• 卡莱姆作品很快吸引颇具鉴赏目光法国外交官查尔斯·莫里斯··塔利兰·佩里戈尔的注意。

    Carême's creations soon captured the discriminating eye of a French diplomat, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord.


  • 类似佩里施罗社会心理学人格科学》上发表假说研究要求参与者微笑收银员进行眼神交流和聊天。

    A study similar in hypothesis to Eply and Schroder's published in Social Psychological & Personality Science asked participants to smile, make eye contact and chatwith their cashier.


  • 我们确实知道戈纳尔-发现几十年里这个地方已经严重恶化

    One thing we do know is that in the decades since Gonur-depe was discovered, the site has deteriorated significantly.


  • 或者,当目光穿过桌子南希·罗斯和哈里·凝神对视之时,是不是恍然觉察到自己分呢?

    Or had he looked across the table into the eyes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and realized that he was not among friends?


  • 与此同时挪威探险家罗阿尔.阿蒙森梦想的首次到达北极的桂冠弗雷里克.库克罗伯特.佩里夺走暗自目光投向南极

    Meanwhile, Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, whose plan to reach the North Pole first had been thwarted by both Frederik Cook and Robert Peary, had secretly turned his sights on the South Pole.


  • 2002年,州长里克·佩里提出了宏伟的蓝图:克·萨斯走廊,一个纵横全州的高速公路网

    In 2002 the governor, Rick Perry, offered a grand vision: the Trans-Texas Corridor, a network of highways criss-crossing the state.


  • 联邦办公室候选人猛烈地抨击巴拉克.奥巴马南希佩洛西哈里.

    Candidates for state and federal office alike inveighed against Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.


  • 使得跨进了由弗雷·佩里-巴奇·拉沃尔、罗伊·埃莫森以及阿加西组成独揽大满贯赛冠军的行列。

    He also moved into a select group made up only of Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson and Andre Agassi as men who have won all four of the grand slam events.


  • 不过眼下哈里森·佩里·贾里们顶替得相当不错

    But for now, Harrison and Perry and Jared offer a pretty good substitute.


  • 佩里一样通过微博否认了这些报道

    Rondor denied those reports, as did Perry herself, via twitter.


  • 州长瑞克·佩里(Rick Perry)的特别项目走廊,北达拉斯南直安东尼奥,全程300英里(合480千米),几乎与现在经常塞车的35号公路并行

    Governor Rick Perry's pet project is the Trans-Texas Corridor, running more than 300 miles (480km) from Dallas to San Antonio, more or less parallel to existing, often-congested Interstate 35.


  • 佩斯·塔说,当事人自己感到奇怪,他竟然能够连续袭击那么长时间。

    Lippestad says his client was surprised to have been able to carry out his attack for so long.


  • 同样周六,名28岁男子公牛死了,当时瓦伦西附近一个叫佩·雷格尔村子里正在举行节。

    Also on Saturday, a 28-year-old man died after being gored by a bull during a bull run through the village of Pedreguer, near Valencia.


  • 然而上周三众议院发言人南茜·洛西影响学校建设条款进行讨论而未达成一致。

    However, late Wednesday, Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were still discussing a provision that impacts school construction.


  • 加拿大出生的斯基于1995年取得英国国籍1936年费雷·佩里夺魁以后首位打入美国公开赛决赛英国选手。

    The Canadian-Born Rusedski who took citizenship in Britain in 1995, was the first Briton to reach the US Open final since the great Fred Perry triumphed in 1936.


  • 由于范佩西还不知能否参赛,以及受伤亨利周末菲尔利物浦的比赛里,必须领导进攻

    With Robin van Persie suspended and Emmanuel Adebayor injured, Henry may be required to lead the attack against Liverpool at Anfield this weekend.


  • 州长瑞克·佩里(Rick Perry)的特别项目走廊,北达拉斯南直安东尼奥,全程300英里(合480千米),几乎与现在经常塞车的35号公路并行

    Governor Rick Perry's pet project is the Trans-Texas Corridor, running more than 300 miles from Dallas to San Antonio, more or less parallel to existing, often-congested Interstate 35.


  • 王国座位于北半球发达国家,距阿斯佩·特里亚大约6000英里

    The Kingdom of Plumbland is a developed country located in the Northern Hemisphere, approximately 6,000 miles from Aspatria.


  • 十分,而且每当想起自己处在离家几千里外如同地狱般的战区时,心理会有丝丝痛苦。我觉得把这件事情告诉佩对的。马克思知道不能够压抑这种情感。

    Worried about his family while thousands of miles away in a war zone was just an added bit of misery considering he was already living in the midst of hell.


  • 已经麦克康奈尔,约翰·博纳,亨利·南希·佩罗斯打电话邀请他们参加11月18日在白宫这里召开投机者会议

    I've already called Mr. McConnell, John Boehner, Henry Reed and Nancy Pelosy to invite them to a meeting, here, the White House, in the first week of lame duck on November 18th.


  • 已经麦克康奈尔,约翰·博纳,亨利·南希·佩罗斯打电话邀请他们参加11月18日在白宫这里召开投机者会议

    I've already called Mr. McConnell, John Boehner, Henry Reed and Nancy Pelosy to invite them to a meeting, here, the White House, in the first week of lame duck on November 18th.


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