• 模拟结果表明利用算法训练模糊层次神经网络具有好的逻辑归纳能力特征抽取能力并且学习速度也大大加快。

    The simulation result is that the Fuzzy forward neural networks which is trained by this algorithm have good non-logic generalization and feature extraction ability, as well as fast learning speed.


  • 视觉化对象归纳数学规律能力这样的问题一些优秀的诗人哲学家都无法解答,又如何能让一个人找到那些问题的答案呢?这一点并不明朗。

    It's not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.


  • 如果突然失去了,归纳能力,你头无绪。

    And if you were suddenly stripped of your ability to make generalizations, you'd be at a loss.


  • 玫提斯(Metis):可以观察世界格局复杂情况归纳要点能力

    Metis: the ability to see patterns in the world and derive a gist from complex situations.


  • 需要具有归纳知识其转用到其它情况能力,这样才能成功。

    You will need to be able to generalize knowledge and transfer it between circumstances to succeed.


  • 探索一些化学教学应用归纳演绎法培养创新性思维能力具体的、可操作措施

    Some exercisable measures are probed into for training innovative thinking ability by application of induction and deduction in the chemistry teaching.


  • 研究人员衡量了他们学校表现归纳解决问题能力主要学科学习成绩也被考虑在内。

    School performance and inductive intelligence, or problem solving, were measured and academic grades in the major subjects were also taken into account.


  • 《人民长江》杂志存在垃圾信息作初步分析归纳总结,以期今后的工作中不断加强对垃圾信息的鉴别能力读者提供更多优质的作品。

    This paper analyzes and categorizes the junk information in The Changjiang River with the purpose of cultivating our ability in treating junk information and providing excellent works for readers.


  • BP网络具有很强的非线性映射能力已有数据中自动地归纳规则获得这些数据内在规律

    BP network with the strong nonlinearity mapping ability can summarize the rule from acquired data to obtain the inherent laws of these data automatically.


  • 神经网络具有良好记忆归纳学习能力,对难以数学方法建立精确模型信息工艺等能够进行有效地预测建模

    The neural network has the abilities of memory, induction & study , it can effectively build forecasting model for information & technics which are difficult to be built into an exact math model.


  • 如果过,那么具有记录的笔记细节进行整理归纳然后抽丝剥茧最终破解谜团的严密逻辑思维能力

    If so, you were able to put critical and analytical thinking to work by taking note of all the details provided and sorting them out to determine "whodunnit".


  • 归纳提出了观察能力训练过程基本特征训练方法

    The training process of the ability to observe, its basic characteristics and the training method are introduced.


  • 首先阐述作战模拟武器装备作战能力量化分析基本概念方法归纳现有各种方法基本特点

    At first, the basic concepts, methods for quantification of combat capability of weapon equipment in combat simulation are expatiated and the characteristics of current methods are concluded too.


  • 本文英语谚语常见几种修辞手法进行归纳总结,以便帮助我们更好地学习运用欣赏英语谚语,提高英语的理解表达能力以及文学鉴赏能力

    This paper classifies several common rhetorical means so as to help us learn, use and enjoy Engh 'sh proverbs, and improve the abilities to understand and express English and appreciate literature.


  • 创设情境归纳类比抽象概括实验交流提高探究能力有效措施

    Creating circumstance , induction comparision , abstract generalization and experimentation intercourse are available methodologies for improving study capability .


  • 归纳典型教育技术能力模型图

    Conclude the typical models of Educational Technology Capacity.


  • 从而归纳我国企业抵抗非商业风险能力不足的问题。

    Therefore, the thesis concludes our oversea direct investment enterprises have very limited ability to resist non-commercial risk.


  • 文章深圳市交通综合治理工程有效提高道路通行能力的经验——信号交叉口拓宽渠化方法进行了归纳总结。

    This paper introduces the method of expanded and channeled intersection with traffic light, which raises road pass through capacity effectively in the traffic reorganization in Shenzhen city.


  • 本文根据对学院大一学生普通话语言运用能力现状调查归纳提出改进普通话教学与水平测试的措施与建议

    According to the investigation on the current situation of student's PTH language performance ability, the article sets forth the Suggestions on improving PTH teaching.


  • 分析萨拉萨蒂演奏风格炫技性、对于音色个人追求以及作品独到解释能力归纳萨拉萨蒂演奏风格独树一帜特点

    This part analyzes his glaring skill, his personal pursuit for tone color as well as his original ability to explain the works in order to sum up the unique trait of his performance style.


  • 目的在于让学生详尽理解摄取语篇内容的基础上,培养学生的归纳推理判断、评价及交际能力

    The fourth procedure is post-reading. The purpose for this procedure is to cultivate students' inductive, deductive, judging, apprehensive and communicative ability.


  • 以此为依据归纳提高我国政策学习能力条路径。

    Upon such basis, four measures are put forward for the increase of policy learning ability by Chinas government.


  • 所以记录信息能力归纳能力非常重要的,是我们生存的关键。

    So, some sort of ability to record information and make generalizations is absolutely essential to making it through life.


  • 写作检测要点归纳表达能力

    Writing is a test of your ability to put ideas together.


  • 博客产生迅速沟通固然好处之一,有些缺点体现出来,比如仔细归纳再表达的能力将多多少少丧失

    The speed of conversation is a part of what is good about it, but then some of the reflectiveness, the ability for careful summation and expression, is lost.


  • 该文在机电一体化专业课程内容综合教学模式专业技术能力培养等三方面所取得的经验成果进行了归纳与总结。

    The article mainly summarizes the experience and achievements of course integration, model of teaching and cultivation of professional capability concerning the major of Mechatronics.


  • 日常生活交往中的中西文化差异进行总结归纳,这对学生进行跨文化交际能力提高起到积极的促进作用

    So generalization of difference between Chinese and western cultures in daily lives can play a stimulative role in improving the students'multi-cultures'communicating abilities.


  • 本文投资银行核心能力进行一定理论分析之后,剖析归纳了投资银行市场竞争优势内涵

    In this thesis, the author dissected and summed up the intension of the competitive advantage in Capital Market of the Investment Bank through analyzing the Investment Bank Core Competence in theory.


  • 本文投资银行核心能力进行一定理论分析之后,剖析归纳了投资银行市场竞争优势内涵

    In this thesis, the author dissected and summed up the intension of the competitive advantage in Capital Market of the Investment Bank through analyzing the Investment Bank Core Competence in theory.


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