• 饥饿敌人靠近蜥蜴时,不同寻常方法自保

    When the horned lizard is approached by a hungry foe, it USES an equally unusual method of self-preservation.


  • 学会一次盛大宴会放松休息饥饿过去时巩固自我控制

    Learn to relax and rest before a big party. It will fortify your self-control when the munchies are passed.


  • 饥饿时,为何不同大脑接收不同的信号告诉他们自己相同的事实呢?

    Why do different people appear to receive different messages in their brains telling them when they're hungry or full?


  • 椋鸟试图抢走一饥饿草原土拨鼠的午餐的时候,这只土拨鼠继续啃咬坚果完全无视它们的存在。

    A hungry prairie dog carried on nibbling his nut as a flock of starlings tried to get his lunch, and he completely ignored them.


  • 想法偏离办公桌自动售货可以饥饿无聊还是老板生气

    When your mind strays from your desk to the vending machine, it could be hunger or it could be boredom or irritation with your boss.


  • 研究人员阻断噬过程后,然而那些饥饿信号也被阻断了。

    When the autophagy was blocked by the researchers, though, those hunger signals were blocked.


  • 医生们认为孩子饥饿或者时候,除了食物和小软床,圣诞老人也顶用。

    When children are hungry or tired, even the threatened loss of presents won't help them control themselves, doctors say.


  • 进食激发饥饿的感觉;因此人们面前食物时,他们便会更多以至超出他们身体需要

    Fewer meals stimulate hunger pangs; thus, as soon as people get access to food, they eat a lot more than the body actually needs.


  • 还是一个男孩的时候,他从不知道饥饿是何滋味。

    As a boy, he hadn't known what hunger was.


  • 想象着,需要它的家庭享受圣诞布丁感受或者一个母亲早餐放在她饥饿孩子们面前时会多么高兴

    I imagined how a family in need would feel when they enjoyed my Christmas pudding, or how a mother would be happy to put breakfast in front of hungry kids.


  • 巡逻艇救起饥饿浑身发抖的狗时他们除了一条棕色的颈圈之外再也没有发现别的身份标识

    When a patrol boat got the hungry and shivering dog, they found no identification on her other than a brown collar.


  • 解决方法存放一个专用于装果仁水果袋子桌子里,吃完午餐小时之后感到饥饿时拿出来

    Solution: Stash single-serving packages of nuts and dried fruit in your desk and plan to munch a few hours after lunchwhen you feel moderate hunger.


  • 它们见到B好像很高兴笼门打开时,那些鸟发出饥饿叫声了出来。

    They seemed delighted to see b, but flew off with famished cries when he unlocked the bars.


  • 答案开始一种新的锻炼方法增加锻炼频率紧张程度时,有饥饿很正常的。

    Answer: it's normal to feel hungry when you start a new exercise regimen or you increase your exercise frequency or intensity.


  • 美国密苏里·路易斯公园里,椋鸟试图抢走一饥饿的土拨鼠的坚果的时候,这只土拨鼠继续啃咬的食物,完全无视他们的存在。

    A hungry prairie dog carried on nibbling his nut as a flock of starlings tried to get his lunch, and he completely ignored them at st Louis Zoo in Missouri, US.


  • 幼仔饥饿它们会将嘴唇牙齿后拉,发出指甲挠抓黑板般的尖锐叫声以促使它们母亲下来喂奶。

    When cubs are hungry, they produce a grating fingernails-on-blackboard sound, with their lips pulledback from their teeth, to encourage their mother to lie down so they can nurse.


  • 即使情绪饥饿转变为浪漫时,事情看来没有改善很多

    Things don't seem to improve much even after the mood goes from ravenous to romantic.


  • 人们看到前方有一饥饿的狮子时,人们焦虑不安天气炎热而人们几天没有见到水源,也会焦虑不安。

    We felt anxious when a lion was on our tracks waiting for dinner or when the weather was hot and we hadn't seen water in days.


  • 达斯汀·里顿上周在离怀俄明州的帐篷营地100英尺处的地方准备树时饥饿狮子不期而遇

    When Dustin Britton ventured 100 feet from his Wyoming campsite last week, he was prepared to cut wood, not go saw to paw combat with a starving mountain lion.


  • 问道为什么数以百万计忍受饥饿时候我们这些真正的战士却在放纵自我

    He asked how, when millions were not able to feed themselves even once in a day, we [truth-warriors] could indulge in such excesses.


  • 妇女女孩得到充分卫生保健时,家庭会更加健康,社区会遭受疾病饥饿肆虐害。

    When women and girls have access to proper health care, families are healthier and communities are less subject to the ravages of disease and hunger.


  • 这么做是对的,否则的话,据研究表示人们真的饥饿时,食量就是平时饭量的倍。

    And that's good, because research shows that when they're really hungry, people can eat as much as twice as much food as they normally would.


  • TNT总裁PeterBakker了解世界上足够每个人吃饱粮食然而5秒钟却有一儿童饥饿相关原因时,他极为震惊。

    TNT's Chief Executive Officer, Peter Bakker, was appalled to read that every 5 seconds a child dies from starvation and related causes, while there is sufficient food in the world to feed everyone.


  • 小家伙饥饿食肉兽扒雪地时候,它生的希望渺茫绝不退让

    The tiny rodent's chances of survival looked slim when he was plucked out of the snow by the hungry predator but he stood his ground.


  • 研究对象睡眠少于6小时他们饥饿激素水平75毫微克上升85毫微克。

    And when the study subjects were getting less than six hours of sleep a night, their ghrelin levels rose from 75 nanograms per liter to 84 ng per liter.


  • 大萧条时期理发师父亲饱受饥饿苦。于是,把自己的折叠式剃刀换成木工锯子,去贮木场工作了。

    After starving as a barber during the Depression2, my father traded his straight razor3 for a bench saw at the local lumberyard.


  • 感到饥饿疲倦时,他没有停下来因为他想要环绕尽可能多的土地

    When he was hungry or tired, he did not stop because he wanted to cover as much area as possible.


  • 人类面临棘手饥饿问题时,按照人类社会一贯的表现,这种情况出现

    The matter should be presented in the light of what human societies have always done in the face of intractable starvation.


  • 某个地区儿童饥饿超过30%,每天死亡的人数超过人,同时人们无法获得食物其他必需品这三个条件同时达到时就会宣布饥荒。

    More than two people in every one hundred thousand die each day. And many people are unable to get food and other basic needs.


  • 某个地区儿童饥饿超过30%,每天死亡的人数超过人,同时人们无法获得食物其他必需品这三个条件同时达到时就会宣布饥荒。

    More than two people in every one hundred thousand die each day. And many people are unable to get food and other basic needs.


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