• 但是认为只是遇到的独特的问题因为几乎遇到创业都,他们开始筹资或者去和收购者交谈的时候,他们的事业便嘎然

    But I don't think this problem is unique to me, because just about every startup I've seen grinds to a halt when they start raising money-or talking to acquirers.


  • 法官收到情报显示存在“严重的贿赂陪审团企图第三次审理也嘎然

    The third was abandoned after the judge received information that indicated “a serious attempt at jury tampering”.


  • 因此建筑业繁荣嘎然时,就业崩溃了

    So when the building booms came to a screeching halt, employment crashed.


  • 所产生作用断断续续的,然后山顶的冰、水消耗殆尽时,爆炸就渐了。

    The effects of water and ice, too, are likely to be intermittent, and to trail off a bit as the reserves on top of the mountain are used up.


  • 小丑进入处罪案横行的废墟,断裂的,他那病态笑脸映射出《黑色大丽花》中凑近耳边狞笑的鬼脸紧张笑声喉咙嘎然而

    When the Joker enters one fray with a murderous flourish and that sawed-off smile, his morbid grin a mirror of the Black Dahlia’s ear-to-ear grimace, your nervous laughter will die in your throat.


  • 下跌做空原则趋势下跌时,我们根据最高价计算安全区域,因为它们模式决定了损位置

    Rules for Shorts in Downtrends When the trend is down, we calculate SafeZone on the basis of the highs because their pattern determines stop placement.


  • 宝宝肚子里的没有办法用药物治疗按摩缓解时,往往大多数母亲人手一瓶神奇物品。

    When gas medications and massage won't work, Gripe Water usually will which is why most mothers keep it on hand all the time.


  • 此外仅仅使用技术分析指标时,许多交易员无法在下原始订单时摄入订单。

    Additionally, many traders fail to incorporate stop loss orders with their initial orders when using technical analysis indicators only.


  • 股票价格在支撑上面横盘时,进来的买单开始枯竭,在支撑区以下很多损单着。

    When a stock hangs just above support, the inflow of fresh buy orders dries up, and those with stops below support just suck air and wait.


  • 上涨做多原则趋势上涨,我们根据最低点计算安全区域,因为它们模式决定了位置

    Rules for Longs in Uptrends When the is up, we calculate SafeZone on the basis of the lows because their pattern determines stop placement.


  • 活塞再一次到达点时排气打开

    As the piston reaches BDC again the exhaust valve opens.


  • 活塞再一次到达点时排气打开

    As the piston reaches BDC again, the exhaust valve opens.


  • 我们喜欢交易初期使用通道损策略,然后价格离开我们入场使用吊灯之损策略,如此就可以保护我们浮动盈利

    We like to start our trades with the trailing Channel Exit and then add the Chandelier Exit after the price has moved away from our entry point so that the open trade is profitable.


  • 市场告诉他们交易有问题时,只有优秀的交易者不会保留犹豫

    Only the best traders cut their losses without reservation or hesitation when the market tells them the trade isn't working.


  • 活塞到达进气行程点时,随着空气燃油的混合气进入气缸,进气门关闭

    When the piston reaches the bottom of the intake stroke, the intake valve closes, trapping the air-fuel mixture in the cylinder.


  • 我们发现市场给我们丰盛的盈利时,ATR棘轮损点也会令人惊讶迅速上移从而很好的我们锁定浮动盈利。

    We found that when a market was making a good profit run the ATR Ratchet moved up surprisingly fast and did an excellent job of locking in open profits.


  • 行程发动机中,活塞起到阀门的作用,活塞接近点时,使气缸壁上的进排气打开。

    In the two-cycle engine, the piston ACTS as a valve, clearing valve ports in the cylinder wall as it nears BDC.


  • 去年音乐噶然而时候,银行立刻收缩,流向东欧资本突然然后方向逆转

    When the music stopped last year and Banks retrenched, the flow of new capital to Eastern Europe came to an abrupt halt, and then reversed direction.


  • 计算实验表明活塞附近活塞由非推力快速地移推力面时,套具有较大冲击能量

    The results of calculating and experimenting show that the first and largest slap of impact between the piston and the liner occurs around the top dead center from the nonthrust to the thrust face.


  • 迹位于前方时,可能出现胫骨前移,移植物拉紧,前移可以减少

    Also, tibial anterior translation may occur when the notch is observed before graft placement, and this may reduce after the graft is tensioned.


  • 自信义所宜为,能为所欲为亲友挽得回,孥劝只是。 。

    People self-confidence when sober, suitable for all righteousness, force can be, the heart to want to pull back, and relatives and friends, wife and children are persuaded to stop, but no.


  • ()-活塞曲轴最远时,曲柄活塞位置

    TDC (top dead center) - the position of the crank and piston when the piston is farther away from the crankshaft.


  • 酷热蹦季光临,紫中线肌肤伤害日趋增强。猛烈的紫中线带去没有

    The hot summer is coming, the UV damage to the skin increases increasingly. Strong UV brings not only.


  • 比去,他正开车正在凯特祸德街上驶时,看到有两个小偷醋蠡商展里出去,甭正在阂薛辆汽车,个中一个着一只拆钞票的提包

    When he was driving along Catford Street recently, he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. One of them was carrying a bag full of money.


  • 交易者回头再看交易时,通常的反应:“为什么知道反向交易呢?”

    The first reaction that traders universally have when looking back at such a trade is, "Why didn't I just take my loss and reverse?"


  • 市场报价高于价格买入指示便递交给交易市场。

    When the market price is larger than or equal to stop price, then the buy order will be place in the market.


  • 或许火电不再纠结时,“戛然而

    Perhaps as the thermal power no longer entanglements, "electricity shortage" is an abrupt end.


  • 或许火电不再纠结时,“戛然而

    Perhaps as the thermal power no longer entanglements, "electricity shortage" is an abrupt end.


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