• 1664年,胡克观察到了颗行星表面一个微红斑点

    In 1664 Hooke observed a reddish spot on the surface of the planet.


  • 一种葡萄品种果实甜美色泽

    A variety of grape having sweet, light red fruit.


  • 靠近月亮那个微红物体就是火星。

    The reddish object near the moon will be the planet Mars.


  • 韩学似乎脸色微红阴天太阳

    Han seemed to redden slightly, like the sun suddenly showing through on a cloudy day.


  • 星团明亮的微红恒星远古巨星

    The brightest reddish stars in the cluster are ancient red giants.


  • 需要少许赤铁矿梅里,就能将全部尘埃微红

    It only takes a little hematite, Merrison said, to stain all the dust a reddish hue.


  • 先生稍作停顿脸色鼻尖汗珠晶莹剔透,煞是好看。

    Then Comrade Chang paused, his face red and sweat beading on the tip of his nose.


  • 微红斑螟危害松类、球果、重要害虫

    Dioryctria rubella Hampson is an important insect pest of the piney shoot, bud, cone and trunk.


  • 青白微红,有普通)或斑()。

    Pale reddish or body color, speckled, (normal spot, tiger spot etc) or no spot (white silkworm).


  • 全过程中,月亮持续发出桔黄微红光辉长达一个半小时

    The total eclipse phase, in which the moon has an orange or reddish glow, lasts about 1 hours.


  • 看看地面,我那微红卷曲金发已经脚边堆起一座小山

    I saw at my feet, 16 reddish-17 blonde curls 18 stacking around in a little 19 puff.


  • 施坦威的印度苹果木制成天然暗色条纹彰显木质的光泽。

    The Steinway Tiger's Eye piano is produced with Indian apple wood where natural dark stripes give off a slight red light.


  • 与众不同之处。在于瓷土少量铜质使烧好后透光可见

    Ru wares are distinguished from other porcelains by a slight reddish tint visible in bright light. This is caused by a small amount of copper in the porcelain day.


  • 敏感性肌肤皮肤薄,外界刺激敏感,易出现局部过敏现象

    Sensitivity skin: the skin is thinner, sensitive to external stimuli, local red, red allergic phenomenon, etc.


  • 受了表扬激动面孔:“奴婢只是没有辜负夫人教诲。”

    Wild goose's permitting is given public recognition, the face of concussion is tiny and red, song knee way:"The maidservant just don't be ungrateful to a teaching of madam."


  • 阳光普照之下,屋外李子树枝丫树干积雪精妙地勾勒了出来。

    The little plum-tree outside, with the faintly flushed snow lining its boughs and artfully disposed its trunk, stood in full sunlight.


  • 看着眼里闪动快乐因激动而变得微红脸蛋儿猜想一定什么大秘密吧!

    Flashing eyes looked at her pleasure and excitement become reddish due to the small face children, I guess must be big secrets!


  • 应用频次分析法聚集度指标法微红梢斑马尾松和火炬松林中的空间分布进行研究

    This paper deals with the spatial distribution patterns of the larvae of Diorycitria rubella in masson pine and loblolly pine using the frequency distribution analysis and aggregation indices.


  • 并带有美丽花纹马达加斯加紫檀木世界受欢迎木材尤其是亚洲相似伐尽以后。

    Malagasy rosewoodreddish and superbly grained — is among the world's most sought-after timber, especially since Asian sources of similar trees have been depleted.


  • 所以每每大雪中的黄昏里,围着暖炉,围着祖父着祖父诗篇看着祖父读着诗篇时嘴唇

    Often of a snowy evening, we children would hang about grandpa by a heating stove, listening to him reading poems aloud and meanwhile watching his busy ruddy lips.


  • 父亲站在母亲黑匣子前。慢慢的,温柔的,父亲伸出自己的双手,掀开母亲厚厚的微红头发,那里没有阔。

    Slowly, tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddish brown hair to reveal the mother had no outer ears.


  • 冀东某地原生刚玉矿床具有埋藏浅,刚玉个体大、至暗色、半透明至不透明等特点,经人工改善可生产低档宝石。

    The primary corundum deposit in eastern Hebei is near the ground surface. The corundum is megacrysts, pink or dark red color, semi-transparence to opaque.


  • 美国宇航局戈达德宇航中心研究人员绘制第一陆地植物荧光地图的荧光叶子释放因光合作用产生的一种副产物

    Researchers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center have produced the first global maps of land-plant fluorescence, a reddish glow that leaves emit as a byproduct of photosynthesis.


  • 懒懒躺着吸烟观察天空颜色我们所说太空空间里,在松树后面片是微红灰色与星之间则是泛光泽的深蓝

    I lay lazily smoking and studying the colour of the sky, as we call the void of space, from where it showed a reddish grey behind the pines to where it showed a glossy blue-black between the stars.


  • 此外还有值得期待的事情:等的头发再次长长以后,我又可以看到微红卷曲金发柔顺地垂在我的肩头而不是一团团地堆地板上了。

    And, I have something to look forward to: my hair growing out again so I can see the reddish-blonde curls softly falling around my shoulders instead of on the floor in little puffs.


  • It lent an air of unexpected wantonness to her innocentface孙小姐面部修理完毕,衬嘴上颜色微红的上眼皮,了胭脂的,替孙小姐天真的脸上意想不到地添些妖邪之气。

    When Miss Sun had finished fixing her face, her eyelids, reddened from crying and set off by the color on her cheeks and mouth, looked as though they too had been touched with rouge.


  • It lent an air of unexpected wantonness to her innocentface孙小姐面部修理完毕,衬嘴上颜色微红的上眼皮,了胭脂的,替孙小姐天真的脸上意想不到地添些妖邪之气。

    When Miss Sun had finished fixing her face, her eyelids, reddened from crying and set off by the color on her cheeks and mouth, looked as though they too had been touched with rouge.


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