Peng, of Legend Media, said too much could hurt the industry.
Peng added, the fact that the respondents clearly spilt on "content" and "discontent" calls for attention, as well as that most respondents see money as an outstanding measure of happiness.
Or he could turn out to be another Andy Kay, Adam Osborne, or Clive Sinclair — pioneers in the personal computer industry who were contemporaries of Steve Jobs that fell along the wayside.
Phil Kerpen, the vice-president for policy at Americans for Prosperity, is a contributor to the Fox News Web site.
Crystallographer Alan Mackay built a model with circles representing atoms at the corners of Penroses tiles and calculated what sort of diffraction pattern it would produce.
Late last month pole instructor Kay Penney led a fitness weekend at a holiday camp in southern England, bringing along 13 portable poles and a desire to break down boundaries.
Late last month pole instructor Kay Penney led a fitness weekend at a holiday camp in southern England, bringing along 13 portable poles and a desire to break down boundaries.