• 强调游戏前进性是一个关键因素

    Emphasize the critical factor of game advancement.


  • 可能重要原因SdJ奖项成功,因为强调游戏质量策略玩家的交互性

    Perhaps the most substantial reason is the success of the Spiel des Jahres award, which stresses quality, strategy, and human interaction in games.


  • 我们详细讨论音乐版权版税金问题并且着重强调游戏音乐可以产生长期利润

    The issues of music rights and royalties will also be discussed at some length to emphasize the long-term profits that can be generated through music in games.


  • 歧视HIV携带者违法的。但是为了强调一点贝尔巴托夫里克参加了这样一个游戏每个青少年额头戴着一张贴纸。

    It is illegal to discriminate against HIV carriers, but to emphasise the point Berbatov and Carrick take part in a game where each teenager has a sticker placed on their forehead.


  • 上个月强调父母关注游戏分级重要性,并且号召产业零售商,父母三方共同努力

    Last month she emphasised the need for parents to pay more attention to game ratings and called on the industry, retailers and parents to work together.


  • 阿帕吉安说:"公司背后强调探索想象力发现故事一个社会媒体网站借用很多传统游戏结构"。

    "It has a back story that focuses on exploration, imagination and discovery," says Arpajian, 37. "It's a social media site that borrows a lot from classic game mechanics."


  • 如果一个报纸杂志的头条正是Molleindustria游戏强调话题,那么他们会被怎样对待呢?

    What kind of treatment could a newspaper or magazine expect if it ran a lead feature exploring exactly the topics highlighted in Molleindustria's game, for example?


  • Bailey另外强调公司密切关注iPhone类手机游戏平台开发者带来机会

    Bailey also stressed that his company is looking very closely at the opportunities that mobile gaming platforms like the iPhone present to developers.


  • 几十电脑游戏爱好者见证这对新人大喜之日,还有一名真实牧师到场不过强调并非正式的“婚姻”,没有法律约束力。

    The couple's special day was witnessed by dozens of computer game fans and overseen by a real-life priest, although he stressed that the "wedding" was not official or legally binding.


  • 朋友一起玩游戏特别是强调合作和解游戏模式。

    As usual, this is a game you'll want to play with a friend, especially with its emphasis on cooperative puzzles.


  • 社交圈游戏我们所以称之为情境性地位,是为了强调易变性质

    In social circle game, we call it situational status to emphasize its fleeting nature.


  • 介绍过程中,游戏角度强调3d图像

    In the introduction, I emphasized the gaming aspect of 3d graphics.


  • 美国国家科学基金会对此密切关注,并建议组织者——向家长强调——每一个精心挑选游戏背后都暗含着科学教育的价值。

    The National science Foundation was closely involved, advising organizers - and emphasizing to parents - the science and the educational value behind each of the carefully chosen activities.


  • 这两回归传统角色扮演游戏受到怀旧玩家的欢迎特点2d等距视图回合制战斗强调战略单人冒险游戏

    Both games are a welcome return to old-school RPG sensibilities, featuring a 2d isometric view, turn-based combat, and an emphasis on strategic single-player adventuring.


  • 现有种类庞杂输入设备来看,我们着重强调一种可以游戏比赛中由好的游戏控制器创造出来的沉迷状态。

    Judging from the huge variety of input devices available, we put a high value on the kind of immersiveness that a good controller-to-game match can create.


  • 这些简单玩笑之所以受欢迎,是因为这些游戏的环节强调我们熟悉情景通过用关键短语显然地勾画出了一个让人大笑的机会

    These simple jokes work because the knock-knock structure highlights familiar situations, USES only essential words and phrases, and clearly signals a laughing opportunity.


  • 所有游戏应该集中两者上,强调可行地方增加游戏资源而不是添加额外空间

    All games should focus on both, but with an emphasis on charging up existing game assets where feasible instead of only adding additional space.


  • 游戏不同,除了偶尔巫师之间的决斗BOSS战,《乐高哈利波特》强调战斗,而是注重解谜。

    Unlike previous Lego games, there isn't much of an emphasis on combat outside the occasional wizard duel or boss encounter.


  • Exum强调不是对《荣誉勋章任何其他军事射击游戏感到愤怒

    Exum emphasized that he is not outraged by Medal of Honor or any other military shooter.


  • 苹果公司强调,iPod TouchiPhone内置游戏相对于索尼公司(SonyCorp.)便携式游戏机PlayStation Portable和任天堂公司(NintendoCo.)游戏DS,是成功的。

    The company stressed the success of games on the iPod Touch and the iPhone, compared with devices like Sony Corp.'s and Nintendo Co.'s DS.


  • 有意识决定我们强调行动不会阻碍流通游戏

    It's a conscious decision for us to emphasize an action but not impede the flow of gameplay.


  • 设计想法基于这样前提一个空间应该作为儿童幸福真正引擎,空间曲线流动强调动态游戏感觉

    Design idea is based on the premise that a space should operate as a true engine for child happiness, where curved lines flow in space, emphasize the sensation of dynamic play.


  • 强调娱乐功能设置游戏规则

    Emphasize the amusement function, abide by the game rule.


  • 暴雪强调部分修改游戏过渡无关,暴雪为此向玩家道歉

    Blizzard emphasize, the modification of this part and game transfer have nothing to do, blizzard apologize to the player for this.


  • 不管我们怎样强调内在”、以及善良幽默感有多么重要外貌无疑是这场游戏中的巨大优势

    No matter how much we stress the importance of "inner beauty" and kindness and a sense of humor, looks are undeniably a big asset in the dating game.


  • 会让游戏强调微操缺乏宏操

    Causes the game to emphasize Micro and less Macro.


  • 设计师们异口同声地强调游戏控制器的设计就是让人一旦握着能充满着幻想,让玩家能完全摆脱掉工作感觉

    All that said, the designers emphasize that the game pad is designed to look "fanciful" and "reassure the gamer that he is not at work anymore" when he picks it up.


  • 由于现在已经了排位赛模式,我们再次强调普通游戏模式只是给予玩家们进行练习社交以及娱乐

    Now that ranked games have become available, we want to re-emphasize that Normal games are meant to be played for practice, for socializing, and, above all, for fun.


  • 游戏风景充满富有色彩的好笑元素欢喜音乐和音响效果陪伴并且强调所有游戏事件。

    The game scenery is full of colourful and funny elements; joyful music and sound effects accompany and emphasize all game events.


  • 游戏风景充满富有色彩的好笑元素欢喜音乐和音响效果陪伴并且强调所有游戏事件。

    The game scenery is full of colourful and funny elements; joyful music and sound effects accompany and emphasize all game events.


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