• 人们看到女孩一个男孩比赛这个模型中,他们爱上

    And when people see a girl or a boy who match this model, they will fall in love with her or him.


  • 研究表示人们看到一个成熟男人只有一半年龄女性在一起时,因为年龄差距较大这个男人往往显得实际年龄大一些。

    When someone see a mature man with a woman half his age, they estimate him to be much older than it really is because of the obvious gap, said the study.


  • 人们看到男人穿着五颜六色衣服指甲油人们嘲笑因为一个女孩的事情,而不是一个男人应该的事情。

    When people see a man who dresses the colorful clothes, or polishes his nails, they will laugh at him, for this is a girl thing and a man should not do it.


  • 经常看到人们电梯却没有里面的人一个出去机会或者别人他们开门时,他们从来不谢谢”。

    Too often I see people rushing into elevators without giving those inside a chance out first, or never saying "Thank you" when others hold the door open for them.


  • 人们第一次在显微镜下看到冠状病毒时,他们发现它的刺突使它看起来像一个皇冠。

    When people first saw a corona-virus under a microscope, they found that its spikes made it look like a crown.


  • 人们看到造假者依然驾驶豪华轿车,大行其道时,他们得到一个错误的讯息,”曾国屏

    "When people see the accused still driving their flashy cars, it sends the wrong message," Mr. Zeng said.


  • 通常看到现象就是人们固定使用软件的某一个版本然后该软件失去控制时他们拒绝将其更新

    What you generally see is that people lock onto a version of this application, and then just refuse to upgrade when it starts getting out of control.


  • 英国一些深海海底从未拍摄过。这些神秘的海底世界首度曝光后人们惊讶看到五彩缤纷的海地世界。

    Some of Britain's deepest waters have been photographed for the first time and a stunning world of colour and beauty has been revealed. See more pictures here.


  • 人们看到所有圆形混凝土模板时问到是否是一个新的污水处理厂!”,

    "When people saw all that circular concrete shuttering, I was asked whether this was to be a new sewage treatment plant!" he said.


  • Dorsey提到2000年时在纽约派送员时想到的一个想法,他看到人们总是不同地点报告自己的地点正在做的事情

    Dorsey speaks about an idea he'd had in 2000 when working as a dispatcher in New York, seeing people always reporting where they are and what they're doing in various locations.


  • LukeMassella不幸生下来患有脊柱,利用Atala教授制造的器官进行了移植Luke被请舞台的时候,人们看到一个结实健康大学生

    Organs which have been successfully implanted into people like Luke Massella, who was born with spina bifida and who walked out on stage, a fit and healthy college student.


  • 索默解释到,作为一个典型消费性质的商品人们看到广告之后,他们自己能可以决定什么时候哪里能买到

    Soumerai explains that with a typical consumer product the individual sees the AD and can there and then decide to go out and get it.


  • 例如位置服务关闭时,人们依然还是可以使用地图服务的,他们获取或者是跟踪他们的位置时候,他们将会看到提醒

    For example, people can use Maps when location Services is off, but they see the alert when they access the feature that finds and tracks their current location.


  • 问题看到出现一次又一次人们选择关键字,然后找到利基市场

    A problem that I see crop up time and time again is when people choose their keywords before they find there niche market.


  • 人们看到这样时,他们认为进入一个病房

    When people see you, they think they're in a hospital.


  • 人们第一次看到时,他们确信他们是从墙上一个真实的场面

    When people first saw his paintings they were convinced they were looking through a hole in the wall at a real scene.


  • 领先交谈每天sneha作为一个称为外观酷似这样的:“人们看到泰姬陵副本他们喜欢泰姬陵,是不是?”

    Talking to a leading daily, Sneha said this on being termed as an Ash look-alike: "When people see a copy of the Taj Mahal, they say it looks like the Taj Mahal, isn't it?"


  • 乌拉圭球迷庆祝一个目标人们看到2010年世界杯乌拉圭南非之间足球比赛蒙得维的亚,乌拉圭。

    Uruguayan fans celebrate a goal while watching the soccer match between Uruguay and South Africa during World Cup 2010, in Montevideo, Uruguay.


  • 30年代沙尘暴大萧条使人们感到绝望时,她看到一个国家新政新的就业机会以及对目标共同追求战胜恐慌

    When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose.


  • 30年代沙尘暴大萧条使人们感到绝望时,她看到一个国家新政新的就业机会以及对目标共同追求战胜恐慌

    When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose.


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