• 为什么因为不是一个

    And why? Because he's not a Baird man.


  • 托马斯朗积微德人离贝图斯有英里远。

    Thomas was from Llangynwyd, a few miles from Bettws.


  • 乔布斯以下方式为他演讲作为结尾,同样引起了很多共鸣

    Jobs wound up that speech with a closing line that also resonates with a lot of Reedies.


  • 包括某些世界级科技公司总裁德人致力于利用思想力量帮助非洲贫穷落后的国家。

    TEDsters, including the heads of some of the world's largest technology firms, aim to use “the power of ideasto help Africa's poorest.


  • 西塞德人的大胜使得曼联仅有4领先优势,然而最接近他们切尔西利物浦仍旧场。

    The humbling by the Merseysiders cut United's lead to just four points, although they do still have a match in hand over nearest rivals Chelsea and Liverpool.


  • 去年春天积雪融化的时候大水泛滥使得一些地区遭灾,但是阿巴克甚至所有哈扎拉贾德人都希望大水能缓解旱情。

    As the snow began melting last spring some areas suffered deadly flooding.


  • 可能表明丹尼索万个头上可能德人稍微一些,”乔治华盛顿大学Richmond

    This could suggest Denisovans were "comparable in size to Neanderthals, maybe a little bit bigger," said George Washington University's Richmond.


  • 真是罕见,银行家会认同目前严苛规则而且罕见:一个呼风唤雨的罗斯切尔德人会这样

    It is rare that a banker admits to the inevitability of onerous new rules and it is rarer still for a Rothschild rainmaker to speak out.


  • 《伊塔那史诗》 (EpicofEtana):传奇基什国(Kish国王伊塔公元前2600年一首史诗的主公。不过伤感的是,有关古代阿卡德人故事信息互联网上几乎找不到。

    Epic of Etana: Legendary king of Kish Etana is the subject of an epic dating back to around 2600 BCE, though information on the ancient Akkadian story remains sadly scarce on the internet.


  • 尼安能够捕杀长毛猛犸象

    Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears.


  • 现实生活中理查·盖尔这种不会和妓女结婚

    In real life men like Richard Gere don't marry hookers.


  • 菲尔足球迷

    Both Rod and Phil are football fanatics.


  • 存疑的——即使法语说得很流利——能否被当作当地

    It is doubtful whether Ted, even with his fluent French, passed for one of the locals.


  • 古尔先生要求”制迈出一步

    Mr. Gould called for a move toward "one man one vote."


  • 英格里飞奔无一街道

    Ingrid darted across the deserted street.


  • 血统伊朗

    Sadrudin was an Iranian by birth.


  • 杰拉尔·杰弗斯博士特邀演讲

    Dr. Gerald Jeffers is the guest speaker.


  • 那些进屋时布伦希尔紧张了起来

    Brunhilde stood up nervously as the men came into the room.


  • 位36岁却有着21岁体格的运动型

    Xandra is an athletic 36-year-old with a 21-year-old's body.


  • 讨厌聚会即便是聚会每一个都喜欢

    Ted hated parties, even gatherings of people he liked individually.


  • 尼安DNA进行测序团队一直面临着这些问题

    The team which has been sequencing Neanderthal DNA continually faces these problems.


  • 制造的石制工具却表明了另一种情况。

    The stone tool made by Neanderthals suggests otherwise.


  • 同样华盛顿自然历史博物馆里尼安妻子做出一个强势手势

    Similarly, in the Museum of Natural History in Washington, Neanderthal man is shown making a dominant gesture to his wife.


  • 同样华盛顿自然历史博物馆里尼安妻子做出一个强势手势

    Similarly, in the Museum of Natural History in Washington, Neanderthal man is shown making a dominant gesture to his wife.


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