• 教师仍然享有中扣除商业开支的权利。

    Teachers are still entitled to write off business expenses.


  • 2004年中扣了可观2万美金。

    She got a nice $20,000 tax write-off for 2004.


  • 如果喜欢预算旅行方法了解什么减免而且从税惠减免的钱支付部分旅行的费用。

    If you like the idea of budget travel, learn what's tax deductible and let tax savings pay for part of the trip.


  • 人们缴纳的直接间接1979年开始过。

    What people had to pay in direct and indirect taxes had not gone up since 1979.


  • 经济学角度来看,为了应对外部性原则上应该征收准确的:燃料征收的应该等于使用一升燃料所造成危害

    Economics is precise about the tax that should, in principle, be levied to deal with negative externalities: the tax on a liter of fuel should be equal to the harm caused by using a liter of fuel.


  • 随着1月份增值17.5%提高20%,以及零售商保护消费者免受物价上涨影响,明年的增值增幅可能更高

    There will be higher increases in the New Year as VAT rises in January from 17.5% to 20% and retailers shield consumers from price rises.


  • 销售者客户那里收取销售送到陈旧的地方。

    State sellers to collect the state's sales tax from customers and send it to the stale.


  • 世界贸易组织获胜——这个案子中的巴西——失败国收进口

    WTO rules let the winning countryin this case of Braziltax imports from the losing country.


  • 他们陷入繁文缛节使得法国声名狼籍——更不用布鲁塞尔的那些条条框框销售干酪里细菌含量这些条条框框的影响远处不在。

    They have got stuck in the red tape for which France is infamous - not to mention regulations from Brussels that affect everything from sales taxes to the bacteria in the Brie cheese.


  • 石油生产者变得怀疑市场看到一系列对付他们潜在阴谋汽油消费天然气可再生能源替代石油努力

    Producers grew skeptical of markets and saw an array of potential plots against them, from consumer taxes on gasoline to efforts to replace oil with natural gas and renewable energy sources.


  • 无论是中国2008年把法定企业所得33%降低25%,或是美国把企业所得39%削减至35%,各大企业很少全额支付其应缴

    Whether it's China lowering its statutory corporate income tax rate from 33% to 25% in 2008, or the U.S. cutting corporate income taxes from 39% from 35%, companies rarely ever pay the full load.


  • 农业取消,标志着中国农业社会迈入了工业社会。

    This move marks the transition of China from an agrarian to industrial society.


  • 而挪威则1992年出人意料地削减了劳动收入以及资本收入最高所得58%降到了28%。

    Norway dramatically cut top rates on both labour and capital income in 1992, from a 58% top income-tax rate to 28%.


  • 一种手段使用微观经济学个案研究观察消费者行为退反应

    One approach is to use microeconomic case studies to examine consumer behaviour in response to specific tax rebates and cuts.


  • 为了提高农民生活水平,他们其他许多努力——免除农业免费义务教育

    Much else has also been done to raise farmers' living standards, from tax exemption to free education.


  • 增加收入重大决定2011年1月开始,把增值(消费)的17.5%提高20%。

    His crucial revenue-raising decision was to increase the main rate of VAT, a consumption tax, from 17.5% to 20% in January 2011.


  • 所得中扣除慈善募捐的金额。

    He will write off the charitable contributions from his income taxes.


  • 排放将会2015年起生效鼓励EDF这样的公司2017年开始使反应堆运作

    The carbon tax would take effect from 2015, to encourage developers like EDF planning to have reactors operational from 2017.


  • 国家层面来看,所得减少可以通过提高国民保险来弥补

    At the national level, revenues lost on income tax would be made up by higher national-insurance contributions.


  • 结论是:如果中间年龄段的选民为了确保自己利益选择投票支持剩余工作年限更年轻的人征收更高,那金融方面是讲得通的。

    His conclusion: It will make financial sense for the median voter to vote for higher taxes on his remaining working years and on younger people in order to secure his benefits.


  • 我们没有因为工资微薄抱怨过,没有因为你们微薄工资里扣,住着连体排屋心里失衡过。

    We never complain that our wages are low, we never lose our mental balance due to those big townhouses you bought with the money you took from my meager wage.


  • 对于提交很多专利公司来说企业所得25%降到15%。

    Corporate income tax can be cut from 25% to 15% for firms that file many patents.


  • 工资削减幅度2%提高至3%也是可取的

    Raising the share of payroll from 2 to 3 per cent is desirable, too.


  • 今年欧洲央行铸币中获得的利益变得越来越重要

    The ECB's gains from seigniorage are becoming increasingly important this year.


  • 1月4日增值(一种消费)基准利率17.5%上升20%。

    For on January 4th, the main rate for VAT, a consumption tax, was raised from 17.5% to 20%.


  • 汽车排量3升至4.1的购置15%上升到25%。

    Cars with engines between 3 and 4.1 litres will be taxed at 25%, up from 15%.


  • 科技股泡沫破灭年里联邦GDP20%垂直滑落至16%。

    In the three years after the end of the tech boom, federal tax revenues plummeted from 20 percent of GDP to 16 percent.


  • 科技股泡沫破灭年里联邦GDP20%垂直滑落至16%。

    In the three years after the end of the tech boom, federal tax revenues plummeted from 20 percent of GDP to 16 percent.


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