• 这个进入英语体系,织物图案精致刺绣转而成为编织一种更便宜布料的花样。

    As the word approached English the design on the fabric moved from fine embroidery to a pattern woven into a cheaper cloth.


  • 因此这个出现拉丁语中idiota已经没有个人”的含义剩下无知”、“缺乏教育”的意思。

    So by the time the word turns up in Latin as idiota it has lost theprivate personconnotation and remains justignorant” and “uneducated.


  • 这个解释时侯,想到祖母夏天或者冬天总是她的头发剪男孩子方法但是不是一个好的办公室聊天话题

    When the expression was explained to her, she thought of the way her grandmother used to clip her hair shorter than a boy's, in summer or winter, but this would not make a good office tale.


  • 如果抢先抓住一个魅力(他们是免费,出现公众领域)它成为你的品牌名字人们不会愿意想象所有美好特征当这个词已经增加了意思,每他们听到这个词的时候。

    And in the public domain! and make that your brand name, people won't be able to resist imagining all the wonderful features of the word you've co-opted whenever they hear your brand name.


  • 这个开始响亮声音危险联系在一起!有人到“愉快心情艰苦努力”时,使用源于神话

    The word came to be associated both with a loud sound and with danger! When someone speaks of a "jovial mood" or a "herculean effort," he or she is using words with origins in mythology.


  • 人们听到压力这个的时候,他们通常会想到不好事情

    When people hear the wordstress”, they usually think of something bad.


  • 大多数想到教育这个时候,他们学生看作是一种活生生的香肠肠衣。

    When most people think of the word "education", they think of a pupil as a sort of animate sausage casing.


  • 另一个例子警报器这个,是我们熟悉机械装置警车救护车消防车靠近时,警报器会发出警报。

    Another example is the word siren, familiar to us as the mechanical device that makes such an alarming sound when police cars, ambulances, or fire engines approach.


  • 那时,“企业家这个很少用到提及时往往都带有贬义的,感觉像男人街角兜售胳膊戴的那些表。

    Then, the word entrepreneur was rarely used, and when it was used, it tended to be in a negative way, like referring to the guy on the street corner selling watches on his arm.


  • 雅各经历翻译者深思熟虑,能够让“慈善这个传达最高形式

    When King James translators contemplated the highest form of love they settled on the word "charity" to convey it.


  • 价值这个往往误用误解这个原因是因为一个太多,意义就会变多,比如像“最好”,“顶级”和“最”这些

    The word "value" is often times misused or misunderstood. The reason for this is because when a word is used too much, the meaning of it becomes inflated.


  • 汽车赛车出现时这个本意淡出了人们的视线,应用汽车业上。

    As cars and car racing emerged the term slid over and got applied to automotive USES.


  • 不管怎么看待鬼魂说起这个土耳其东部边境荒无人烟的高地时,人们很难想到“阴魂不散这个

    WHATEVER you think about ghosts, it is hard to speak of this desolate plateau on Turkey's eastern edge without using the word "haunted".


  • 欧洲人和美国人经常现代这个作为西方同义时,海归中的先行者并不期望“现代”。

    The pacesetters among hai gui don't aspire to be "modern, " as Europeans and Americans often use the wordas a synonym for Western.


  • 状态这个词应用协议时,是指每次执行一系列交互具有连续性程序状态一样。

    When applied to a protocol, "state" treats each series of interactions as having continuity, much like a single program's state.


  • 而今哥本哈根他们讨论要阻止全球变暖2摄氏度时,他们最终认同危险这个定义

    But now, in Copenhagen, they may finally agree on a definition of that term "dangerous", when they discuss halting global warming at 2c.


  • 第一听到计算这个脑海中闪现的是什么?

    What's the first word that comes to mind when you hear the term cloud computing?


  • 改变一下之前关于计算问题这样问听到虚拟化这个第一反应什么

    Let me revise my original question about cloud computing and ask you instead: what's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term virtualization?


  • 即使是年后金融危机来临时也是禁止使用紧缩这个词据说会吓坏胆小法国人

    Even as the financial crisis set in a year later, he banned the term "austerity", a word that was said to scare the faint-hearted French.


  • 具有相同产品服务需求消费者被分成不同支付不同价格使用这个

    The term is also used when consumers with identical product and/or service needs are divided up into groups so they can be charged different amounts.


  • 伯南克情况可能要求美联储继续维持联邦基金利率时间”时,特意强调了“极低”这个词

    But when Mr Bernanke read that conditions "are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate for an extended period", his voice reached a dramatic crescendo on "exceptionally".


  • 他们谈到他们2003年的第一调查者,鲍威尔:“很多说出‘gay’这个之前都会降低声音。”

    When they talked to their first group in 2003, Powell says, "a lot of people would lower their voices before saying the word 'gay."'


  • 人们听到这个珠宝他们通常认为黄金和白银

    When people hear the word, jewelry, they often think of gold or silver.


  • 超过800年前harbinger这个出现英语里时,已经法语使用过,用于指提供庇护所

    When the word harbinger arose in English more than 800 years ago it had already passed through French and was applied to the people who gave shelter.


  • import这个开头或者结尾时,修改后表达式仍然不能用。

    When import is at the beginning or the end of a string, the modified regex will fail. Thus, splitting this up into cases is required.


  • 文化冲突这个最初是用来描述一个陌生环境里所产生焦虑感。

    The term, culture shock described the anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment.


  • 古希腊创造危机这个时候,他们默认的是短期强烈压力

    WHEN the ancient Greeks invented the word "crisis" they had in mind a short period of acute stress.


  • 这些学生而言他们听到复习这个的时候,会感到非常厌烦因为考试就要到了

    For these students, when they hear the word "review", they often feel sick to their stomach because exams are near.


  • 这些学生而言他们听到复习这个的时候,会感到非常厌烦因为考试就要到了

    For these students, when they hear the word "review", they often feel sick to their stomach because exams are near.


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