• 世界各地律师其他任何行业从业者都容易招致敌意——可能新闻业除外

    All around the world, lawyers generate more hostility than the members of any other profession — with the possible exception of journalism.


  • 迪拜律师说:“人们建筑群及驾车游玩印象深刻,”,但是他们认清一个事实,就是迪拜国际金融中心法律系统第三世界”。

    People are impressed by the buildings and the joyrides, ” says one Dubai lawyer, but they fail to recognise that outside the DIFC, the legal system ispure third world”.


  • 内森·萨瓦亚,名36岁律师令人难以置信乐高艺术作品震惊世界

    Nathan Sawaya, a 36-year-old former lawyer has stunned the world with his incredible LEGO artworks.


  • 位于劳德代尔堡的布林克利·摩根婚姻家庭法律团体律师Jodi Furr Colton,一对夫妇来办公室时说道:“他们生活两个不同世界。”

    Jodi Furr Colton, an attorney with the marriage and family law group at Fort Lauderdale's Brinkley Morgan, said by the time couples arrive at her office, "they are living in two different worlds."


  • 美国律师业是世界庞大律师从业人数上曾12连续增长,但过去年出现了负增长。

    After a dozen years of growth, employment in America's law industry, the world's biggest, has declined for the past three years.


  • 卫报的律师杰弗-罗宾逊QC20世界70年代丹宁国王就已规定议会无论遭到何种评论“都可以报纸上公布于众,不必惧怕蔑视议会指责。

    The media lawyer Geoffrey Robertson QC said Lord Denning ruled in the 1970s that "whatever comments are made in parliament" can be reported in newspapers without fear of contempt.


  • 世界可能是个危险的地方。」 卡巴雷若以真正的子弹射击律师展示说明产品时这样,这位律师可以感觉到子弹碰击他胸口时的力道,但是他从攻击中存活下来,只留下一点点瘀伤。

    "The world can be a dangerous place," says Caballero as he demonstrates his products - by shooting live bullets at his lawyer.


  • 为数希望这个世界有几个律师时候

    This is one of those rare moments where the world needs more lawyers, not fewer.


  • 迈克尔·克莱顿世界最大受尊敬律师事务所资深诉讼合伙人,你简直可以称为这个行业的一个传奇

    Michael Clayton: You are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest, most respected law firms in the world. You are a legend.


  • 就在世界一些聪明要价最高辩护律师其雄辩的口华就这项起诉慷慨陈词之际,肯尼亚公众密切关注着这一事件

    The Kenyan public has also been watching closely as some of the world’s brainiest and best-paid defence lawyers lay into the prosecution’s case with fluency and flair.


  • 英国广播公司调查员格雷格·帕拉斯特雪佛龙公司的律师提出这些指控时,这位律师回答到:“世界唯一癌症案件吗?

    When the BBC investigator Greg Palast put these charges to Chevron's lawyer, he replied: "And it's the only case of cancer in the world?


  • 律师表示未来数周里如何应对雷曼兄弟破产连锁反应世界企业所面临的关键问题

    How companies around the world weather the ripple effect of Lehman's collapse is a crucial question in coming days and weeks, lawyers said.


  • 肯尼亚公众一直密切关注着世界精明、薪金最高辩护律师如何辩才无碍地驳斥控方指控。

    The Kenyan public has also been watching closely as some of the world's brainiest and best-paid defence lawyers lay into the prosecution's case with fluency and flair.


  • 律师表示世界最大矿业公司必和必拓可能需要自己经验缓解一下这另一起外国公司收购加拿大资源公司引起的忧虑

    Lawyers say BHP, the world's largest miner, may need its experience to ease concerns about another foreign takeover of a marquee Canadian resource company.


  • 他成为全世界的热门话题。上周五先生吉格斯律师表示他们打算起诉

    On Friday, Mr. Giggs’s lawyers said they planned to sue Twitter to find the people behind the initial posts.


  • 此案苹果没有进一步评论镜像世界律师也没有回应评论请求

    Apple has not commented further on the case. Lawyers for Mirror Worlds did not return requests for comment.


  • 世界反犹人士都会雇佣犹太律师因为后者擅于打官司”,Diamond

    "There are anti-Semites throughout the world who will say they want a Jewish lawyer, because Jews are good lawyers," says Diamond.


  • 大成律师事务所建立覆盖全国、遍布世界重要地区城市的大成全球法律服务网络

    Dacheng Law Offices has built a global network of legal service covering China as well as the major regions and cities worldwide.


  • 自从那时候起,下定决心成为世界最好律师

    Since then, I have determined to become the world's best lawyer.


  • 但是如果这样不能成为世界律师

    But if we did that for three years you would not have learned how to be world class lawyers.


  • 可以理解为什么别人可以成为世界律师你却不能

    You would understand why some other people are world class lawyers but you would not have become world class lawyers yourselves.


  • 英国程序员约书亚·布劳德只有19岁,项目——世界第一个机器人律师能帮人们省下不少法律费用

    British programmer Joshua Browder is helping people save a lot of money on legal fees with his latest project - the world's first robot lawyer.


  • 谦卑地说,我己经花了超过42时间世界许多地区辩护律师现今仍然还工作

    I humbly add I have spent more than 42 years as a defense trial lawyer appearing in many parts of the world and am still in active practice.


  • 谦卑地说,我己经花了超过42时间世界许多地区辩护律师现今仍然还工作

    I humbly add I have spent more than 42 years as a defense trial lawyer appearing in many parts of the world and am still in active practice.


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