• 这种感知相机微软英国剑桥研究实验室成功开发的,可以挂件一样挂在脖子上。

    Worn like a pendant around the neck, it was developed at Microsoft's research lab in Cambridge, England.


  • 但是微软英国IanMoulster争论说说ie8研究人们需要之后设计的。

    However, Microsoft UK's Ian Moulster counters that IE8 was designed by studying what people need and want.


  • 戴夫·科普林是微软英国公司首席构想”,他最近了一关于瓦解的事物的新书,电子邮件正是最为破碎的东西之一

    Dave Coplin, a "chief envisioning officer" at Microsoft UK, has just written a book about business being broken, and one of the most broken things is email.


  • 一些日本美国电视观众已经可以通过他们电视来上网冲浪微软子公司环球网电视计划英国同样实行一举措。

    Some viewers in Japan and the United States already can surf the Web via their TV sets, and Microsoft subsidiary Web TV plans the same for Britain.


  • 之后其夙敌微软公司美国只有家零售商店苹果公司英国已经拥有了28家商店。

    After 10 years, arch-rival Microsoft has just four retail stores in the us, while Apple has 28 in the UK alone.


  • 2007年,微软承认公司正在合作游说一些顶尖英国公司,以挑衅Google搜索市场的统治地位。

    In 2007, Microsoft admitted that it had an "ongoing relationship" with the firm, which had been lobbying a number of top UK businesses to raise the issue of Google's dominance in search.


  • 根据微软自己说法,截至4月差不多半数SecurityEssentials用户集中美国巴西日本德国英国,有四分之一在新兴市场

    As of April, about half of Security Essentials' users were in the United States, Brazil, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom, while a quarter were in emerging markets, according to Microsoft.


  • 英国安谋国际科技公司(ARMHoldings)股价升至2001年来最高水平,微软公司证实下一代Windows操作系统首次使用该公司设计芯片

    ARM Holdings Plc soared to the highest price since 2001 as Microsoft Corp. confirmed that the next version of its Windows operating system will run on ARM's chip designs for the first time.


  • 就像英国博客微软生活中提到的,一些微软必应雇员开始公开使用binged. it的网址来推。

    As the UK blog My Microsoft Life noticed, some of Microsoft's bing employees have begun publicly tweeting with the binged.it URL.


  • 这三家企业是微软属下的ciao、法国法律搜索引擎ejustice.fr英国比价网站Foundem。

    ejustice.fr, a French legal search engine; and Foundem, a British price-comparison site.


  • 根据法律要求,微软公司大英图书馆通过至少购买英国出版图书方式,把图书扫描成电子版工作已经进行年以上

    Microsoft and the British Library, which by law purchases at least one copy of every book published in the UK, have been scanning the books over the past three years.


  • 接受英国《金融时报》采访时,鲍尔默新一轮的摊牌谈判做好了准备距离微软首次全面收购雅虎努力失败已有的时间了。

    Speaking in an interview with the Financial Times, Mr Ballmer set the stage for a new showdown nearly a year after Microsoft's first aborted attempt at a full takeover.


  • 微软研究发现,65%英国认为互联网上找到实惠旅游产品,其中却有22%的英国人需要不同的网站上苦苦寻觅这些信息。微软发布的款浏览器正是为了解决这个问题。

    The launch comes as Microsoft research found 65% of Brits believe the best travel deals are to be found online although 22% struggle to navigate around the web.


  • 英国ARM公司股价上涨8.1%,有报道微软公司将宣布新版Windows操作系统采用ARM公司提供技术

    ARM Holdings Plc climbed 8.1 percent after Microsoft Corp. was said to be preparing to unveil a version of its Windows operating system that runs on the U.K. company's technology.


  • 英国《每日邮报》10月20日报道,微软公司研究人员已经开发下一代Kinect动作传感器设备能把任何物体平面转变触摸屏

    Microsoft researchers have developed the next generation of the Kinect motion sensor - a device which turns any flat surface into a touchscreen.


  • 盖茨微软英国之间的“特殊关系感到骄傲。

    Gates said he was proud of what he called Microsoft's "special relationship" with Britain.


  • 微软英国设立机构包括1997年成立的微软剑桥研究院实验室位于剑桥共有80位科学家在那里工作。

    Microsoft's British facilities include Research Cambridge, a laboratory established in 1997 in the university town that employs 80 scientists.


  • 这笔交易中,微软公司成功新发布有线电视软件推向数以百万计的美国英国家庭

    Under the deal, Microsoft will succeed in introducing its recently-launched cable television software into millions of homes in the US and UK.


  • 这笔交易中,微软公司成功新发布有线电视软件推向数以百万计的美国英国家庭

    Under the deal, Microsoft will succeed in introducing its recently-launched cable television software into millions of homes in the US and UK.


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