• 其中黑山人德热拉斯是因为“自由化”,塞尔维亚兰科维奇正是因为塞族民族主义

    In which Montenegrins Djilas is because the "liberal," while the Serbs Rankovic precisely because of the Serb nationalism.


  • 1649年,西拉诺··拉克创作了《月球旅》,其通常人们认为第一科幻故事

    A Voyage to the Moon, often cited as the first science fiction story, was written by Cyrano de Bergerac in 1649.


  • 第二天一大早,索菲娅醒来发现不在,注意到一杯牛奶下面一张便条上面写好多

    Early the following morning, Sophia woke up only to find Edwin missing and also noticed a note under a glass of hot milk, on which were written too many words.


  • 就是世界同一地区也有强的竞争者如萨拉莫斯塔尔的路线,贝尔格莱到黑山的路线等

    Even in this part of the world there are stronger contenders (Sarajevo to Mostar; Belgrade to Montenegro).


  • 埃弗拉应该可以比赛伤愈归队,但是费迪南将要伤停一个半月左右因此更多年轻中卫机会提上了红魔的议事安排。

    Evra should be back for the clash with Tottenham but Ferdinand will be out for around a month-and-a-half, thus presenting more opportunities for the younger defenders in the Reds' ranks.


  • 自从克纳普接手球队,已经21场比赛中拿到了33看起来他们已经赛季初的糟糕开局摆脱并逃离了降级区。

    Spurs have taken 33 points from 21 matches since Harry Redknapp took charge, a run which has seen them pull away from the relegation zone after their poor start to the campaign.


  • 而且巴诺斯基博士博士所研究的化石所处气候人们未来100极端预测凉爽些。

    The fossil climates Dr Barnosky and Dr Hadly have been looking at are, even at their warmest, cooler than the more extreme predictions for the next 100 years.


  • 范·沃尔教授希望自己结论激起议,因为发现不仅新颖而且到了众多宗教界人士内心

    She said she hoped that her conclusions would spark "a robust debate", since her finds are not only new, but would also touch the hearts of many religious people.


  • 候选人包括外交大臣大卫·米利班伦敦行业子孙,名字有着被简称趋势大卫的同僚——能源大臣

    Mooted candidates include David Miliband, the foreign secretary, and his brother Ed, the energy secretary, scions of the north London cognoscenti with a tendency to speak in abstract nouns.


  • 贝尔格莱萨拉之间距离200公里,坐飞机只需45分钟,如果不是那种螺旋浆推进的飞机,速度更快。

    The daily flight between Belgrade and Sarajevo takes 45 minutes to cover the 200-odd kilometres; it would be quicker in a plane that was not propellor-powered.


  • 除了助教汤尼·亚当斯还有现役的劳伦,坎贝尔卡奴,理查·休斯拉萨纳·迪亚拉以及罗姆·托马斯出现了“庞培军团”的名册他们前枪手球员

    As well as assistant manager Tony Adams, there are currently Lauren, Sol Campbell, Kanu, Richard Hughes, Lassana Diarra and Jerome Thomas on the books at Pompey, all of them ex-Arsenal players.


  • 是幸运因为他们有韦表现堪称伟大,是他使不致上半场就缴械投降。

    Fortunately for the Heat, Wade was on the scene, and he put on an absolute masterpiece of a performance to keep the Heat alive in the first half.


  • 赛季开始前,加入了常年明星前锋克里斯·波什超级明星前锋勒布朗·詹姆斯,进而组成一支天才后卫维恩·带领的球队。

    Before the season the Heat added perennial all-star forward Chris Bosh and superstar forward LeBron James to a team that was headed by talented guard Dwayne Wade.


  • 萨拉贝尔格莱火车旅程巨大象征意义但是沿途风景并不能与最好的铁路旅游线路相提并论

    The train journey from Sarajevo to Belgrade may have huge symbolic significance but, scenically, it cannot rank among the all-time greats.


