• 所以我们必须认识过程思维形式活动思维形式批判结合在一起。

    So that what we want is to combine in our process of inquiry the action of the forms of thought with a criticism of them.


  • 苏珊·塔格反对阐释文集采取了较极端形式批判了当时的批评主流艺术作品等同于内容的做法。

    In Against Interpretation and Other Essays Susan Sontag criticizes the mainstream of modern criticism, which assumes that a work of art is content.


  • 思想再次合并到一起——自己的语言精练形式——显示到底批判阅读如何你更好地理解任何文章

    Putting ideas together againin your own words and in a condensed formshows how reading critically can lead to deeper understanding of any text.


  • 赋予理性矛盾特有形式机智地批判形而上学僵硬独断,达到了消极的辩证法。

    It supplies rational contradiction with the special form, wisely criticizes the dogmatism of the early metaphysics, and realizes the passive dialectic.


  • 巴赫金这部著作集中批判俄国形式主义否认文学现实评价关系、漠视文学语言意义的理论偏失。

    In the work Bakhtin concentrated his criticism on Russian Formalists' failures of denying the function of literary evaluation towards reality and neglecting the meanings of literary language.


  • 女性主义经验论女性主义科学批判女性主义认识论形式之一

    Feminism empirical theory is one of the form of feminism theory of recognition, which comes from feminism's criticize to science.


  • 批判哲学认为思维主观的,并且认为最终、不可克服的规定是抽象普遍性形式同一性

    If we are to believe the Critical philosophy, thought is subjective, and its ultimate and invincible mode is abstract universality or formal identity.


  • 图式生产艺术家消费社会所做重新解读方式也是艺术家对消费社会所存在文化形式批判想象

    "Schema Production" is a new way of analysing and also a way of criticizing and imaging the cultural form in the consumer society for the artists.


  • 批判贯穿否定辩证法反对总体性同一性的思想,论述形式避免绝对化论断但又始终维护艺术真理

    The critique is penetrated with negative dialectic against totality and identity, avoiding the judgment of absolutism in the form, while always maintaining truth in art.


  • 社会认同理论角度看,“愤青”所具有对外网络民族主义、对内网络现实批判主义的倾向社会认同作用结果表现形式

    Studied with the perspective of social identification, the tendencies of the two items held by the "critical youth" are found to be the result and performance of social recognition.


  • 索卡尔事件反科学思潮特殊形式批判,反科学思潮后现代主义具有内在的亲缘关系

    Sokal incident is a particular critique against the thought of anti-science, which has essential relation with post-modernism.


  • 是在民族文化批判反思语境写作形式的初步探索

    Fourthly, he initiates an exploration into the forms of writing under the critical reflection context of ethnographical "writing culture".


  • 论证图解论证文本分析一个重要环节也是逻辑导论形式逻辑批判思维教科书普遍使用的论证分析技术

    Argument diagramming is an important link of text of argument analysis. It is also an analysis technique widely used in introductory logic and informal logic or critical thinking textbook.


  • 语文合作学习开展批判思维教学独特的教学内容形式

    In the cooperative study of Chinese, the instruction of critical thinking has its unique content and form of teaching.


  • 通过形式颠倒拉康索绪尔二元论进行了批判并且指出,二元论并非语言结构分析结果而是来自传统形而上学思想

    By the formal inversion, Lacan criticized Saussure's dualism, and indicated that his dualism is not the result of the analysis of structure, but from the traditional metaphysical thoughts.


  • 《纯粹理性批判一书中关于时间形而上学阐明向我们指出:时间是先天的直观形式

    The metaphysical exposition of time in the book of Critique of pure reason tells us that time is the apriori form of intuition;


  • 对于形式审美对于问题批判这里是互相介入且合二为一的。

    The aesthetic evaluation of the outer form and the critical attitude of the puzzle merge with each other.


  • 教育行动研究有助于改善教育情景中的疑难问题作为一种解释学批判学的探究形式集中于自己或其他人教育问题理解

    Curriculum action research contributes to the improvement of the problematic situations, as a hermeneutics form or critical inquiry, which concentrates one on understanding curriculum problems.


  • 缄默知识通过行动表现不能通过语言文字符号进行逻辑说明不能正规的形式加以传递、不能加以批判反思的知识。

    Tacit knowledge can't be logically explained by linguistic word and other kind of symbol, also, it can't be translated by formal way and criticized by reflection.


  • 形式逻辑论证逻辑或论辩理论广泛应用培养批判思维技能和气质的手段

    Informal logic or argument logic or argumentation theory is a widely used means of cultivating skills and attitude of critical thinking.


  • 这些名词都表示各种艺术形式其中某人某物一种令人发笑的,通常是批判的方式模仿。

    These nouns denote artistic forms in which someone or something is imitated in an amusing and generally critical manner.


  • 我们经常运用通信技术书面形式其它方式)中的通信技术进行批判研究,以便两个目标融合在一起。

    We will often combine these two goals, by practicing critical investigation of communications technologies in written formats (and other media) that employ communications technologies.


  • 巴赫语言学理论一种批判理论,建立在对弗洛伊德主义形式主义批判的基础之上。

    Bakhtin 's philological theory is a critical theory, which is built on the criticism of Freudism and Formalism.


  • 艺术通过形式了的内容体现艺术超越性批判否定性,审美形式使艺术作为一个自足的整体对抗现实异化

    Through the formal content, art embodies its transcendence, criticism and the negativeness. It is the aesthetic form makes art as a self-contained whole to confront the realistic alienation.


  • 同时本文传统过错定义形式总结罗列不同过错派别对过错性质观点争议。第一方面的介绍主要为下面的批判作铺垫。

    At the same time, this is the fault of the traditional definition and form a conclusion, and listed a different character perspective fault factions to the dispute.


  • 是以形式批判形式过分艳俗,它将现实中的“艳俗”对象罗列出来,同时加以艳俗化的包装,对象的浮华艳丽、俗不可耐直接暴露

    It criticized overly pro forma raffishness with gaudy form, it spread out the gaudy objects in reality, parked with more raffishness and made them expose directly with vanity, flamboyance, atrocity.


  • 刘韡艺术品形式的多变、技巧上的印象观念性雄心批判社会注解,使之成为了中国当代艺术典范。

    Liu Wei's art exemplifies the very best of Chinese contemporary art with its formal variations, technical impression, conceptual ambition, and critical social commentary.


  • 今时今日,不论是那种形式书籍——传统的还是最现代的,都过去任何一个时代更是信息批判思考教育不可取代媒介

    Whatever form they may take, from the most traditional to the most innovative, books offer, now more than ever, an irreplaceable medium of information, critical reflection and education.


  • 结构主义阶段,埃森曼之前简单稳定逻辑形式已经被复杂的,动态的,修辞性的形式所代替,“批判开始成为理论和设计的重要立场

    At this stage, the simple, stable and logic form of his early work was replaced by a kind of complex, dynamic and rhetoric form and he started to take up a"critical"position.


  • 结构主义阶段,埃森曼之前简单稳定逻辑形式已经被复杂的,动态的,修辞性的形式所代替,“批判开始成为理论和设计的重要立场

    At this stage, the simple, stable and logic form of his early work was replaced by a kind of complex, dynamic and rhetoric form and he started to take up a"critical"position.


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