• 欠条名字有些知道,有些他知道后面签名他却再熟悉不过——德发父亲的名字。

    IOU slip on the name, some he knew and some he did not know, but behind the signature he was very familiar — Zhang hair. the father's name.


  • 张炜、德发贯通乡民小说我们乡民社会在三位作家的文学梦想中代表着不同精神旨归

    We can take the "native novels" of Zhang Wei, Zhao Defa and Li Guantong for examples and we find that "native society" has different mental belongings.


  • 美国公共卫生杂志周一篇社论中,凯瑟琳·莱布林·奥斯汀提出了政府应监管时尚产业理由

    In an editorial released on Monday in the American Journal of Public Health, Katherine Record and Bryn Austin made their case for government regulation of the fashion industry.


  • 到了欢乐夜,古蒂尔女士在家穿着睡衣读一封朋友的伊妹儿,何处,说在赴一个宴会

    On the night of the party, Ms. Gutierrez—at home on her couch in her pajamas—received a text from her pal, asking her where she was.


  • 汽车丈夫唯一争执的地方”,31岁的格林瓦尔。她是华盛顿特区一位传媒公关顾问。

    "The car is the only place where my husband and I argue," says Ms. Greenwald, 31, a media and communications consultant in Washington, DC.


  • 但是即使一局倒数第二盘被破还有第三局的最后一丢掉自己的情况下,约科维奇也没有放弃

    But Djokovic never gave up, even after getting broken at love in the next-to-last game of the first set, then losing serve in the last game of the third.


  • 美国项研究周一人类史前近亲尼安特人食用谷物蔬菜肉类并使用智人同样方式上烹饪食物。

    Us study on Monday found that Neanderthals, prehistoric Cousins of humans, ate grains and vegetables as well as meat, cooking them over fire in the same way homo sapiens did.


  • 皮埃尔。1637年这个定理,但证明可是动画片播出前不久刚刚公布的。

    Pierre DE Fermat had proposed the theorem in 1637, and a proof had only recently been discovered when the episode aired.


  • 美国一项研究周一人类史前近亲尼安特人食用谷物蔬菜肉类并使用智人同样方式上烹饪食物。

    A us study on Monday found that Neanderthals, prehistoric Cousins of humans, ate grains and vegetables as well as meat, cooking them over fire in the same way homo sapiens did.


  • 棉线修眉遇到问题这样过去年中克·萨斯亚利桑那的州美容委员会开始没有美容执照的棉线修眉劝退信件

    The issue: over the past two years, the state-run boards of cosmetology in Texas and Arizona have been issuing cease and desist letters to eyebrow threaders who practice without a cosmetology license.


  • 没有第二,一段小插曲让人多少感到不快。第四局开始就遭遇一次面对面的闯进球场球迷的侵扰。

    The second set, which did not have a single break of serve, was overshadowed by an incident which saw Federer come face to face with a court invader at the start of the fourth game.


  • 开学第一从学校课程表上西班牙语老师的名字斯塔澳-毕讷提。

    The first day of freshman year, I look down at my schedule and see the name "Gustavo Benedetti" next to my Spanish class.


  • 今日剩余比赛中,约科维奇成功化解了6个点中的4个对方一次1个小时24分钟迅速结束比赛。

    In the 2nd set of the match, Djokovic converted 4 of 6 break points while being broken only once to wrap up the match in just 1 hour 24 minutes.


  • 世锦赛冠军得主奥沙利文决赛微博写道:“最有利的条件在于打法害怕。

    O'Sullivan, winner of the title three times, tweeted during the final: "Judd's greatest asset is his game terrifies people.


  • 尽管第五完成了保此时两次

    Soderling got on the scoreboard in the fifth game but he had already been broken twice by then.


  • 但是一些认为同样是特人能够说话证据

    But some regard this discovery as evidence that Neanderthals could speak.


  • 有了,研究人员终于可以重组单个基因图将个人的基因图所人和现代人的基因做比较研究。

    The researchers were able to reconstruct the individual's genome, then compare it with those of Neanderthals and modern humans.


  • 韦克非医生别人合著的文章1998年《柳叶刀》杂志上。这篇文章当时没有引起广泛恐慌:此项研究结果由推理得出,而且范围很小

    The paper that Dr Wakefield co-wrote, published in the Lancet in 1998, was not greeted with widespread alarm: the study was speculative and small.


  • 加利福尼亚大学海洋科学家拉尔夫库拉及其研究小组研究名为Pseudo-nitzschia australis的矽时得出这的。

    Raphael Kudela, an ocean scientist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and his team made the discovery after studying a form of sea algae called Pseudo-nitzschia australis.


  • 说:“其中应该界限也许是因为一了多于2次重大生活事件,或许是累坏了。”

    It seems there is a threshold and perhaps with anything more than two major life events a year and people just max out, ” Aldwin said.


  • 说:“其中应该界限也许是因为一了多于2次重大生活事件,或许是累坏了。”

    It seems there is a threshold and perhaps with anything more than two major life events a year and people just max out,” Aldwin said.


  • 而梅韦杰夫先生则通过推讯、使用iPad急躁不安年轻人中看到了改变希望

    Mr Medvedev, on the other hand, with his tweets and his iPad, has absorbed hopes of change among the younger, more restless set.


  • 这种情况下一个吊胃口东西过去—不是全部创意请求面谈数字营销公司WebMetroceo卡洛斯·尤加尔这样建议

    In that case, send a teaser — rather than the full ideaand request a face-to-face meeting, advises Carlos Ugalde, CEO of WebMetro, a digital marketing firm.


  • 这个来自纽约爱因斯坦医学院(Albert Einstein CollegeofMedicine)的研究小组美国犹太人社区行研究后声称:这一可以导致种抗衰老药物的诞生。

    The team from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, who studied an American Ashkenazi Jewish community, said that the finding could lead to anti-aging drugs.


  • 根据Asymco贺拉斯迪乌上周三图表iPhone的大好局面看来根本就没有松动。

    But the iPhone certainly doesn't look like it's drifting in the chart Asymco's Horace Dediu published Wednesday.


  • 24小时商店慕达中心老板穆斯塔克•阿哈默Mustaq Ahmad)经过两年缺席今年终于回归

    Returning after a two-year absence is Mustaq Ahmad, owner of popular 24-hour retailer Mustafa Center.


  • 24小时商店慕达中心老板穆斯塔克•阿哈默Mustaq Ahmad)经过两年缺席今年终于回归

    Returning after a two-year absence is Mustaq Ahmad, owner of popular 24-hour retailer Mustafa Center.


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