此更多年轻中卫机会提上了的议事安排。

    Evra should be back for the clash with Tottenham but Ferdinand will be out for around a month-and-a-half, thus presenting more opportunities for the younger defenders in the Reds' ranks.


  • 美国宾州大学完成神经生物学研究所课程曾经担任创投杂志《鲱鱼》的资深科学作家

    He has done graduate work in neurobiology at the University of Pennsylvania and was previously senior science writer at Red Herring magazine.


  • 娜塔莉·波特曼穿着一身些许点缀芥末长裙遮腹,由法国丈夫芭蕾舞编导杰明•米派陪同走上毯。

    Natalie Portman covered her bump in mustard yellow with just a tasteful section of embellishment on the skirt. Natalie's French husband, ballet choreographer Benjamin Millepied, accompanied her.


  • 加斯普。奥尔森·林·加我们先后有丹麦人挪威人和瑞典穿上

    From Jesper Olsen to Anders Lindegaard, there have been Danes, Norwegians and Swedes who have worn the red shirt with distinction.


  • 世界顶级金属生产商国家铜矿巨人,科尔科发言人说:没有收到公司北部设备毁坏报告。

    An official at state copper giant Codelco, the world's top producer of the red metal, said there was no damage to the company's northern installations.


  • 世界顶级金属生产商国家铜矿巨人,科尔科发言人说:没有收到公司北部设备毁坏报告。

    An official at state copper giant Codelco, the world's top producer of the red metal, said there was no damage to the company's northern installations.


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