• 养成爱人表达感谢习惯,即使微小的,一句感谢的幼苗成长强壮足够支持你们两人的大树。

    Make a habit of offering thanks to your partner, even for the tiniest of things, and a sapling of thankfulness will grow into something strong enough to support you both.


  • 即使强壮游泳者也会无助被交叉水流冲走

    Cross-currents can sweep the strongest swimmer helplessly away.


  • 双腿似乎年前那么强壮了,笔直骄傲正在建立传统前进。

    His legs did not seem as strong as they had seemed the year before, but he moved, straight and proud, toward the tradition that he was building.


  • 可以让我们更自由行走和移动,它也可以让我们更强壮

    It can make us walk and move more freely, and it can also make us stronger.


  • 要求强壮所有权尽可能避免合并的发生,这是由于任何合并很少上下文一起执行

    This requires the practice of strong ownership to avoid merging as much as possible, because any merges will have to be performed with very little context.


  • 所以如果目标变得健康苗条并且强壮那么清楚知道为了达到一目标什么非常重要的。

    So if your goal is to become fit, lean and strong it's important to know exactly what you need to do to reach this goal.


  • 然而仅仅接触新的感冒病毒并不足以导致一个人患感冒,因为强壮免疫系统能够成功战胜一些病毒

    Merely being exposed to a new cold virus, however, is not enough for a person to catch a cold, since a strong immune system can successfully fight off some new viruses.


  • 不过不是超级强壮超级模特……她(准确)日本千叶工业大学机器人研究员最新发明。

    But she's not a super-strong supermodel... she (or, more accurately, it) is the latest innovation from the robotics boffins at the Chiba Institute of Technology, in Japan.


  • 但是如果经常通过很好的利用锻炼,它就越来越强壮而且更好帮助达到目标

    But when you give it regular workouts by putting it to good use, it will grow stronger and stronger, and better able to help you successfully reach your goals.


  • 乐了,但是很快意识到而不因为强壮,所以那么轻松抱起

    But I suddenly realised that it was because she was thinner that I could carry her more easily, not because I was stronger.


  • 男性的远古祖先来说,要猎取食物往往其自身庞大更强壮所以需要让自己其他人一起加入合作团队中,成群结队狩猎。

    For our caveman, the big food prizes were much larger and stronger than him, so he organised himself into co- operative groups with others to form a hunting pack.


  • 现代猿猴猩猩不同,这些原始人有着柔软腕关节强壮拇指灵活手指握力很强的手掌,可以牢牢棍子石头物品

    Unlike modern apes and chimps, these hominids had supple wrists, strong thumbs, flexible fingers and power-grip palms shaped to grasp objects like sticks and stones firmly.


  • 乐了但是很快意识而不因为强壮了,所以能那么轻松抱起

    I smiled. But I suddenly realised that it was because she was thinner that I could carry her more easily, not because I was stronger.


  • 同时你的心变得强壮,能有效率输送血液

    At the same time, your heart also becomes stronger and more efficient at pumping blood.


  • 乔治•奥威尔的小说《动物农庄》里,强壮的拉车马鲍克斯颇具英雄色彩斯鸣——“努力工作”,激励其他动物们。

    IN GEORGE ORWELL’S “Animal Farmthe mighty cart-horse, Boxer, inspires the other animals with his heroic cry of “I will work harder”.


  • 乔治•奥威尔小说《动物农庄》里,强壮的拉车马鲍克斯颇具英雄色彩斯鸣——“努力工作”,激励其他动物们。

    IN GEORGE ORWELL'SAnimal Farmthe mighty cart-horse, Boxer, inspires the other animals with his heroic cry of “I will work harder”.


  • 轻松可以让你跑得强壮更快或者是更远

    Running easy translates to a stronger, faster or longer distance run down the road.


  • 将会成年,他知道他会变得十分强壮并且很快他就能离开孤儿院的年龄,对于这个即将到来的事情他非常的期待并且兴奋等待着圣诞节的到来。

    He knew he was becoming stronger and soon he would be old enough to leave. He was excited by this anticipation and excited about Christmas.


  • 但是一些其他事却不可避免发生了:当亨利年少的时候,家对来说就是“安全胶囊天堂,可是一切都不复存在了; 而他曾经父亲的看法——强壮细心呵护和保护照顾家人的形象——这一切粉碎了。

    " But something irrevocable had happened: the "safe bubble" and haven of Henry's youth had gone for ever, and his vision of his dad as "strong, caring and protective" had been shattered.


  • 贝恩公司(意大利银行合作咨询公司)的PaoloBordogna:“意大利的银行他们看起来强壮,一贯,他们与自己忠实的客户群保持着有力的经营默契。

    “The Italian banks are much stronger than they look, ” says Paolo Bordogna of Bain &Co, a consultancy that has worked with several. “They typically have strong retail franchises with loyal customers.”


  • 不论发生何种情况强壮力量都是一种存在表达没有做作,不用来当成不合法获得他人统治权工具

    In either case, strength and power are an expression of being, not an affectation, not used as a tool to gain unrightfully an ascendancy over another.


  • 身体强壮肌肉之一但是不幸释放任何类型手术重要力量

    This is one of the strongest muscles in your body, but unfortunately, it can loose a significant amount of strength after any type of knee surgery.


  • 产于非洲亚洲热带沿海水域;强壮胸鳍可以移动

    Found in tropical coastal regions of Africa and Asia; able to move on land on strong pectoral fins.


  • 强壮力量可以全然跳跃中的鹿那样柔和灵活象一只凝视惊醒野牛那样坦白。

    Strength and power can be soft and supple as a stag in fullness of leap or as direct as a buffalo awakened from sleep in staring you down.


  • 我们应该对自己喜欢挑战强壮千万不要认为自己一个失败者,我将一败涂

    We should say toourselves thatI like challenges and I am strong, but never think I am a loser or I cannot standthat any more.


  • 惊讶发现这个强壮男人喜欢蜜饯

    I was surprised to find that the strong man liked to eat conserves.


  • 惊讶发现这个强壮男人喜欢蜜饯

    I was surprised to find that the strong man liked to eat conserves.


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