• 英国一个导师·吉利斯先生,现代整形手术先驱,当时曾为残废退役老兵做手术。

    One of his mentors in Britain was Sir Harold Gillies, who pioneered techniques in modern plastic surgery while operating on mutilated World War I veterans.


  • 作为一部分最近巡逻时,特意某个村庄的学校巡视了一番。

    As part of that effort, Harder and his fellow soldiers recently went on a patrol, checking up on a village school.


  • 根据合同洛克希·马丁公司基于公司的综合公共电子系统提供新的能力系统于去年夏天海上论证。

    Under the contract, Lockheed Martin will provide new capabilities based on the company’s Integrated Common Electronics Warfare System, demonstrated at sea last summer, company officials said today.


  • 罗马上周欧洲联赛科西塞3 - 3后,丹尼尔·罗西评论如果他们对阵意大利球队时表现仍然这样糟糕的话将净吞弹。

    After Roma's 3-3 draw with Kosice in the Europa League last week, Daniele De Rossi commented that they would ship five goals if they played that badly against an Italian team.


  • 航空专家阿伯塔巴飞机残骸似乎具有特殊涂层独特的机身表面边缘让人联想到B-2轰炸机和F-22斗机隐形斗机。

    The wreckage in Abbottabad appeared to have exotic coatings and distinct surfaces and edges reminiscent of stealth aircraft such as the B-2 bomber and the F-22 fighter, aviation experts say.


  • 全球四大会计事务所之一现在如坐针毡,已经成为有关自由企业未来的全球争夺焦点。

    The global accounting powerhouse, Deloitte, is sitting between a bullet and a target in a global battle over the future of free enterprise.


  • 核心闪电说,我意见事情就是介绍一些东西出于化学,也高于化学,所以我们看看命名法是怎么的。

    I said at the core blitz that one of the things I'm going to try to do is introduce some things from beyond chemistry. So, let's see what the Bard had to say about nomenclature.


  • 比尔·理查要求国会“不授权”伊

    Bill Richardson demands that Congress "de-authorise" the war.


  • 最前面理性傲慢”:伍罗·威尔逊错误地认为取得胜利美国重新建立一个受规则约束的和平理性的全球体系

    And that was preceded by the "hubris of reason" : Woodrow Wilson's delusion that victory in the first world war would enable America to create a global system of rule-bound peace and reason.


  • 欧安组织议会会议最近集结苏联宣称他们共同对负责,”伟杰夫

    "The OSCE parliamentary assembly just recently grouped together Germany and the Soviet Union, pronouncing them to be equally responsible for world war two," Medvedev said.


  • 冲绳岛担任第二中尉时候,尉娱乐海军上校理查在他的住所建立工作室

    During his time in Okinawa as a second lieutenant, and to the amusement of his fellow Marines, Colonel Richardson set up a studio in his living quarters.


  • 罗思柴尔认为价格反映症结在于健身行业关注招揽会员不是设法保有现有会员。

    Rothschild says the price war is a symptom of the gym industry's focus on chasing new members, rather than hanging onto existing ones.


  • 美国海军/海军/洛克希·马丁公司演示飞行测试计划一系列测试之首。

    This was the first in a series of tests as part of the U.S. Navy/Marine Corps/Lockheed Martin demonstration flight test program.


  • 这样将会给我们的揭幕增添一些别样的趣味的,尤其是克诺维斯基勒布朗等人面前领取自己的总冠军戒指

    Such a rematch would add a little extra spice to opening night, especially if Dirk received his ring right in front of LeBron before tipoff.


  • 好莱坞演员导演克林特·伊斯特伍执导的关于同一两部电影,让人们清醒地认识到一点。

    Clint Eastwood, a Hollywood actor and director, has provided a powerful reminder of this by making two films of the same battle.


  • 比如说如果打算削减洛克希马丁公司的F - 35机,预料之外结果难以容忍的。

    If he was to cut Lockheed Martin's F-35 jet, for example, the unintended consequences would be intolerable.


