• 推动新型微波炉销售十年期结束之际欧盟每年的新型微波炉销量预计达到1.35亿。

    This is pushing sales of new microwaves which are expected to reach 135 million annually in the EU by the end of the decade.


  • 微波炉加热剩饭时,有个窍门放入微波炉之前撒点水在上面

    Here's a tip when you microwave old rice: sprinkle a little water on it before you put it in the microwave.


  • 微波炉加热剩饭时,有个窍门放入微波炉之前撒点水在上面

    Here's a tip when you microwave old rice: sprinkle a little water on it before you put it in the microwave.


  • 食品及药物管理局称,辐射生物上广为人知用途就是加热,比如,微波炉中的微波可以加热食物

    According to the FDA, the consensus is that the only known effect of radiofrequency energy on biology is heating, the way microwaves in microwave ovens are able to heat food.


  • 做饭微波炉电压转化成高频电磁微波

    To cook food, a microwave oven converts voltage into high-frequency electromagnetic microwaves.


  • 如果微波炉(或者面包机),可以三明治放到微波炉里加热分钟,使奶酪融化。

    If you have a microwave (or a toaster), you could put the sandwich into the microwave for about one minute to melt the cheese.


  • 不仅是因为研究揭露微波辐射导致不孕因为经微波炉加热会造成很多食物蛋白质分子异化,食物变得难以消化

    Not only has exposure to microwave radiation been linked to causing infertility in men, but it also denatures many of the essential proteins in foods, rendering them virtually indigestible.


  • 简单的说微波辐射作用的后果微波炉里的食物遇到类似大脑被烹饪布莱克说。

    "What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain," Black said.


  • 后来斯宾塞一位雷声公司主管厨房里安装微波炉样机时,厨师宣布此微波炉具有妖术递交辞呈

    When Spencer later installed a prototype microwave in the kitchen of a Raytheon director, the cook declared it was black magic and handed in her notice.


  • 偶然得手十分普通微波炉食谱——就是那种电器制造商微波炉为了几个顺带着卖的食谱,不值钱的。

    One day I came across a copy of a fairly common microwave cookbook - the sort published by the appliance manufacturer to make a few extra dollars.


  • 凯史博士,看来根本需要许多人都使用损害健康微波炉微波炉不仅破坏味道而且也会损失食物营养

    And, Mr Kesh, you eventually wouldn't need, in my opinion, health damaging microwave oven which a lot of people use, which not only distorts the taste but the nourishment quality of our food.


  • 打开微波炉时,微波炉新鲜柠檬味而且你的微波炉里面任何垃圾都会很容易地松动

    When you open the door, your microwave will smell like fresh lemon and any junk trapped on the inside of your microwave will come loose easily.


  • 社交媒体还有另外最受喜爱生活小窍门,拿柠檬,每个,放进微波炉适用的罐子里,里面加满,放进微波炉

    Another favourite life hack published on social media is to place an oven-proof jug of water with two lemons cut in half inside your microwave.


  • 妙用四:往水杯放进一些柠檬柠檬汁微波加热分钟不仅轻松去除微波炉里的污垢留下淡淡清香。

    Throwing some lemons and their juices into a cup of water and microwaving for five minutes not only loosens up stains in the microwave so they are easily wiped away, but leaves a fresh smell behind.


  • 知道吗?他们1918年发明了微波炉很久以前了!微波炉真的使烹饪发生了彻底的变化,现在每家厨房都放一个微波炉

    M1: Did you know they invented microwaves in 1918? So long ago! That really revolutionised cooking. Nowadays everyone has one in their kitchen.


  • 微波炉烹调时,将肉类起来,利用转盘随时搅动翻面以达到均匀烹制因为微波可能不能加热内部

    When cooking in the microwave, cover poultry, stir, and rotate either on a turntable or manually for even cooking, as microwave heat can leave cold pockets inside the poultry.


  • 好吧微波炉不能自己擦洗自己,可以一半工作微波炉得到帮助非常简单。

    Okay, your microwave can't scrub itself down, but it can do half the job for you. Getting a helping hand from your microwave is a piece of cake.


  • 目前使用家用微波炉专用微波有机合成仪的性能进行了评价。

    The functions of domestic microwave oven and the special microwave organic synthesis equipment were appraised.


  • 通过试验,微波炉模拟微波烧结体测得温度数据建立模型

    In experiment, microwave oven is used to simulate microwave sintering cavity, then temperature data are gained and model is established.


  • 一般微波炉微波腔内辐射固定的,为了加热食物均匀,所以转盘转动食物。

    The common microwave oven microwave's in furnace chamber radiation is fixed, to heat up food to be even, therefore has the turntable to rotate food.


  • 个关于微波武器外表原始变化是,它们看起来象“一个厨房微波炉,被除了防护罩被一个金属的漏斗代替。”

    A primitive variation of a MW weapon would look like this: a microwave oven from the kitchen with the protective shielding removed from the door and replaced by a metal funnel.


  • 烤箱保持微波所以如果手机响起,可能微波炉出现故障应当马上检查

    The oven is designed to keep microwaves in, so if it rings, you may well be leaking waves all over the place, and should get it checked.


  • 微波炉利用微波加热原理和特点设计成功的一种加热设备

    The microwave oven is heating equipment by use of the heating principle of the microwave.


  • 如果没有找到关于微波炉使用指导下微波炉使用一个特殊容器

    If you do not find guidance on the use of microwave ovens, microwave ovens use a special container or plate lamp.


  • 处理后的金属容器,除置入微波炉中以微波加热使用外,亦可用于瓦斯电炉烤箱

    The container through said treatment may be microwave heated inside microwave oven and may be also used in gas furnace, electric furnace and roasting oven.


  • 发明涉及具备咖啡微波炉,特别是具备能够分别控制加 热模式保温模式的具备咖啡机的微波炉

    The present invention relates to a microwave oven with coffee maker which can respectively control heating mode and heat-insulating mode.


  • 一步应用微波干燥原理使试样微波炉快速初步干燥,第二使试样烘箱中恒温烘至

    Preliminary dry samples are got quickly in microwave oven in the first step and completely dry samples are obtained in the constant temperature of oven in the second step.


  • 一步应用微波干燥原理使试样微波炉快速初步干燥,第二使试样烘箱中恒温烘至

    Preliminary dry samples are got quickly in microwave oven in the first step and completely dry samples are obtained in the constant temperature of oven in the second step.


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