• 组织不满是否导致退出组织,取决于参与者是否感知到“雇佣合同规定或是可以强制改变的。

    Whether dissatisfaction with the organization leads to withdrawal from the organization depends on whether the participants perceive the "employment contract" as given or as subject to change.


  • 可以通过使用期望管理了解合同协商强制限制弱点成功洽谈重大的。

    You can also use expectation management to understand the compulsions, constraints, and weaknesses of contract negotiators, which is vital to successful negotiations.


  • 由于许多流动工人没有合同正式聘用,所以强制措施也未必会起到多大作用。

    But since many migrants are employed informally, without contracts, this will not make much difference.


  • 必须一个系统满足拥有的,用以满足一个合同标准规格规则其它正式强制文档能力

    A capability that must be met or possessed by a system to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, regulation, or other formally imposed document


  • 合同首先涉及确认哪些许诺可以作为创设法律权利而由法律强制实施承认

    Contract law is initially concerned with determining what promises the law will enforce or recognize as creating legal rights.


  • 繁杂法律系统很难强制执行合同

    A rickety legal system makes it hard to enforce contracts.


  • Enzi创始人阿什尼•莫弄特,最大挑战一份可强制实施的合同做保证。

    The big challenge is to come up with enforceable contracts, says Ashni Mohnot, Enzi's founder.


  • 因此违反强制性规定合同私法上效力就成为一个值得探讨的话题。

    Therefore the effect of the contract which breaches the legal compulsory standardization becomes a meaningful topic.


  • 合同将被执行合同?双方都法律约束着,任何一方违反合同将受到起诉强制做出赔偿

    They are enforceable by laws. and any pariy who defaults the contract may be sued and forced to make compensation.


  • 本文认为违反法律行政法规强制规定劳动合同内容无效劳动合同

    This article holds that labor contracts which violate laws and regulations of administrative statute are invalid Labour contents.


  • 根据我国合同第52条规定,违反法律、行政法规强制性规定合同无效

    According to the Article 52 of our country contract law, the contract which breaches the legal compulsory standardization is invalid.


  • 除了如上所述强制法律,该法规定当事人可以协议选择合同适用的法律。

    Subject to the mandatory laws described above, the Code provides that parties may agree to select the laws applicable to their contract.


  • 变更请求可以直接间接内部外部提出,可以可选择的,也可以法律合同强制要求的。

    Requests for a change can be direct or indirect, externally or internally initiated, and can be optional or legally/contractually mandated.


  • 项目要求说明书说明了项目可交付成果满足合同标准、技术规定说明书其他正式强制文件要求,必须满足条件或必须具备的能力

    Describes the conditions or capabilities that must be met or possessed by the deliverables of the project to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed documents.


  • 合同形成卖方合法有效有约束力义务根据条款对卖方强制执行。

    This Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligations of Seller and is enforceable against Seller in accordance with its terms.


  • 强制缔约制度作为合同自由原则限制措施,对保护弱者利益维护合同正义发挥重要作用

    As a restricted measure to principle of freedom of contract, the compulsory contracting system plays an important part in protecting the profits of inferiors, safeguarding the justice of contract.


  • 预售许可证商品房预售合同违反了法律的强制规定,但并不导致此类合同必然无效。

    This text thinks that the contract about preselling of commercial housing without preselling license violate the mandatory provision.


  • 认为人们可以这样认可一旦合同之后,必须强制执行。这就是绝对是一种终结

    I think that people can do it but I don't think that it should be forced upon people that once a contract is signed, it's absolutely the end all.


  • 合同双方都有约束力协议,它强制卖方提供规定产品服务成果强制买方支付相应的报酬。

    A contract is a mutually binding agreement that obligates the Seller to provide the specified product or service or Result and obligates the Buyer to pay for it.


  • 根据合同重述》第90条规定,被引诱合理信赖可以作为强制执行允诺基础

    The reasonably induced reliance may be used as the basis of enforcement of promise, according to the section 90 of Restatement(second) of Contracts of America.


  • 计划进度合同强制要求

    Planning and Scheduling, as defined herein, will be a mandatory requirement of this Contract.


  • 同样重要注意到,民法管辖范围内,除非合同特别规定缔约方同意仲裁合同管辖法庭强制执行

    It is also important to note that in a civil law jurisdiction, unless the contract specifies that the parties have agreed to arbitration, the contract will be enforced by the administrative courts.


  • 合同可以部分强制执行

    It may be possible to enforce part of a contract.


  • 违反法律行政法规强制规定合同无效

    The contract concluded in violation of the compulsory provisions of the law and administrative regulations is invalid.


  • 即便如此所有P 2 P中间商必须符合严格资本要求展示如果公司破产贷款合同如何强制执行详细计划

    Even so, all peer-to-peer middlemen will have to meet strict capital requirements and show detailed plans of how the loans contracts would be enforced if the company went bust.


  • 以上例子说明合同怎么一回事棉农受到“合同”的约束,也就是受到法律强制执行出售承诺约束。

    The above example shows what a contract is all about: The farmers were bound by "contracts", that is, by promises to sell cotton that the law would enforce.


  • 第三不是机动车交通事故责任强制保险合同当事人但是由于险种特有社会目的,第三人能够享有保险合同设定利益

    For the special social purpose of this kind of insurance, the third party can enjoy its interests set by the contract, although it is not the direct party of the insurance contract.


  • 第三不是机动车交通事故责任强制保险合同当事人但是由于险种特有社会目的,第三人能够享有保险合同设定利益

    For the special social purpose of this kind of insurance, the third party can enjoy its interests set by the contract, although it is not the direct party of the insurance contract.


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