  • 法裔加拿大人表演重现了采时代的生活

    At Lindeman a group of French - Canadians was living out a reality-show recreation of the gold rush.


  • Lothar系统一种传感器系统配备“蒂尔成像仪(红外制冷)的火控系统设计。

    LOTHAR (Land Optronic thermal Aiming Resource) is a multi sensor system specifically designed for Fire Control Systems equipped with the "Tilde" thermal camera (ir cooled).


  • 主帅克纳普没有前往西班牙首都观看周六晚上的马比大战只派遣助手舍伍费迪南观赛

    Harry Redknapp, the Tottenham manager, could not make it to the Spanish capital to watch Real play Atlético in the derby on Saturday night and so he sent his assistants Tim Sherwood and Les Ferdinand.


  • 换人帕夫柳琴科换下克拉尼察尔,斯通,利弗莫尔下。

    Spurs substitutions: Kranjcar off, Pavlyuchenko on. Livermore off, Huddlestone on.


  • 他们具上大师这些来自穿过属于特人寒冷的大陆时,这是他们关键优势所在。

    "They were masters of fire and heat and stone, a crucial advantage as these tropical people penetrated the cold lands of the Neanderthal."


  • 尔谈到对中国投资时说:当然泡沫有可能是个持续50不破的泡沫。

    'of course it's a bubble,' Mr. Sandell said of the China-investing craze. 'But it might last 50 years.'


  • 在电影公司决定选用扎克-施奈导演新一集超人》电影,重启钢铁侠》计划之后达伦认为执导《金刚狼2》的大人选。

    Aronofsky was being heavily courted for the project after the studio decided to hire Zack Snyder to direct the Superman reboot Man of Steel, which Aronofsky was also in the running for.


  • 上赛季nba最有价值球员勒布朗·詹姆斯最终决定联手克里斯·波什维恩·迈阿密队打造新的三巨头。

    MVP LeBron James finally decided to join Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade to form a new superstar trio for the Heat in Miami.


  • 18世纪50年代加州淘金退去后,由于戈·菲尔当地历史学家罗布·菲尔曼的发现,成为最主要金矿聚集地。

    Goldfield was a leading gold mining hub in the 1850s after the California gold rush subsided, according to Rob Feldman, a local historian.


  • 大卫贝克汉姆奥兰多布鲁姆分列第五、六位,紧随其后的分别为《绯闻女孩》男星维斯特维克、排在音乐排行榜上大JLS组合、 洛和伊万格雷格

    David Beckham was fifth, followed by Orlando Bloom, Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick, chart-toppers JLS, Jude Law and Ewan McGregor.


  • 一厢情愿地以为,乘坐从布尔格至萨拉火车不仅可以欣赏一路风光,还能旅友谈谈天、说说地,肯定是一件十分惬意的事情。

    I HAD sentimentally imagined that the Belgrade-Sarajevo train would prove a rich source of colour and interviews.


  • 大卫贝克汉姆奥兰多•布鲁姆分列第五、六位,紧随其后的分别为《绯闻女孩》男星维斯特维克、排在音乐排行榜上大JLS组合、•洛和伊万•麦格雷格

    David Beckham was fifth, followed by Orlando Bloom, Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick, chart-toppers JLS, Jude Law and Ewan McGregor


  • 胡安·拉莫斯,贝尔巴托夫时期的主教练

    Juande Ramos, his coach at tottenham.


  • 技术咨询公司最近的一份报告注意无论是否提供服务科技公司一窝蜂儿地最近词云来重塑品牌。

    Gartner, a technology consultancy, observes in a recent report that tech firms are rushing to rebrand their products with the latest cloud buzzword, whether they actually are cloud offerings or not.


  • 技术咨询公司最近的一份报告注意无论是否提供服务科技公司一窝蜂儿地最近词云来重塑品牌。

    Gartner, a technology consultancy, observes in a recent report that tech firms are rushing to rebrand their products with the latest cloud buzzword, whether they actually are cloud offerings or not.


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