• 通话记录显示手机与一部别的电话联系,就是多纳·报告接受瓦尔斯·派兹兄弟的那部电话。

    Records also indicated that this cell phone had communicated with only one other telephone—the one that Cardona Medina had reported receiving from the Valdés Paiz brothers.


  • 如果信用状况糟糕那么申请信用变得困难了,”修斯·帕帕·米特尔说:“但是能够申请到。”

    "Getting a credit card if you have bad credit is harder than it used to be," says Odysseas Papadimitrou. "But they are still available."


  • 题目学者们推论情节可能塞万提斯的《唐吉》有关,因为后者有一角色名字就是卡迪·尼奥

    From the title, scholars infer that the plot had something to do with a scene in Miguel DE Cervantes' Don Quixote involving a character named Cardenio.


  • 塔赫纳该镇上最贵宾馆之一,大量的高尔夫球车停在门前以及席琳餐厅中余音袅绕。 费尔南斯夫妇拥有塔赫纳45%的股份

    They own a 45% stake in Los Sauces, one of the town’s most expensive hotels, where golf buggies are parked outside and Céline Dion songs are piped through the dining room.


  • 除了助教汤尼·亚当斯还有现役的劳伦,坎贝尔,理查·休斯拉萨纳·亚拉以及热罗姆·托马斯出现了“庞培军团”的名册他们前枪手球员

    As well as assistant manager Tony Adams, there are currently Lauren, Sol Campbell, Kanu, Richard Hughes, Lassana Diarra and Jerome Thomas on the books at Pompey, all of them ex-Arsenal players.


  • 为了满足亚述人愿望,腓尼基人开通了白银建立了斯(卡迪)座城市

    To satisfy the appetite of the Assyrians they created the silver routes and established a number of cities such as Gades (Cadiz).


  • 这场展览意大利英国作家蒂姆·帕克斯意大利艺术史学家·塞布雷共同主办,综观15世纪金融家们意大利艺术和文化影响

    This show, curated by Tim Parks, a British writer based in Italy, and Ludovica Sebregondi, an Italian art historian, considers the influence of 15th-century financiers on Italian art and culture.


  • ·尔,我从不道歉

    I'm Dean Cardell and I make no apologies.


  • 创作于1883年亨利·科尔埃的侧面肖像反映了加·加对古斯塔夫·勒波特的影响作品中的亨利·科尔埃,这位杰出的汉学家,正在书房伏案疾书,周围满是稿纸

    An 1883 profile portrait of Henri Cordier, an eminent Sinologist, writing in his study surrounded by books and papers reveals a touch of Edgar Degas.


  • 截止2005年11月16日科尔多凡不同地区(abu Gebiha、拉沙林、杜格利、Talodi)报告了404118例死亡

    As of 16 November 2005, 404 cases and 118 deaths were reported from different localities in South Kordofan State (Abu Gebiha, Rashad, Dilling, Kadugli, Talodi).


  • 卡迪大学心理学·沙克:“我们研究结果发现在和朋友分享一些消极情感体验(比如哭戏)的时候,取得的效果更加积极。”

    Job van der Schalk, a psychologist at Cardiff University, said: 'Our findings suggest that a negative emotional experience such as watching a' weepy 'is more positive when it is Shared with a friend.


  • 他们弗雷·戈麦斯·西哈罗·戈麦斯·西

    They were Fred Gomes Cassidy and Harold Gomes Cassidy.


  • 可能替代克雷格其他人选还有:理查麦登汤姆·勒斯顿、亨利·维尔、迈克尔·法斯宾以及汤姆·

    Others considered possible replacements for Craig include Richard Madden, Tom Hiddleston, Henry Cavill, Michael Fassbender and Tom Hardy.


  • 卡迪一狭长地段的尾端西

    At the end of the other arm of Cardigan Bay is Bardsey Island.


  • 球星在半场就打进球,并英格兰队总进球数增加40个,连里奥·时间打进绝杀球。

    The Newcastle man netted twice before half-time to take his England tally to 40 and even had time to lay on a late goal for Rio Ferdinand.


  • ·里,《破碎梦想南非艾滋病口述》。

    Wendy Rickard, Shattered Dreams? An Oral History of the South African Aids Epidemic.


  • 勒拉山脉海岸山脉以及洛基山组成。

    Composed of the Coast Range, the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains.


  • 威尔士卡迪大学位专家托尼“弗里斯迈克”爱领衔的研究小组周四出版的《自然杂志上公布了他们研究成果

    The researchers, led by Tony Freeth and Mike G. Edmunds, both of the University of Cardiff, Wales, are reporting the results of their study in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.


  • 贝尼特斯的同胞费南多·托雷斯更是浪费绝佳的机会曼城的搭档中后卫理查·邓恩卡迪恩。理查斯则主队贡献了多次漂亮的防守。

    Compatriot Fernando Torres was guilty of wasting two good chances and centre-back pairing Richard Dunne and Micah Richards were immense for the home side.


  • 看到赫布斯很好的挡住了卡迪锋线组合福勒弗洛伊搭档冲击之后,海皮亚对这位小将十分的欣赏。

    Having seen Hobbs compete against the experienced Cardiff attacking duo of Robbie Fowler and Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, Hyypia sees promise.


  • GOOGLE翻译(见谅):生长一个男孩英吉利用来驱动到处寻找教堂尔梅洛赫的父母农村雷克特里起来

    When he was a young boy growing up in a rural rectory in East Anglia, Diarmaid MacCulloch's parents used to drive him around to look at churches.


  • 嘉曼纽斯为智利莎维庄旗下主力葡萄酒品牌之一,智利本土销售外,外销英国美国日本

    Bodega Manriquez is one of the main brands of Casaverdi, a wine company of Chile. Besides the distribution in Chile, the wines are exported to England, America and Japan.


  • 因为阿森纳俱乐部想要获得更多有价值的一线经验,于是这名后卫队员在过去四个赛季里租借在外,租借球队名单包括卡迪索森、莱切斯特彼得·伯勒。

    The full-back enjoyed spells out on loan at Cardiff, Southend, Leicester and Peterborough over the last four seasons as Arsenal looked for him to gain some valuable first-team experience.


  • 记得坐在我旁边的是弗雷·西弟弟哈罗

    I remember sitting there with Fred Cassidy and his brother Harold.


  • 特里或者瓦略这些中卫,他们也都受伤过。

    Ferdinand, Vidic, Terry or Carvalho, the centre-backs, they have been injured as well.


  • 布里奥因电影梦空间中的出色演出,击败加勒比海盗里杰克船长扮演者,成为好莱坞收入最高男星。

    Leonardo DiCaprio's role in Christopher Nolan's Inception helped him dethrone Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp on the list of Hollywood's highest paid actors.


  • 布里奥因电影梦空间中的出色演出,击败加勒比海盗里杰克船长扮演者,成为好莱坞收入最高男星。

    Leonardo DiCaprio's role in Christopher Nolan's Inception helped him dethrone Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp on the list of Hollywood's highest paid actors.


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