  • 有400名美军士兵100名阿富汗士兵参与了纳乌扎行动是以赫尔美国海军陆为主发动的大规模行动一部分。

    The operation in Nawzad, involving 400 U.S. troops and 100 Afghan soldiers, is part of a larger operation by mostly U.S. marines in Helmand Province.


  • 洛克希官员称,施瓦茨并未提及海军版本喷气机、F-35C海军的F-35B垂直起降斗机版本的进展

    Schwartz did not mention progress on the Navy's version of the jet, the F-35C or the Marine Corps' F-35B short takeoff and vertical landing version of the fighter.


  • 分析报告指出未来十年排名靠前的电子系统生产商为诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司、BAE系统公司雷声公司ITT公司洛克希马丁公司。

    This analysis states that the top-ranked EW system producers in the next decade will be Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems, Raytheon, ITT, and Lockheed Martin.


  • 最终,当时弗吉尼亚州州长亚历山大·斯波茨伍派遣一位经验丰富的海军上尉,罗伯特·梅纳抓获或者除掉黑胡子。

    Eventually, the then-Governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood, commissioned Lieutenant Robert Maynard, an experienced naval commander, to capture or kill Blackbeard.


  • '洛克希p38的位置一直保持秘密近期上被安全找到

    Described as' one of the most important WWII finds in recent history ', the location of the Lockheed P38 Lightning has been kept a secret to keep the amazing find safe.


  • 通往第五之前的那些日子,詹姆斯凯尔特人给了启迪,让他在夏天成为自由球员后,决定波什联手。

    In the days leading up to Game 5, James said Boston provided the inspiration for him to join forces with Wade and Bosh in their summer of free agency.


  • 克里提出城市之间商业争夺中,纽约真正竞争优势”在于它是时尚艺术中心

    Currid suggests that, in the fight among cities for business, being the center of fashion and art constitutes New York's true "competitive advantage."


  • 惠普9月7控告违反合同指控盗用商业秘密法律专家表示,惠普诉讼中面临着艰难的胜

    HP sued Hurd on September 7, alleging breach of contract, and threatened misappropriation of trade secrets, but legal experts said the company faced an uphill battle in its lawsuit.


  • 经常看到这样的冲突开始的时候是黎巴嫩士兵鲁兹教派民兵开枪后者做出的反应美国海军陆开火(他们应该执行维和任务)。

    During a typical skirmish he observed, Lebanese army soldiers started shooting at some Druze militiamen, who responded by firing on American marines (who were supposed to be keeping the peace).


  • 这种情况而来的,布罗补充,“新的征兵系统。 在这套系统,一个有权有势的将军人们中间去召唤‘你们愿意吗?’

    The result, he adds, wasa new system of recruitment where a powerful general goes to the population and says, ‘Will you all fight with me?’


  • 海军能源顾问迈克尔·(Michael Boyd)指出,阿富汗夏季时,光是用于帐篷制冷就要44.8万加仑的汽油。 阿富汗夏季的温度超过40冬天却很温暖

    Some 448, 000 gallons alone are used to keep tents cool in the Afghan summer, where temperatures reach well over 40C, and warm in the winter, said Michael Boyd, an energy adviser to the Marine Corps.


  • 美国波音公司F/A-18洛克希·马丁公司的F-16拒绝。印度官员称两家公司在竞标中失败是因为没有达到技术标准

    The U.S. fighters, Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet and Lockheed Martin's F-16, were rejected for what Indian officials describe as failure to meet technical criteria.


  • 美国波音公司F/A-18洛克希·马丁公司的F-16拒绝。印度官员称两家公司在竞标中失败是因为没有达到技术标准

    The U.S. fighters, Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet and Lockheed Martin's F-16, were rejected for what Indian officials describe as failure to meet technical criteria.


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