• 微软为了利用这个安全漏洞黑客必须欺骗用户访问一个装载恶意代码网站

    To exploit the security hole, hackers must trick users into visiting a Web site loaded with malicious code, Microsoft said.


  • 目前有关漏洞已经分别提交给微软苹果公司,不过目前为止他们没有对此作出任何回应

    Microsoft and Apple have been notified of these security holes and are supposedly looking into them. Neither company commented on the matters.


  • 本周微软公司发布安全补丁堵住网病毒用于自我传播四个安全漏洞中的最后一个,不过一补丁却无法用于版本较老系统中,而这类系统伊朗被广泛使用

    A new security patch from Microsoft, released this week, plugs the last of the four security holes that Stuxnet USES to spread itself, but it cannot be used on older systems, widely used in Iran.


  • 不是微软第一建议用户自愿升级但是第一次作为对某个事件或者漏洞回应而建议用户升级。

    This isn't the first time Microsoft has asked people to voluntarily upgrade, but it is the first time that it's been in response to an exploit or vulnerability.


  • 微软已经发布补丁修补漏洞然而假如大型网络中的一台电脑感染了,病毒将会在不受检查的情况下传播开来——常常使已经杀毒的电脑再次感染。

    Microsoft has issued a patch to fix the bug, however if a single machine is infected in a large network, it will spread unchecked -- often reinfecting machines that have been disinfected.


  • 微软这种强烈回应证实了这个威胁有多么严重也为其他可能包含漏洞网站敲响了警钟

    The massive response from Microsoft shows how serious the threat is, and it raises an alarm that many other websites can be vulnerable.


  • 过去已经发现重大漏洞迫使微软在官方补丁发布修补工具

    Just in the past few weeks there have been major vulnerabilities discovered that forced Microsoft to issue fix-it tools in advance of official patches.


  • 微软昨天更新安全警报,“我们正在出现的IE漏洞报告进行调查。”

    "Microsoft is continuing its investigation of public reports of attacks against a new vulnerability in IE," the company said in a security alert updated yesterday.


  • 苹果相比微软软件沉闷无聊、满漏洞

    It has made software that, by comparison with Apple’s, is buggy and clunky.


  • 这种非常复杂的蠕虫病毒利用了微软Windows操作系统中的多个安全漏洞

    The very sophisticated worm exploits multiple secure flaws in Microsoft's Windows OS's.


  • 微软正在努力开发补丁程序同时建议电脑用户提高安全设置水平或者使用其他漏洞影响的浏览器火狐Opera等

    Microsoft is trying to put together a patch, but in the meantime computer users have been advised to update their security settings or switch to unaffected browsers such as Firefox or Opera.


  • 另外微软发布基因码检测(genericsignature)信息来帮助用户对付这些漏洞名称Exploit:Win32/Apptom.gen,通常这些攻击文件将阻止用户打开Windows Live OneCare或者Forefront Client Security软件。

    We are also releasing today a generic signature to protect our customers against these exploits. Its name is Exploit:Win32/Apptom.gen.


  • 微软发布安全补丁的时候,补丁一般都是针对一个证据充分漏洞的。

    When Microsoft releases a security patch, the patch is designed to address a well-documented vulnerability.


  • 根据微软所述,恶意站点可以利用漏洞用户机器运行代码

    According to Microsoft, the vulnerability allows a malicious web site to run code on a client's machine.


  • 安全研究公司CoreSecurityTechnologies22日表示他们又发现了微软IE几个漏洞。 而仅天之前微软刚刚才给IE打了新的补丁

    Security research firm Core Security Technologies said Friday that it discovered another set of vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, a day after Microsoft Corp patched the Web browser.


  • 其中五大病毒家族全部时间震荡波病毒,其中利差利用最近微软漏洞散布机器无需用户干预要求

    One of the top five virus families of all time is the Sasser virus, which spreads by exploiting a recent Microsoft vulnerability, spreading from machine to machine with no user intervention required.


  • 微软这个版本beta版稳定很多漏洞修复了。

    The good news however is that Microsoft says it's a lot more stable than the beta version with lots of bugs fixed and security holes plugged.


  • 马甲一边浏览网站,一边说:“微软和奥多比(Adobe)都很多漏洞但是我们不会公布出来。

    “Microsoftand Adobe have a lot of zero days, ” he said, while scanning Web sitesat home. “But we don’t publish them.


  • 问题微软操作系统漏洞很多,经常需要更新不管装的是否盗版。

    The problem is Microsoft's operating system has many holes, which should be updated from time to time, whether your operating system is piratic or not.


  • 红色代码利用微软软件中的一个漏洞最早网络蠕虫之一。

    Code Red "use of Microsoft software in a loophole, is one of the first network worm."


  • 另外应用研究中发现微软DNS服务器设置中的一个漏洞经过分析测试找到了解决办法

    In addition, a hole in the Microsoft DNS server setup was found from application researches. A solution was suggested after analyses and tests.


  • 瑞星微软应为此漏洞负责,看来其它厂商发布输入法软件也可能导致同一漏洞

    Rising said Microsoft also bears responsibility for the vulnerability, noting that software released by other companies could recreate the same vulnerability.


  • 微软公司周末迅速作出调整,准备本周周日发布针对这个漏洞补丁这个漏洞微软公司早在三个月前知道

    Microsoft shifted gears over the weekend, announcing plans on Sunday to release an emergency patch for a vulnerability that the company has known about for more than three months.


  • 微软公司周末迅速作出调整,准备本周周日发布针对这个漏洞补丁这个漏洞微软公司早在三个月前知道

    Microsoft shifted gears over the weekend, announcing plans on Sunday to release an emergency patch for a vulnerability that the company has known about for more than three months.


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