• 受力较小且都处在弹性阶段

    During the loading, the lacing tubes remained in elastic stage.


  • 挠度弹性阶段线性增长进入弹塑性以后增长逐渐

    The amount of deflection in the elastic phase, assumes the linearity to grow, after the elastoplasticity, the growth gradually changes slow.


  • 表明弹性阶段文中提出模型较好反映纵缝接头受力状态

    It illustrates that at the elastic stage this model can reflect the loading state of the joint.


  • 结果结构弹性阶段试验结果吻合良好,有限元法分析结果一致。

    The results are in conformity with experiments of this kind of structures in the elastic stage, and verify the results of FEM.


  • 传统基础设计理论考虑工作弹性阶段上部荷载完全桩来承担。

    In conventional pile foundation design theory, piles work at the elastic range and upper loads are fully Shared by piles.


  • 文中假定,弹性阶段粘性效应可以略去塑性应变中粘性才起作用。

    It is assumed that the viscosity effect can be neglected for elasticity strain, and only for plasticity strain, the viscosity is significant.


  • 弹性阶段,得到试验梁跨中作用集中荷载时弯曲挠度剪切挠度之间相对增长关系

    Furthermore, at the elastic stage, relationship between the bending deformation and shear deformation of test model under the inter-concentrated load was showed.


  • 本文建立完整配筋砌块砌体结构弹性阶段完全相似模型简单相似模型的相似性关系。

    Integrated simple and complete model similarity theory of reinforced concrete block masonry structure are set up in this paper.


  • 模型试验表明随着试验荷载等级提高,各测点应力线性增长,结构的受力处于线弹性阶段

    According to the test results, as the load levels increased, the stress of the measuring points increases linearly. The structure worked in elastic behavior.


  • 土体污染浸泡环境下水泥土试块应力—应变关系曲线形状相似具有明显弹性阶段塑性阶段

    In various conditions, the failure characteristics are almost the same and all the stress-strain curves are similar with obvious elastic phase and plastic phase.


  • 这些研究建立弹性阶段分析基础之上,对于弹塑性阶段的选波采用弹性阶段相同特征周期

    But these researches all established on the stage of elasticity analysis, the same characteristic period of response spectrum was used for the stage of elastoplastic analysis.


  • 双臂举动作和硬举动作完全一样只是在后阶段使用弹性能量制造立即铃上摆以进行下一次动作重复爆发力。

    The two-arm swing is exactly the same as a dead swing except that at the back of the swing you use the elastic power generated to immediately explode the kettlebell up for another rep.


  • 研究了质量偏心双向地面运动情况结构从弹性开裂屈服直至破坏等各阶段地震反应

    The dynamic responses of the models with mass eccentricity and under the condition of bi-directional ground motion were studied at the elastic stage and stages of cracking, yielding and failure.


  • 拉引推竿阶段中后期运动员身体普遍明显伸,进而揭示出我国优秀运动员在利用撑竿弹性控制身体能力等方面存在的缺陷。

    This showed that the top vaulters of China had some defects in utilizing the elasticity of the pole and in exercising control over their bodies.


  • 随着最大载荷保持时间增加木复合材料进入延迟弹性变形阶段弯曲挠度增加断裂寿命降低。

    The delayed elastic deformation stage came later, the bend deflection increased more quickly, and breaking life shortened with the increase of the prolongation of the maximum load hold time.


  • 压缩过程分为弹性段,塑性坍塌段致密化段三个阶段

    The process can be divided into three stages: the linear elasticity, the plastic and densification.


  • 螺纹组件能够采用设计上推出,假如塑性材料推出阶段足够的弹性

    The internally thread component may be stripped from the core using the basic stripper plate design providing the plastic material has sufficient elasticity during the ejection phase.


  • 离子RPMPMDA含量弹性系数的效应处于递减阶段

    The effects of superoxides on productive elasticities of RPMP and MDA were in decreasing progressively stage.


  • 对于现行结构抗震设计第一阶段工作仍然进行结构的弹性分析

    For current structure seismic design, the first-phase work is still elastic analysis.


  • 有限元弹性正演模型计算进入实用阶段有限元法所要求的存储量计算速度慢缺点依然存在

    Finite element method las been practically applied to the forward modeling of elastic wave. But its shortcomings, such as large storage needed and slow calculation, remain.


  • 研究开发阶段划分满足资本化条件弹性较大企业操纵利润留下了机会

    The elasticity is large between the division of research development stage and the condition of capitalization, which leaves opportunity for the enterprise to manipulate profit.


  • 蠕变加载作用时间缩短疲劳载荷变化频繁导致在较小应变结束应变阶段进入延迟弹性变形平台应变阶段

    The shortness of creep loading time and the faster frequency of fatigue load change induce general elastic strain stage to end and delayed elastic strain platform stage to begin under shorter strain.


  • 建立了分析均布载荷作用约束悬臂弹性变形阶段模型

    A model for analyzing the large deflection of an elastic cantilever beam with constraint under uniformly distributed load was established.


  • 研究结果表明:在弹性工作阶段,消节点将连接具有较大抗侧刚度框架体系

    The results indicate that the timber columns and beams can be connected to form an assembled frame with high lateral stiff frame at elastic stage.


  • 而在低温保温阶段应力虽然较高,但温度较低,弹性应变也不明显。

    The reason is that both temperature and stress combine to affect the accumulation of inelastic strain.


  • 结构一旦进入非线性阶段地震总输入主要结构的非弹性变形阻尼耗散

    Once the structures step into inelastic work state, the earthquake input energy is dissipated by the damp and inelastic distortion.


  • 目的探讨慢性肾功能衰竭患者不同阶段动脉弹性功能特点

    Objective: To investigate properties of brachial arterial elasticity of renal failure patients in different stages.


  • 螺纹组件可能采用设计上推出,如果塑性材料推出阶段足够的弹性

    The internally thread component may be stripped from the core using the basic stripper plate design providing the plastic material has sufficient elasticity during the ejection phase.


  • 螺纹组件可能采用设计上推出,如果塑性材料推出阶段足够的弹性

    The internally thread component may be stripped from the core using the basic stripper plate design providing the plastic material has sufficient elasticity during the ejection phase.


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