• 后来19世纪温哥华成为公司总部时,鹿数量继续波动

    Later on in the early years of the nineteenth century, when Fort Vancouver became the headquarters of the Hudson's Bay Company, deer populations continued to fluctuate.


  • 二年年,鲍勃·钱皮恩和奥尼提几乎完全恢复了健康。

    Early the next year, both Bob Champion and Aldaniti were almost back to full fitness.


  • 到2021年,参加项目的学校还将扩大至120所学校,惠及21000名学生。”阿恩在霍克湾一所学校里准备午餐时说道。

    The number will extend to 21,000 students in 120 schools by the start of 2021 ," Ardern said while she was serving up lunch at a school in Hawke's Bay.


  • 这些明信片希尔布尔巧克力公司二十世纪制作的,画面公元2000年会有的生活

    These postcards were produced by German chocolate company Hildebrands in the beginning of the 20th century and pictured what life would be like in the year 2000.


  • 据高咨询公司消息,2007年,中兴公司全球市场份额为0.4%,2008年第二季度,已经上升到1.2%。

    Its worldwide market share went from 0.4% at the start of 2007 to 1.2% in the second quarter of 2008, according to Gartner, a consultancy.


  • 原来以为对阵西布朗时同时和维迪奇因伤换下费迪南需要休养十月

    It was thought that Ferdinand, who like Vidic was replaced during the West Brom game, would be sidelined until the start of October.


  • 无论任何一种情况下普京在2012年的回归使得奥巴马团队中巴望韦杰夫可以带来美关系重启人们大梦醒。

    In either case, Putin's return in 2012 is likely to disabuse those in the Obama administration who harbored high hopes for a "reset" of U. S. -russia relations with Medvedev.


  • 拉贡戈火山探险,带上山一点负重事先要经过仔细掂量,但斯科毫不在乎,他甚至特级橄榄油

    On the Nyiragongo expedition, where every ounce hauled up the mountain was carefully considered, Tedesco brought a large glass bottle of extra virgin olive oil.


  • 无论任何一种情况下普京在 2012年回归使得奥巴马团队中巴望韦杰夫可以带来俄关系“重启”的人们大梦醒。

    In either case, Putin's return in 2012 is likely to disabuse those in the Obama administration who harbored high hopes for a “resetof U.


  • 为什么早期恐龙幸存下来了龙却灭绝了怀特表示还没有找到原因。

    Why the early dinosaurs survived while the crurotarsans perished is not known, said Whiteside.


  • 此事始作俑者··梅利(Jean deMailly),十三世纪所著斯编年史》上首次提及此事

    The first person to mention this story was Jean de Mailly writing the Chronicles of Metz in the early 13th Century.


  • 公司把此项技术授权给几家制造商Hillcrest公司.卢迅,厂家于2007推出首批产品

    The company has licensed its technology to a number of manufacturers which will announce their first products in early 2007, says Chad Lucien of Hillcrest.


  • 原住民名叫,2008年1月酒后开车被捕由于当地原住民文化规定人禁止其亲人提起死者名字,沃的姓氏不得而知

    Ward, whose first name cannot be used because of an Aboriginal cultural prohibition that forbids relatives from naming their dead, had been arrested a day earlier in January 2008 for drink driving.


  • 八十年代如今正分崩离析布罗沃特农场Broadwater Farm)的社会底层,一群年轻人组成了托特纳姆曼姆帮派(TottenhamMandem),开始贩卖毒品街头抢劫赚大钱

    By the early Eighties, the youths of the crumbling Broadwater Farm estate had formed the Tottenham Mandem and were starting to make serious money from selling drugs and carrying out street robberies.


  • JeffMasters非洲西北部几内亚今年迄今为止打破最低温度记录唯一国家发生1

    According to Masters, Guinea, which is located in northwestern Africa, is the one nation so far this year to break its coldest temperature record, which occurred in early January.


  • 我们在里瓦老城中心漫步,这里很多二十世纪房子

    We drift around the old centre of Ribadeo with its ornate turn-of-the-20th-century houses, but not for long.


  • 拉格上世纪九十年代听说全球变暖的消息,认为必须采取行动

    Lageder heard about global warming in the early 1990s and felt compelled to take action.


  • 霍克·希尔先生(MrHochschild)也赞赏了其他地位低下、有良知的反战者(那是当时这群的名字)勇气1916进行征兵之后,拒绝服兵役人数达到了两万人。

    Mr Hochschild celebrates the courage of other, humbler, conscientious objectors (as they were known) whose Numbers reached about 20, 000 after conscription was introduced in early 1916.


  • 霍克·希尔先生(MrHochschild)也赞赏了其他地位低下、有良知的反战者(那是当时这群人的名字)勇气1916进行征兵之后,拒绝服兵役人数达到了两万人。

    Mr Hochschild celebrates the courage of other, humbler, conscientious objectors (as they were known) whose Numbers reached about 20,000 after conscription was introduced in early 1916.


  • 理查迪瓦恩90年代首先开始使用时,个人电脑音乐制作软件一个罕见事物。

    When Richard Devine first started out in the early '90s, music-making software for the personal computer was a rarity.


  • 通用汽车公司财政克里斯托弗·林埃尔,表示公司正在接近内部所设定发行目标

    G. M. 's chief financial officer, Christopher Liddell, said that the company was hitting its internal targets as it prepared for an initial offering of stock.


  • 讲述20世纪纽约生活一对夫妻美好爱情故事丈夫詹姆斯一对贫穷,詹姆斯份工作他们日子幸福

    It tells the story of the beginning of the 20th century in New York life of a couple of beautiful love story: husband James is Della and a poor man, James has a job, they had a very happy day.


  • 本世纪堪萨斯州,埃尔哈特艾米,夫妇对活跃女儿阿米利亚穆里尔很是溺爱

    In Kansas at the turn of the century, Edwin and Army Earhart doted on their active daughters, Amelia and Muriel.


  • 著名丹麦公司丹麦语辛迪加工业公司为'',通常简称DISA造型制造各种武器1900年代以来

    The famous Danish company Dansk Industrie Syndicat as' Madsen ', usually referred simply as Madsen or DISA, manufactured various weapons since the early 1900s.


  • 虽然有美国威胁皇还是1917批准无限制潜艇战。

    Despite the danger of antagonizing the U. S., the Kaiser authorized the U-boat campaign in early 1917.


  • 80年代为了剧本寻找芝加哥交易素材,但他说听说过理查·丹尼斯

    He was researching and writing a script in the early 1980s about Chicago trading and didn't immediately hear of Richard Dennis?


  • 最新粉丝理论本周Reddit网站用户“鬼厨”提出来的,他雪诺梅拉·可能一对出生分开双胞胎

    Thee latest fan theory, which was started by Reddit user ghostchief the beginning of the week, claims Jon Snow and Meera Reed might be twins who were separated at birth.


  • 1952伊利诺斯州参议员保罗·道格拉斯哈佛来主持戈讲座

    Early in 1952 senator Paul h. Douglas of Illinois delivered the godkin lectures at harvard.


  • 1952伊利诺斯州参议员保罗·道格拉斯哈佛来主持戈讲座

    Early in 1952 senator Paul h. Douglas of Illinois delivered the godkin lectures at harvard.


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