• 本文解答结果评估工程缺陷压电材料装置强度可靠性方面提供了依据。

    The results of this paper provide the gists of evaluating the intensity and reliability of the piezoelectric material sets with defects in the project.


  • 汽车转向拉杆销是汽车重要部件强度可靠性直接关系到汽车行驶安全

    Automotive steering link and ball end are important parts in motor vehicles, their strength and reliability shall affect directly the driving safety of motor vehicles.


  • 汽车转向拉杆接头总成汽车转向中的主要部件强度可靠性直接关系汽车安全性能

    The motor steering link and bar is the main part of the automobile steering system, its intensity and reliability are direct related to automobile's safety performance.


  • 零件之间接触配合问题内燃机零件强度可靠性设计一个迫切需要解决重要问题。

    The contact and fitting between the engine parts are exigent problems in the design of intensity and reliability.


  • 利用有限元技术对一种自行设计电控高压喷油器密封件进行了强度可靠性的计算与分析

    Using finite element analysis, the structural and the reliability analysis of the sealing element in electronically controlled high pressure common rail injector is performed.


  • 但是接技术的长期强度可靠性得到证明因此许多玻璃相关产业的从业人员认为粘接的结构还有长的要走

    But the long-term strength and reliability of adhesives has not been proved, so most people who work in glass think an all-glued structure is a long way off.


  • 吊环强度设计事关浇注生产安全性、浇包使用可靠性产品制造的经济性

    Strength design of stationary rings of ladle frame concerns pouring safety, ladle service reliability and its manufacture cost.


  • 为了确保设备结构安全可靠性全面准确了解这些部位的奇异强度有着非常重要的意义。

    To ensure the safety and reliability of the devices and structures, it is meaningful to understand completely and exactly the local singular fields.


  • 控制支撑高度误差玻璃平整度保证受力均匀增加真空玻璃的强度,增加其可靠性,提高其使用寿命。

    The brace height uniformity and the glass flatness should be controlled so as to guarantee force equality, which could improve strength, dependability and service life of the vacuum glass.


  • CA认证系统拥有强度加密算法,高可靠性安全机制完善的管理及配置策略提供自动密钥证书管理服务。

    Ca authentication center provides highly intensive encipher algorithm, highly liable security mechanism and management strategy, automatic generating key and certificate management.


  • 本文拉丁超立方抽样法条件期望对偶变数方差减缩技术组合用于分析船体总极限强度可靠性

    This paper proposes Latin hypercube sampling combined with variance reduction techniques of conditional expectation and antithetic variates to assess ultimate strength reliability of ship hull girder.


  • 应力强度干涉模型机械概率设计可靠性预测非常重要

    The paper stresses the importance of mechanical probability design and reliability forecast on stress and intensity interference model.


  • 结果表明浸渍干燥煅烧硫化均是影响催化剂机械强度及其可靠性重要过程

    Results reveal that the impregnating, drying, calcination and sulfidation are all important processes for the mechanical strength and reliability of the catalyst.


  • 本文介绍了齿轮强度可靠性设计目的内容方法

    The aim, the content and the method of reliability design of gear strength are described.


  • 能量冲击应力冲击变形。并应力强度干涉模型运用于冲击问题,讨论了冲击可靠性设计

    Impact stress and impact strain are solved by energy method. Stress - strength interference model can be used to impact investigation. Reliability design of impact has been studied.


  • 针对腐蚀疲劳裂纹船体强度影响,提出一种结构可靠性评估方法

    A method for reliability assessment of the strength of a degraded ship hull in the presence of corrosion and fatigue is developed.


  • 强度应力结构可靠性计算联系起来

    The stress, strength, structure and reliability are linked.


  • 结合实例给定循环次数可靠度条件下,对铲运机动臂抗断裂强度进行可靠性设计

    A example was also presented, in which the reliable design was used to counter-fracture intensity of loader boom at the condition of a given circle degree and reliability.


  • 根据疲劳强度可靠性设计理论球磨机体法兰结合面处的联接螺栓进分了抗疲劳分析,建立了一套可分的设计理论机算方法

    Depending on the reliable design theroy of fatigue strength, the paper deals with the analysis method between drum and grinding head of a ball mill.


  • 因此综合考虑强度疲劳问题研究悬索跨越管道结构在荷载作用时变可靠性结构的正常使用具有重要意义。

    Therefore, we should do research on the time-dependent reliability of cable-suspended pipelines (CSP) under the wind load with comprehensive consideration of strength and fatigue.


  • 高温合金具有较高高温强度各种温度下具有良好的组织稳定性使用的可靠性

    High-temperature alloys have a high tensile strength at elevated temperature, a good stability and reliability in a large range of temperatures.


  • 因此滚筒机架强度刚度进行分析,设计出轻便、耐用、强度的部件提高带式输送机可靠性降低成本具有十分重要的意义。

    So analyzing the strength and stiffness of the rollers and housings to make them light and stiff is important to improve the reliability and reduce the cost of the belt conveyor.


  • 只要维修大修得当,强度合金钢部件就会表现出极高可靠性

    When properly maintained and overhauled, high-strength alloy steel components demonstrate high levels of service reliability.


  • 应用蒙特卡罗模拟方法考虑材料参数荷载变异性混凝土重力坝强度稳定性可靠性分别进行了研究

    Considering the material parameters and the load changeability, the reliability of intensity and stability for the concrete gravity dam is researched with the method of Monte Carlo simulation.


  • 实验结果可靠性分析表明短时超载导致开口铸件强度可靠性严重下降

    The experiment results and reliability analysis stated: the short-time over - load would be make the strength reliability of open casting decrease seriously.


  • 可靠性设计新的设计方法这种方法许多方面得到应用结构设计、强度分析寿命估算断裂安全分析

    Reliability design is a kind of new design method. It has been found applications in many aspects, such as structure design, strength analysis, life estimate, and fracture safety analysis, etc.


  • 因而车架应该足够刚度强度足够可靠性寿命

    Frame should have sufficient stiffness, strength and enough reliability and life expectancy.


  • 为了加强大型石油储罐安全可靠性,开展了静强度结构分析动载荷下的抗震研究

    To reinforce the safety and reliability of large oil storage tanks, structural analysis under statically-strength and aseismatic research under dynamically-loading were done.


  • 低压电器螺钉连接强度进行理论分析探讨,得出了螺钉连接可靠性设计数据

    Through the analysis and discussion of fastening intensity of trip bolt used in low voltage apparatus, the design data about screw join is calculated.


  • 低压电器螺钉连接强度进行理论分析探讨,得出了螺钉连接可靠性设计数据

    Through the analysis and discussion of fastening intensity of trip bolt used in low voltage apparatus, the design data about screw join is calculated.


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