• 本文旨在探讨这些记忆形式意义

    This paper examines the forms and meanings of these memories.


  • 形式意义互有关联

    Form and meaning correlate to each other.


  • 一规定也必然地限制网络传播各种形式意义

    This will limit the form and significance of network communication.


  • 理想电视剧修辞深层结构形式意义双向建构成。

    Ideal teleplay rhetoric has its deep structure which should be made up by the form and the meaning.


  • 人类语言本质特征之一语言符号形式意义之间没有自然联系

    One design feature of human language, which refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning.


  • 论文研究原则解读英语报刊文章中的作用,试图挖掘形式意义之间理据性联系。

    This thesis studies the use of the principle of iconicity in the understanding of English newspapers and periodicals, trying to dig out the motivation between form and meaning.


  • 语法化研究继承形式意义相结合的传统做法,应重视句法环境和语用条件对语法化的作用;

    The necessity to inherit the traditional approach, i. e. the study must consider both form and meaning;


  • 满足各个企业及其部门物料清单(BOM)形式意义不同需求,动态建模思想为基础,提出了BOM的柔性化定义

    The various needs of a wide variety of users result in a wide variety of forms and definitions of a bill of material (BOM).


  • 形式意义相结合功能语法角度出发,探讨功能语法宾语的参角色以及功能句法宾语从句不同解释,可以体现出功能语法对宾语分类的独到之处。

    Therefore, with the help of the functional grammar combining form with meaning, the author attempts to analyze the possible participants as objects and show different understandings on object clauses.


  • 创造出形式被能够暗示时间段季节变换自然界基本元素空气)改变获得意义

    The forms I have created have altered and acquiered meaning through elementary nature (light and air) that give indications of the passage of time and changing of the seasons.


  • 类似东西只有外部世界隔绝形式引入座房子后才变得意义

    Such things as light and wind only have meaning when they are introduced inside a house in a form cut off from the outside world.


  • 用于修饰或说明数据资料输出形式问题分析解释问题的解决具有意义

    Pertaining to data or material that has meaning in its output form for use in analysis or interpretation of problems or solutions.


  • 一想到卷入混沌初始漩涡恐惧愉悦是何等激烈!无序矛盾对称正是混沌独有的几何结构,没有形式亦没有意义

    How great my terror and my joy at the thought of being dragged into the vortex of initial chaos, that Pandemonium of paradoxical symmetry?


  • 肝细胞中的冬眠脂肪储备重要形式在维持冬眠期物质能量消耗方面重要意义

    The lipid drop in hepatocyte is one kind of important reserve of lipid during hibernation, it has important significance in consumption of substance and energy.


  • 相信社会意义上那也是必要因为家庭社会生活的形式儿童就是在家庭里养育起来的,也是在家庭的联系中得到道德训练

    I believe that it is also a social necessity because the home is the form of social life in which the child has been nurtured and in connection with which he has had his moral training.


  • 一旦意识个主题一个有关,在另一个之前出现另一个相反或者任何形式关联——给自己一幅图表明这些意义

    As soon as you realize that once topic relates to another, comes before another, is the opposite of another, or has any kind of connection to another-draw a picture that makes sense to you.


  • 第二部分形式秩序建构的秩序、秩序意义、秩序文化方面进行建筑秩序内在结构的解析

    The second part carry on order inherent structures analysis from several views such as order of form, order of build, order and meaning, order and culture.


  • 因而从笔法一角度对绘画艺术语言形式探索具有创作鉴赏审美判断中的现实意义

    Therefore, it is of great practical significance to investigate the role of painting skills in the painting art production and in the aesthetic judgment of appreciation.


  • 正确认识形式视觉效应本质,对指导形式创造设计意义重大

    So it is significant to understand the nature of formal vision effect accurately in order to guide formal creation and design.


  • 价值规范既是社会生活意义秩序表现形式又是社会资源控制利益分配约束条件

    The value norm is not only the abstract form of the meaning and order of social life, but also the restrained condition of social resource control and interest distribution.


  • 象征意义驱动成语谚语作为统一形式显现文章内涵无直接关联其他含义

    Under the drive symbolizing meaning, the idiom, proverb are regarded as the unified form, can manifest having directly related other meaning with the intension of the article.


  • 一部分不及物实义动词形容词搭配构成主动形式被动意义句型

    Some intransitive notional verbs plus adjectives form the sentence patterns, which are active in form but passive in meaning.


  • 形式相比意义定型性更重要。

    Compared with the form, its meaning is the most important.


  • 汉语语义结构歧义探讨语法形式语法意义之间复杂对应关系最佳切入点之一

    Usually we call this kind of ambiguous semantic structure ambiguity. It is one of the furthest points to seek the complex corresponding relationship between grammatical forms and grammatical meanings.


  • 因此,这股形式连接联系特殊意义这本书。

    So this unit forms connecting links with a special meaning in this book.


  • 省略替代不仅一般意义上的语法关系语言形式中的体现,而且语境为特点的信息结构紧密相关。

    Ellipsis and substitution are not only grammatical relations holding between linguistic forms, but also closely linked to information structure which is based on contexts.


  • 第三部分探讨钢琴独特艺术表现形式美学意义

    The third section deals with the unique artistic expression form of Two Pianos and aesthetic significance.


  • 第三部分探讨钢琴独特艺术表现形式美学意义

    The third section deals with the unique artistic expression form of Two Pianos and aesthetic significance.


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